New panel for Dia (a partnership proposal)

Dear Sirs.

My name is Sergey Chernouhov. I am the author of CH-1 notation for
business process modelling.

I shall consider it a great honour if a panel containing symbols of
CH-1 notation may be included in Dia.

The basic data on CH-1 notation are here: (including links to CH-1
Specifications at Google Docs, both in English and in Russian, pdf
format). The Specifications can be also sent by e-mail on your demand.

Would you be so kind to tell me, whom can I contact to for it?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Author of CH-1 notation, PhD
Sergey Chernouhov

PS    By the way, commercial add-on software may be also possible
later on. I mean a Text Generator – an ad-on for generating text
documents basing on diagrams of a process. As for me, I prefer to
write documents myself, but some people prefer to edit version
generated by computer. I know, there are some similar solutions, but I
suppose, in the case of CH-1 using, generated documents may have more
“human language” and less “Computer accent”. I have a view how to
build such Text Generator basing on CH-1 notation. I’ll be very
pleased to talk about it if you are interested in it.

Yours faithfully, Sergey Chernouhov

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