[glib] (12 commits) ...Merge branch 'win32-afunix' into 'main'

Summary of changes:

  fd1e2c8... meson: check for win32 afunix.h
  4339192... gio: add fallback afunix.h header
  3308cfb... gio: compile GUnixSocketAddress on all platforms
  37cab22... gio: compile GSocketAddress with AF_UNIX on all platforms
  af1777d... meson: compile GUnixCredentialsMessage on all platforms
  83d45c4... gio: compile GUnixConnection on all platforms
  2f8a919... gio: return G_IO_NVAL if the socket is already closed
  568f00d... gio/tests: enable most AF_UNIX tests on all platforms
  95c3e28... gio: add G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_WIN32_PID
  e796124... gio: tests AF_UNIX socket credentials on win32
  9a9e2b5... gio: enable unix: address on win32
  70c116e... Merge branch 'win32-afunix' into 'main'

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