[gnome-contacts] (11 commits) ...Add a first unit test for UrlsChunk

Summary of changes:

  8bc5e78... contact: Avoid ChunkFilter for finding chunks (*)
  245d8a4... contact: Don't keep a reference to the store (*)
  3ae5790... contact: Don't use Gtk.INVALID_LIST_POSITION (*)
  1a16aaf... Move TypeDescriptor related items to core (*)
  4ec2456... Make sure `BinChunkChild`ren are sorted (*)
  ca63c49... utils: Cleanup and remove all Gtk/Adw related methods (*)
  be028d9... Remove AddressbookDialog (*)
  e8d6f6f... Move primary address book logic to Contacts.Store (*)
  71eb9d0... Move link suggestions to Contacts.Store (*)
  f44c598... Create a "core" static library (*)
  f67f421... Add a first unit test for UrlsChunk (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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