Re: Easytag - setting - Write genre to text only not saved

On 01/05/2013 07:20 PM, christian cegetel net wrote:
   please let me first tell you that I use quite a lot easytag. Output is very good. Not crash at all. No bug.

I discovered that my android is not managing correctly the genre code allocated to Salsa.  I work around this problem by asking easytag to write the genre as text.
Unfortunately, easytag is not saving this setting  and  I must set this option   each time I want to use Easytag.

I quickly look to easytag code and didn't find any configuration that could match to it.

Could you enhance this easytag to backup & restore this setting ?

I have made a small patch to correct this. It's attached and available here:

Thanks !

Ps: If you think about EasyTag evolution, could you think about image management for a set of tracks ?   

Can you elaborate on this?

diff --git a/src/setting.c b/src/setting.c
index e974b5e..3570451 100644
--- a/src/setting.c
+++ b/src/setting.c
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ tConfigVariable Config_Variables[] =
     {"file_writing_id3v2_iconv_options_no",            CV_TYPE_BOOL,  &FILE_WRITING_ID3V2_ICONV_OPTIONS_NO},
     {"file_writing_id3v2_iconv_options_translit",      CV_TYPE_BOOL,  &FILE_WRITING_ID3V2_ICONV_OPTIONS_TRANSLIT},
     {"file_writing_id3v2_iconv_options_ignore",        CV_TYPE_BOOL,  &FILE_WRITING_ID3V2_ICONV_OPTIONS_IGNORE},
+    {"file_writing_id3v2_text_only_genre",             CV_TYPE_BOOL,  &FILE_WRITING_ID3V2_TEXT_ONLY_GENRE},
     {"file_writing_id3v1_write_tag",                   CV_TYPE_BOOL,  &FILE_WRITING_ID3V1_WRITE_TAG   },
     {"file_writing_id3v1_character_set",               CV_TYPE_STRING,&FILE_WRITING_ID3V1_CHARACTER_SET},
     {"file_writing_id3v1_iconv_options_no",            CV_TYPE_BOOL,  &FILE_WRITING_ID3V1_ICONV_OPTIONS_NO},

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