[ghex] widget: Support PRIMARY selection

commit eddfcf2c0d95b80b5f654c8e6a0e92ed2bd413f5
Author: Logan Rathbone <poprocks gmail com>
Date:   Wed Jun 22 20:45:11 2022 -0400

    widget: Support PRIMARY selection
    Un-highlight when another PRIMARY selection is made
    Support middle-click paste for PRIMARY
    Get rid of the distinction between :selected and :focus-within
    colouring in the CSS stylesheet -- now that PRIMARY is used to de-select
    selections in a similar fashion to GtkText & friends, we don't see as
    many things appearing constantly highlighted as we switch from one hex
    widget to another.
    This may be revisited in future, as I do like the
    light grey appearance when focus is away from the highlights; but the
    kink I can't work out right now is that the context-menu activating
    *also* makes the highlighting show up in the grey colour, which looks
    almost invisible on dark mode, which is a usability issue I want to
    avoid more-so than I want the unfocused selections to appear grey.

 src/gtkhex.c   | 319 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 src/gtkhex.css |   7 +-
 2 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gtkhex.c b/src/gtkhex.c
index a104966..a3ed1c6 100644
--- a/src/gtkhex.c
+++ b/src/gtkhex.c
@@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ hex_widget_autohighlight_copy (HexWidgetAutoHighlight *ahl)
 G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE (HexWidgetAutoHighlight, hex_widget_autohighlight,
                hex_widget_autohighlight_copy, g_free)
 /* ------------------------------
  * Main HexWidget GObject definition
  * ------------------------------
@@ -218,12 +217,125 @@ struct _HexWidget
        /* default characters per line and number of lines. */
        int default_cpl;
        int default_lines;
+       GdkContentProvider *selection_content;
 G_DEFINE_TYPE (HexWidget, hex_widget, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET)
 /* ----- */
+/* HexContentProvider */
+#define HEX_TYPE_CONTENT_PROVIDER (hex_content_provider_get_type ())
+G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (HexContentProvider, hex_content_provider, HEX, CONTENT_PROVIDER,
+               GdkContentProvider)
+struct _HexContentProvider
+       GdkContentProvider parent_instance;
+       HexWidget *owner;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (HexContentProvider, hex_content_provider, GDK_TYPE_CONTENT_PROVIDER)
+static GdkContentFormats *
+hex_content_provider_ref_formats (GdkContentProvider *provider)
+       HexContentProvider *content = HEX_CONTENT_PROVIDER (provider);
+       HexWidget *self = content->owner;
+       GdkContentFormatsBuilder *builder = gdk_content_formats_builder_new ();
+       gdk_content_formats_builder_add_gtype (builder, HEX_TYPE_PASTE_DATA);
+       gdk_content_formats_builder_add_gtype (builder, G_TYPE_STRING);
+       return gdk_content_formats_builder_free_to_formats (builder);
+static void
+hex_content_provider_detach (GdkContentProvider *provider,
+               GdkClipboard *clipboard)
+       HexContentProvider *content = HEX_CONTENT_PROVIDER (provider);
+       HexWidget *self = content->owner;
+       self->selecting = FALSE;
+       hex_widget_set_selection (self, self->cursor_pos, self->cursor_pos);
+static gboolean
+hex_content_provider_get_value (GdkContentProvider *provider,
+               GValue *value,
+               GError **error)
+       HexContentProvider *content = HEX_CONTENT_PROVIDER (provider);
+       HexWidget *self = content->owner;
+       HexPasteData *paste;
+       gint64 start_pos, end_pos;
+       size_t len;
+       char *doc_data;
+       /* cross-ref: hex_widget_real_copy_to_clipboard - similar initial code */
+       start_pos = MIN(self->selection.start, self->selection.end);
+       end_pos = MAX(self->selection.start, self->selection.end);
+       len = end_pos - start_pos + 1;
+       g_return_val_if_fail (len, FALSE);
+       doc_data = hex_buffer_get_data (hex_document_get_buffer(self->document),
+                       start_pos, len);
+       paste = hex_paste_data_new (doc_data, len);
+       g_return_val_if_fail (HEX_IS_PASTE_DATA(paste), FALSE);
+       if (G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_STRING))
+       {
+               char *string;
+               string = hex_paste_data_get_string (paste);
+               g_value_take_string (value, string);
+               g_object_unref (paste);
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, HEX_TYPE_PASTE_DATA))
+       {
+               g_value_take_object (value, paste);
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       /* chain up */
+       return GDK_CONTENT_PROVIDER_CLASS (hex_content_provider_parent_class)->get_value (
+                       provider, value, error);
+static void
+hex_content_provider_class_init (HexContentProviderClass *klass)
