[gimp-web-devel] (133 commits) ...Add page for building MacOS plugins

Summary of changes:

  ad57970... hugo website translation (*)
  a8193d5... some more translation (*)
  d52799d... fixing some urls and gimpcon markdown translation (*)
  3232bb8... build advice (*)
  7d740f0... writing a plug in translation (*)
  45c9627... pipeline setup (*)
  a682eed... fixing mangled names and adding a build script (*)
  106f169... Adding 'core' and 'resource' dev sections (*)
  0691a0d... tool for updating API docs (*)
  913e749... tool for finding link rot (*)
  5ee565a... Makefile for automated Docker build (*)
  c403cf6... scripts: don't get 2.8 API docs and use 2.10 docs structure (*)
  8e3f5f3... TEMP: remove link rot. (*)
  01b2180... Using testing website as base URL. (*)
  f58365c... Add generated files to gitignore. (*)
  6eed05a... scripts: install the API docs in the right folders. (*)
  2b0c5a9... Fix spelling of 'taxonomies' in config.toml (*)
  8449d00... Fix homepage rendering RSS vs HTML (*)
  d25f928... Remove /static/ from .gitignore (*)
  f076b34... Move assets to 'static' folder (*)
  ba05b4b... Move gimpcon stuff under conferences/ (*)
  653646d... Add core_developers and resource_developers, about (*)
  a4150c1... Remove manual menu entries in config for now (*)
  8199723... Fix titlebar image paths in baseof.html layout (*)
  b34ec43... Create section layout template (*)
  16bd306... Allow HTML tags in markdown (*)
  0aca46c... Clean up standards.md (*)
  bbc4cd2... Fix typo in core_developers/_index.md (*)
  4bd3595... Delete old standards.md version (*)
  d983b1f... Consolidate 2003 gimpcon page + minutes (*)
  7fb7229... Fix image on gimpcon 2000 page (*)
  a689d3b... scripts: add --no-verbose to wget calls. (*)
  297817c... content: update some page descriptions. (*)
  c32ae18... content: list and link API (downloaded separately). (*)
  bc0fa7b... content: kickstart "Setting up your developer environment"  (*)
  9e64363... Issue #10: removing Changelog page. (*)
  5c0af35... content: move and update bugs.md. (*)
  ec6e8da... content: Adding "flood algorithm" page from the old wiki (*)
  2bfb57c... content: remove screenshot page. (*)
  f243126... content: delete mailing list page. (*)
  592961d... content: move writing-a-plug-in/ into the resource developm (*)
  ac135fa... content: move the plug-in template page. (*)
  5e714f8... content: forgot to move the index for the "Writing a plug-i (*)
  3606f12... content: remove layout.xml. (*)
  eea6a34... content: this index was exactly the same as content/_index. (*)
  125f110... content: move FAQ to root. (*)
  8593f5c... content: update FAQ. (*)
  f686bd4... layout: remove list of posts from homepage (*)
  b8e8036... content: various text improvements. (*)
  c3db5e3... content: fix conferences pages. (*)
  7e85936... README: update signature and remove one file. (*)
  59981ca... TODO: remove file. (*)
  9d45195... content: fix GIMPCon 2003 pages. (*)
  5c6fbee... content: delete content/conferences/gimpcon/_index.md. (*)
  d1667ea... content: add listing for every LGM, Wilber Week and Scale 1 (*)
  70350b3... Remove extraneous frontmatter (*)
  15acec3... content, themes: add Aboout and FAQ in a "footer" menu. (*)
  7a658ed... content: add back the roadmap. (*)
  fe0bcd3... Add hugo-bootstrap-bare base theme (*)
  00a966f... README: Add instructions for git submodule (*)
  cba7de9... theme: change to bootstrap base theme (*)
  cf98abb... theme: fix #12 move footer to bottom of page (*)
  a4d3b65... git: ignore _gen dir (*)
  302f6c7... theme: Fixes #11 styl tables (*)
  42996b4... git: Remove resources/_gen (*)
  f726b26... git: fiddle with .gitinore (*)
  ed09818... layouts: prefix copyright date with hardcoded "2003-". (*)
  da68cdd... i18n: add a localization folder at project root. (*)
  2a741de... i18n, layouts: add more links to the footer. (*)
  97b8d00... assets, layouts: add a donate button. (*)
  dce2ae7... content, layouts, roadmaps: generate roadmap table through  (*)
