Re: add line width to uml small package

Thanks for your comment! I'll use PROP_STD_LINE_WIDTH_OPTIONAL and see how to initialize the line width correctly.

My intention here was to get some feedback. Your comment encourages me to go on adding the line width to the rest of the UML objects.

I'll send a new patch soon.

thanks a lot

Hans Breuer wrote:
At 24.09.2008 00:50, Pablo Gra\~na wrote:

I am attaching a patch to make the line width configurable in the uml small package. Is this ok? Do you think this is worth commiting in the repo? If that is the case, I will continue with the rest of the UML objects.

The current version of your patch will complain for older files not containing the linewidth attribute. There is PROP_STD_LINE_WIDTH_OPTIONAL to be used as well as some extra code intializing to the former line width the older version.

Also I hesitate to include more partial style in the UML module. IMO adding the line width property should be done for all UML objects in one step.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
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