[gimp-help] tools: remove xml_helper.py

commit 3a969858b1a09fc38bfb909b021338fd5f7783f2
Author: Jacob Boerema <jgboerema gmail com>
Date:   Tue Aug 2 14:19:14 2022 -0400

    tools: remove xml_helper.py
    Removed since multi-language XML documentation was ended long ago.
    Translations are now in separate po files.

 tools/README        | 115 +--------
 tools/xml_helper.py | 667 ----------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 780 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tools/README b/tools/README
index 708a84be8..e64dd9615 100644
--- a/tools/README
+++ b/tools/README
@@ -24,12 +24,6 @@ get_po_status.pl    This Perl script searches for po files in the specified
                     untranslated strings).
-xml_helper.py       Not ported to python 3 yet.
-                    Helps you to separate your language from the XML,
-                    and merge your changes back.
-                    Run with --help option to see how to use it
@@ -107,113 +101,8 @@ Usage:
-Note: not ported to python 3 yet!
-    xml_helper.py --rip|--merge|--format  [--no-format] [--no-clone-content]
-    [--no-create-tags]
-    --lang=xx,yy,zz file1, file2 ...filen
-    This script will create versions of these XML files at %s directory
-    containing only the tags that include the selected languages (and
-    creating empty tags if there is a tag for one language and not for
-    the others).
-    The tags that already exist will receive a xmlid attribute - keep it
-    unchanged, or the merger script won't work.
-    It will also create a .helper directory in that same directory,
-    where it will store a version of the original XML with some helper
-    tags.  Do not remove these files, or the merger script won't be able
-    to merge your modifications back into the main XML.
-Operation modes:
-    --rip:
-        will generate a new XML document containing only the desired
-        languages (see --lang). XML created this way have an extra xmlid
-        attrib in all tags. This is used when integrating back into  the
-        main XML. You may write more tags for a given language, and they
-        will be integrated - leave these without a "xmlid" attrib. All
-        new tags must have a lang attrib or be inside a tag with alang
-        attrib.
-    --merge:
-        will integrate back a working copy of a XML file into the main
-        XML structure. The hidden version in .helper dir must exist.
-        Merged files are formatted as for the --format mode, unless
-        stated otherwise.  N.B. the paths to the files passed to the
-        script are the paths on main src tree, not the in the working
-        dir.
-    --format:
-        will format target xml files as per the guidelines in the
-        HACKING file.  NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED - At this time, this will
-        just sort the tags by the lang attrib.
-    --help:
-        Displays this help and exits
-    --version:
-        Displays the script version and exits
-        --langs:
-            mandatory for the --rip and --merge modes - the selected
-            languages that will be kept on the working version (ruip) or
-            merged back in the main XML (merge).  The oprder matters in
-            (rip) mode - the first language specified is the one that
-            will be cloned in newly created tags for the other
-            languages if they don't exist.  Usage: --langs=xx,yy,zz, ...
-            where xx, yy and zz are language codes
-        --no-create-tags:
-            in --rip mode, doesn't create tags that do not exist for a
-            given language, when compared to the first language
-            specified
-        --no-clone-content:
-            create new language tags, but empty tags, instead of copying
-            the content of the first language specified. NB - tags
-            created in this way are self closed ( <tag  />  ), by the
-            xml generator. Don't forget to change the format to <tag>
-            </tag>  when adding content.
-        --no-format:
-            passed to merge mode - doesn't run the formatting routines
-            after merging the xml file.
-        --no-delete-rip:
-            To avoid conflicts, the working XML version is deleted when
-            merging is successful. If you pass this option, the file gets
-            preserved (the xmlids change when merging, so it is
-            basically impossible to use this script to merge an XML the
-            second time).
-General Notes:
-    If a version of the XML being split already exists in the .helper
-    dir, it will mark changed tags since the last split with a
-    'changed=""' XML attribute. This way translations can be kept in
-    sink without further resource to Harry Potter style magic.
-    This script will not normally suppress existing XML tags. If a tag
-    is deleted in the working file, its copy in the .helper file will
-    be used.
-Workflow example :
-    cd gimp-help
-    ./tools/xml_helper.py --rip --langs=en,pt_BR src/gimp.xml
-    cd working_translation/src
-    <editor_of_choice> gimp.xml
-    <translate>
-    <save><exit>
-    cd ../..
-    ./tools/xml_helper.py --merge --langs=pt_BR src/gimp.xml
+Removed since multi-language XML documentation was ended long ago.
+Translations are now in separate po files.

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