  ce57408... assets: fix adding border to everything in a table. (*)
  6bfae59... content: fix a bit the FAQ. (*)
  29820c7... roadmaps: small updates. (*)
  e41aa57... content, roadmaps: various roadmap improvements! (*)
  90f6e62... content: adding back build tutorials from Wiki. (*)
  b1d281e... Add frontmatter option to ignore sub pages (*)
  41b8cbb... theme: fail on for section sub-page listing (*)
  9e4c859... content: move core_developers and resource_developers (*)
  dcc7e59... content: more fixes and adding back Hacking:Problems_and_so (*)
  691e4a3... content: fix some links s/core|resource_developers/core|res (*)
  4a9be1d... config, content: various fixes. (*)
  3a04d82... content: fixing/rewording main build page. (*)
  12d83be... content: update the Build on Linux page. (*)
  cc86e20... content: more markdown syntax cleaning. (*)
  9e2233c... content: updated the Build for macOS page. (*)
  08b0f0c... content: update the Build for Windows page. (*)
  6595428... content: add Line Art Bucket Fill algorithm description. (*)
  5f38e75... content: add a small table at top of both algorithm pages. (*)
  4c10d56... content: edit further the problems and solutions page. (*)
  3006c18... content: add a new "Problem/Solution" and update one. (*)
  d27833e... gitmodules: use the https authentication instead. (*)
  e4dc427... content, roadmaps: various fixes. (*)
  a84353c... content: small FAQ update. (*)
  5d5fa6c... content: adding "locks" specification from GIMP source repo (*)
  8c12e94... content: new action search dialog spec. (*)
  b16f02a... theme: fix footer menus responsive and config (*)
  01dbdb8... content: small paragraph added and a minor rewording. (*)
  e16b5e2... content: improve the standard page. (*)
  ae67880... Issue #5: port all past conferences to markdown from old wi (*)
  abe358e... Issue #5: port wiki/Hacking:API_documentation-2021081815324 (*)
  489a496... Issue #5: adding a page for graphic tablets and touchscreen (*)
  15cbfd2... content: add some intro to graphic tablets for 2.10 vs. 2.9 (*)
  3a08264... Issue #5: porting wiki/WGO_Redesign-20161025045930-show.txt (*)
  342a446... theme: remove underlines from headers (*)
  3873d53... theme: fix indents (*)
  f6e9445... theme: start breadcrumb nav partial (*)
  86dd968... content: add the logs of old IRC developer meetings. (*)
  d939c71... roadmaps: adding discussions about the "floating selection" (*)
  eb6c5b5... Issue #5: porting tool specifications from old wiki. (*)
  283d190... content: add missing page for GIMP dev conference 2005. (*)
  3c29dd2... theme: add toc partial to single.html layout (*)
  2927239... theme: style header links with icon (*)
  c46f1d9... content: improve Windows build instructions. (*)
  bb24542... content: update the build instructions. (*)
  0456ac8... roadmaps: update the CMYK item in "Future" roadmap. (*)
  469b338... content: update the "Submit your first patch" page. (*)
  e126eaf... layouts: also add a table of contents to "section" layout. (*)
  7c6b3eb... content: improve the website contribution page. (*)
  c2feeb4... theme: fix empty TOC div showing double lines (*)
  36fc306... content, layouts: improve the toc partial again. (*)
  7b7ca14... layouts: fix the table of contents for single layout. (*)
  1171d48... content: move coding style from GIMP's repository. (*)
  daa3379... content: some fixes to coding style page. (*)
  ee49079... content: rename bugs.md to submit-patch.md. (*)
  4fdcaf6... content: minor fixes. (*)
  c91aea5... content: add some links to old plug-in development tutorial (*)
  21a5715... Adding tidy.sh (*)
  5683d39... Script for converting wiki markup into markdown. (*)
  1ef4a50... content: more docs moving from gimp/devel-docs/ (*)
  f0ae3a2... layouts: new reviewStatus front-matter metadata. (*)
  1b284f1... content: add reviewStatus front-matter to various documents (*)
  61dccab... Add page for building MacOS plugins (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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