Re: From private to public

Jim Clark wrote:

Well, results are not what I hoped. My .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 file tells me not to edit,
# Autowritten by gnome-settings-daemon. Do not edit
include "/usr/share/themes/Bluecurve/gtk/gtkrc"
include "/home/jimc/.gtkrc.mine"

so instead I created the .gtkrc.mine file

gtk-color-palette = "blue:white:white:white:white:white:white:white:blue:white:white:white:white:white:white:white"

and included the color line there. Restarted X and no go--Dia's palette is still the same.

Recent versions of dia use gtk 2.0, not 1.2. You may want to add a .gtkrc-2.0, which either contains what your .gtkrc.mine contains, or includes it (using the same include statement as in your .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2).

        -- Cyrille

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