+       GdkContentProviderClass *provider_class = GDK_CONTENT_PROVIDER_CLASS(klass);
+       provider_class->ref_formats = hex_content_provider_ref_formats;
+       provider_class->get_value = hex_content_provider_get_value;
+       provider_class->detach_clipboard = hex_content_provider_detach;
+static void
+hex_content_provider_init (HexContentProvider *content)
+GdkContentProvider *
+hex_content_provider_new (void)
+       return g_object_new (HEX_TYPE_CONTENT_PROVIDER, NULL);
+/* --- */
 static char *char_widths = NULL;
@@ -1389,6 +1501,110 @@ pressed_gesture_helper (HexWidget *self,
+static void
+update_primary_selection (HexWidget *self)
+       GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(self);
+       GdkClipboard *clipboard;
+       if (! gtk_widget_get_realized (widget))
+               return;
+       clipboard = gtk_widget_get_primary_clipboard (widget);
+       if (self->selection.start != self->selection.end)
+       {
+               gdk_clipboard_set_content (clipboard, self->selection_content);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               if (gdk_clipboard_get_content (clipboard) == self->selection_content)
+                       gdk_clipboard_set_content (clipboard, NULL);
+       }
+static void
+plaintext_paste_received_cb (GObject *source_object,
+               GAsyncResult *result,
+               gpointer user_data)
+       HexWidget *self = HEX_WIDGET(user_data);
+       GdkClipboard *clipboard;
+       char *text;
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       g_debug ("%s: We DON'T have HexPasteData. Falling back to plaintext paste",
+                       __func__);
+       clipboard = GDK_CLIPBOARD (source_object);
+       /* Get the resulting text of the read operation */
+       text = gdk_clipboard_read_text_finish (clipboard, result, &error);
+       if (text) {
+               hex_document_set_data (self->document,
+                               self->cursor_pos,
+                               strlen(text),
+                               0,      /* rep_len (0 to insert w/o replacing; what we want) */
+                               text,
+                               TRUE);
+               hex_widget_set_cursor (self, self->cursor_pos + strlen(text));
+               g_free(text);
+       }
+       else {
+               g_critical ("Error pasting text: %s",
+                               error->message);
+               g_error_free (error);
+       }
+static void
+paste_helper (HexWidget *self, GdkClipboard *clipboard)
+       GdkContentProvider *content;
+       GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+       HexPasteData *paste;
+       gboolean have_hex_paste_data = FALSE;
+       content = gdk_clipboard_get_content (clipboard);
+       g_value_init (&value, HEX_TYPE_PASTE_DATA);
+       /* If the clipboard contains our special HexPasteData, we'll use it.
+        * If not, just fall back to plaintext.
+        */
+       have_hex_paste_data = content ?
+               gdk_content_provider_get_value (content, &value, NULL) : FALSE;
+       if (have_hex_paste_data)
+       {
+               char *doc_data;
+               int elems;
+               g_debug("%s: We HAVE HexPasteData.", __func__);
+               paste = HEX_PASTE_DATA(g_value_get_object (&value));
+               doc_data = hex_paste_data_get_doc_data (paste);
+               elems = hex_paste_data_get_elems (paste);
+               hex_document_set_data (self->document,
+                               self->cursor_pos,
+                               elems,
+                               0,      /* rep_len (0 to insert w/o replacing; what we want) */
+                               doc_data,
+                               TRUE);
+               hex_widget_set_cursor (self, self->cursor_pos + elems);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               gdk_clipboard_read_text_async (clipboard,
+                               NULL,   /* cancellable */
+                               plaintext_paste_received_cb,
+                               self);
+       }
 static void
 released_gesture_helper (HexWidget *self,
                GtkGestureClick *gesture,
@@ -1409,9 +1625,18 @@ released_gesture_helper (HexWidget *self,
                        self->scroll_timeout = 0;
                        self->scroll_dir = 0;
+               update_primary_selection (self);
                self->selecting = FALSE;
                self->button = 0;
+       /* Single-click */
+       else if (button == GDK_BUTTON_MIDDLE && n_press == 1)
+       {
+               GdkClipboard *primary = gtk_widget_get_primary_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET(self));
+               g_debug ("%s: middle-click paste - TEST", __func__);
+               paste_helper (self, primary);
+       }
