Re: Does everyone make large objects, or is it just how I am using Dia?

On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 9:37 PM, dunn <dnaughton dunnamin com> wrote:

Very good advice on the 40%.  I tried that but for my multi-page diagram, Dia still printed the same 6 pages to pdf with the 40% part at the upper left of each page. 

That's odd. Can you post (or privately send me) an example? What OS and DIA version are you using?

We have been using multi-page diagrams for years, first in Linux and lately on OS X. We use landscape mode and the printing is so good it actually allows to tape large models together. Printing starts at top left sheet and moves to the pages on the right, then row by row, so our diagrams usually start on 0,0 and we grow them down and right from there.
So I tried importing the svg into Inkscape set to cm, but it then printed the text at 1/16" instead of 1/8" (Inkscape does not do well with measurements!).  So just exporting an svg and shrinking it will be the way to go, as you say.

As with any tool you need to figure out if DIA is the right tool for you. It's not a CAD tool for precision but it's an awesome modelling tool. For example we model in UML class diagrams and then export the DDL using dia2code. You can parse the DIA XML with basically any tool perhaps even with XSL and a standard XML parser.
What I'm after mostly is nice svg files for the web anyway. Printing will work itself out :-).

If you are looking for a generic CAD-style SVG editor perhaps Inkscape is better suited or maybe even a combination of both tools.


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