Re: dia components

Hi Jasper and Steffen, thanks for your replies - much appreciated! Steffen, in answer to your questions:

On 10 September 2011 03:32, Steffen Macke <dia diagramr biz> wrote:
Could you give one concrete example? E.g. provide a sample diagram that contains
one of the elements in question? Or just the sheet/name? Screenshot might also help.

Here's a link to a scanned image of a simple diagram that I did using Dia on SUSE (unfortunately binary file was deleted): Some of the elements that I can't find under my Mint installation of Dia are circled in red.
Is your element listed on

I don't think so, as when I search for "laptop", the link above identifies "Cisco - Computer" and "Network", both of which I have in my Dia install and neither of which contain the laptop element that I've circled in the attached image.

I guess this may mean that the particular icons that I circled, aren't part of the default Dia install and that they come from another source?



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