 /* nb: this gesture is only associated with the right-click, so there is
@@ -2170,101 +2395,16 @@ hex_widget_real_cut_to_clipboard(HexWidget *self,
-static void
-plaintext_paste_received_cb (GObject *source_object,
-               GAsyncResult *result,
-               gpointer user_data)
-       HexWidget *self = HEX_WIDGET(user_data);
-       GdkClipboard *clipboard;
-       char *text;
-       GError *error = NULL;
-       g_debug ("%s: We DON'T have our special HexPasteData. Falling back "
-                       "to plaintext paste.",
-                       __func__);
-       clipboard = GDK_CLIPBOARD (source_object);
-       /* Get the resulting text of the read operation */
-       text = gdk_clipboard_read_text_finish (clipboard, result, &error);
-       if (text) {
-               hex_document_set_data (self->document,
-                               self->cursor_pos,
-                               strlen(text),
-                               0,      /* rep_len (0 to insert w/o replacing; what we want) */
-                               text,
-                               TRUE);
-               hex_widget_set_cursor (self, self->cursor_pos + strlen(text));
-               g_free(text);
-       }
-       else {
-               g_critical ("Error pasting text: %s", 
-                               error->message);
-               g_error_free (error);
-       }
 static void
 hex_widget_real_paste_from_clipboard (HexWidget *self,
                gpointer user_data)
        GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(self);
        GdkClipboard *clipboard;
-       GdkContentProvider *content;
-       GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
-       HexPasteData *paste;
-       gboolean have_hex_paste_data = FALSE;
        clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (widget);
-       content = gdk_clipboard_get_content (clipboard);
-       g_value_init (&value, HEX_TYPE_PASTE_DATA);
-       /* If the clipboard contains our special HexPasteData, we'll use it.
-        * If not, just fall back to plaintext.
-        *
-        * Note the double test here; it seems the test is semi-superfluous for
-        * *this* purpose because _get_content will itself return NULL if the
-        * clipboard data we're getting is not owned by the process; that will
-        * pretty much *always* be the case when we're falling back to plaintext,
-        * ie, when pasting from external apps. Oh well.
-        */
-       have_hex_paste_data =
-               GDK_IS_CONTENT_PROVIDER (content) &&
-               gdk_content_provider_get_value (content,
-                               &value,
-                               NULL);  /* GError - NULL to ignore */
-       if (have_hex_paste_data)
-       {
-               char *doc_data;
-               int elems;
-               g_debug("%s: We HAVE our special HexPasteData.",
-                               __func__);
-               paste = HEX_PASTE_DATA(g_value_get_object (&value));
-               doc_data = hex_paste_data_get_doc_data (paste);
-               elems = hex_paste_data_get_elems (paste);
-               hex_document_set_data (self->document,
-                               self->cursor_pos,
-                               elems,
-                               0,      /* rep_len (0 to insert w/o replacing; what we want) */
-                               doc_data,
-                               TRUE);
-               hex_widget_set_cursor (self, self->cursor_pos + elems);
-       }
-       else {
-               gdk_clipboard_read_text_async (clipboard,
-                               NULL,   /* GCancellable *cancellable */
-                               plaintext_paste_received_cb,
-                               self);
-       }
+       paste_helper (self, clipboard);
 static void
@@ -2964,6 +3104,11 @@ hex_widget_init (HexWidget *self)
                        "gtkhex.undo", FALSE);
        gtk_widget_action_set_enabled (GTK_WIDGET(self),
                        "gtkhex.redo", FALSE);
+       /* PRIMARY selection content */
+       self->selection_content = hex_content_provider_new ();
+       HEX_CONTENT_PROVIDER (self->selection_content)->owner = self;
 /*-------- public API starts here --------*/
diff --git a/src/gtkhex.css b/src/gtkhex.css
index 1b6c530..0981925 100644
--- a/src/gtkhex.css
+++ b/src/gtkhex.css
@@ -10,12 +10,7 @@
 #hex-display:selected, #ascii-display:selected {
         color: @theme_selected_fg_color;
-        background-color: alpha(shade(@theme_selected_bg_color, 0), 0.2);
-#hex-display:focus-within, #ascii-display:focus-within {
-        color: @theme_selected_fg_color;
-        background-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
+       background-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
 /* ---- */

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