Re: Web Based DIA viewing plugin?

On Sat, 21 Sep 2002, Steve McGough wrote:

Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 12:35:17 -0400
From: Steve McGough <smcgough inttek net>
Reply-To: dia-list gnome org
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Web Based DIA viewing plugin?

I was wondering if anyone has encountered a browser or browser plugin
that will display the native dia svgxml file format?

Dia has the option to export to Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) Format.

The ultimate dream would be to have a complete "dia" plugin that would
run as part of a web browser.  This way groups could view and

Export to SVG really is far and away the best solution to this.

Dia was previously available as an embeddable component although this part
of the code will need to be updated i dont know if it works at the moment.

It might be possible to use Dia with Plugger or something but really SVG
is the way to go.

collaborate together using dia files stored on a web server.  Any
ideas?  I appreciate it.

Have you looked at other solutions?
I think there is some sort of Apache module for colloborative vector
graphics drawing.  i think there is also a Wiki Draw or something.

There have been previous discussions on the mailing lists about storing
Dia files in CVS and using some sort of XML aware diff tool on them.
That would be collaborative work, although not web based you might get a
web frontend for CVS and setup a script to automatically produce a preview
SVG for viewing or something.



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