Re: Email interruption in Dia activities

        I sent some patches to the xfig exporter that fixes all
the problems I've been having with xfig and with ensuring the
labels are typeset with latex (xfig latex 'specials').

        What is their status?


On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 08:05, Lars Clausen wrote:
I just wanted to apologize for the recent lack of news from my site on Dia
development.  My email and home computer has been more or less out of
commission for three weeks now, so I haven't been able to do much work.
Hans Breuer has applied enough patches that a version 0.93 should go into
release-process shortly after I get my system back in some semblance of a
working order (which should[1] be soon).

Important new features of the 0.93 release include:

Faster text rendering
Font-config based rendering on Win32 (allows anti-aliasing)
A navigation window a la Gimp
'Greeking' of tiny fonts speeds up rendering even more.

Sadly, several of my pet projects have not made it in yet, but these are
important enough changes that I don't want to hold a new release off just
for that.  Since we're switching to a CVS-branch based release process,
development should continue during release time.  So keep them patches
coming, they'll make it in there.

Thanks for your patience,

[1] Knock on wood
Jon A. Solworth                         
Computer Science Dept. (M/C 152)        url:
University of Illinois at Chicago       telephone: (312) 996-0955
851 S. Morgan Rm 1120 SEO               FAX:       (312) 413-0024
Chicago, IL 60607-7053

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