Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga won't work

David, I am not threatening to go to windows, "God forbid". I am the one running around advocating using Linux. I don't know how I get in these disagreements I must not read what I write the same as other people do at all??

vid Ford wrote:

Douglas Pollard wrote:
Manolo, I am aware of ths but these guys I have talked into installing ekiga are not they are all running windows. They are teasing me because I barg to them on how great Linux is. The truth is I am going to have to bite the bullet and give up on ekiga if I can't get it running. So far I am not getting any help with my problem.

If you just shout "Help me or I'll go and use Windows!" most people will think that that is probably the best thing for you. Why should people give up their time to help you when you don't seem to be making any effort to help yourself?

Tell us what your problem is and what you have done, so far, to try to sort it out and then maybe people will be able to help you better

Manolo _ wrote:
Linux is an Operating System. Ekiga is just a program. The fact that a program doesn't work may not be fault of the operating system.

> Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 21:40:43 -0400
> From: dougpol1 comcast net
> To: ekiga-list gnome org
> Subject: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga won't work
> I have four friends that have installed Ekiga on Microsoft Windows
> because I asked them to so we can talk. They are all asking if Linux is
> so great why won't Ekiga run in it. I need to get registered but am
> having no luck at all. Will someone in the know give me a hand here.
> Doug
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