[gtk/more-vs-proj-updates: 1/3] win32: Add NMake Makefile to bootstrap projects

commit 0156b8cfae86c5dfe7d4d5103e8e05130b1784bc
Author: Chun-wei Fan <fanchunwei src gnome org>
Date:   Fri Aug 5 13:28:50 2022 +0800

    win32: Add NMake Makefile to bootstrap projects
    This adds a NMake Makefile to generate the needed items that are normally
    generated during `./configure`, as well as to generate the full Visual Studio
    projects and property sheets, so that one can use the Visual Studio projects
    to build GTK directly from a GIT checkout.  A 'clean' target is also provided
    to remove these generated artifacts.
    This will not be dist'ed, as this is primarily meant for GIT checkouts only.

 win32/bootstrap-msvc.mak | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+)
diff --git a/win32/bootstrap-msvc.mak b/win32/bootstrap-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdc70e4a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/bootstrap-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# NMake Makefile portion for generating Visual Studio
+# projects and the other related items from a GIT checkout.
+# Items in here should not need to be edited unless
+# one is maintaining the NMake build files.
+!ifndef PYTHON
+!ifdef USE_EGL
+all: bootstrap-msvc-projects
+config-msvc.mak: config-msvc.mak.in ..\configure.ac gen-version-items.py
+..\config.h.win32: ..\config.h.win32.in ..\configure.ac gen-version-items.py
+vs9\gtk3-version-paths.vsprops: vs9\gtk3-version-paths.vsprops.in ..\configure.ac gen-version-items.py
+vs1x-props\gtk3-version-paths.props: vs1x-props\gtk3-version-paths.props.in ..\configure.ac 
+config-msvc.mak ..\config.h.win32      \
+vs9\gtk3-version-paths.vsprops vs1x-props\gtk3-version-paths.props:
+       @echo Generating $@...
+       @$(PYTHON) .\gen-version-items.py --source=$@.in -o=$@
+bootstrap-msvc-projects:       \
+config-msvc.mak        \
+..\config.h.win32      \
+vs9\gtk3-version-paths.vsprops \
+       $(MAKE) /f generate-msvc.mak $(NMAKE_ARGS) regenerate-all-msvc-projs
+       @-for %%v in (11 12 14 15 16 17) do @for %%x in (sln vcxproj vcxproj.filters) do @del vs%%v\*.%%x
+       @for %%x in (vcxproj vcxproj.filters) do @for %%f in (vs10\*.%%x) do @if exist %%fin del %%f
+       @for %%x in (vcxproj vcxproj.filters) do @for %%f in (vs10\*.%%x) do @if exist %%fin del %%f
+       @for %%x in (vcproj) do @for %%f in (vs9\*.%%x) do @if exist %%fin del %%f
+       @-del ..\config.h.win32 config-msvc.mak
+       @-del vs9\gtk3-version-paths.vsprops
+       @-del vs1x-props\gtk3-version-paths.props
+       @-for %%v in (9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17) do for %%d in (Debug Release Debug_Broadway Release_Broadway 
.vs) do rmdir /s/q vs%%v\%%d
+       @-rmdir /s/q __pycache__
+       @-del ..\gdk-*-build
+       @-for %%v in (9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17) do for %%f in (vs%%v\*.user vs%%v\gtk+.vc.db vs%%v\gtk+.suo) do 
del /f %%f

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