Re: "tabbed" view of diagrams

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Allan Gottlieb <gottlieb nyu edu> wrote:
A while ago I read in this group how to have dia (which I love and use
regularly, thank you for the development) have one tab per open diagram
and all the tools on the same window.  I adopted it on my main machine
and it works great.

I now would like to use that view on another machine.
However, I am embarrassed to say, I can't find anything in the any of
the "file edit view ..." menu items that do it.  I checked
file/preferences twice, read the help, googled a little, etc.
I am sure it will be obvious when you remind me.

On that platform? In window$, I think it is well as you want, but
Linux will not find a way to do from the GUI, but if passing it as
$dia --integrated

I hope this is what you want

Escobar, Nicolas
Dto. Tecnologia
Informatica y Telecomunicaciones S.A.

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