[gnome-software] (6 commits) ...Merge branch '1699-crash-under-gs_plugin_flatpak_find_app_by_ref' into 'main'

Summary of changes:

  51aa7d2... flatpak: Mute "libflatpak failed to return application size (*)
  4364869... flatpak: Correct typo of runtime refine in refine_app() (*)
  14a313d... flatpak: Use cached runtime only if it had been refined (*)
  ae07088... flatpak: Improve error message when cannot install app from (*)
  ee26401... gs-app-list: Randomize non-empty lists only (*)
  3aae399... Merge branch '1699-crash-under-gs_plugin_flatpak_find_app_b

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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