Re: My two cents about DIA

Le 7 décembre 2018 22:16:32 GMT+01:00, Andrey Repin via dia-list <dia-list gnome org> a écrit :
Greetings, Philip Troy!

I tried creating multi-page objects like those in the uml page and
was not
able to.  I believe that these were hard coded.  It would be very
helpful to
be able to build one's own custom shapes that are sophisticated.

These are procedurally generated. Not currently possible by the end

That would involve a "dynamic nodes kit" in custom shapes (more probably "custom shapes (dynamic)", which 
is(would be) a long term hard goal).

Je suis née pour partager, non la haine, mais l'amour.
Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC

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