[librsvg: 1/3] Clean up docker script, add documentation This fixes temp directory support, adds in-line docs and o

commit 5e73f3aff43db8fe905de61e7a962063f8b7cfd9
Author: Madds H <madds hollandart io>
Date:   Tue Sep 7 00:03:33 2021 -0500

    Clean up docker script, add documentation
    This fixes temp directory support, adds in-line docs and organization
    It also adds a lot to the README about how it works and how to expand it
    Part-of: <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/librsvg/-/merge_requests/583>

 tools/docker/README.md                        | 154 +++++++++++++-
 tools/docker/docker-test.sh                   | 278 ++++++++++++++------------
 tools/docker/librsvg-base/debian/Dockerfile   |   2 +-
 tools/docker/librsvg-base/fedora/Dockerfile   |   2 +-
 tools/docker/librsvg-base/opensuse/Dockerfile |   2 +-
 5 files changed, 298 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tools/docker/README.md b/tools/docker/README.md
index d750981a..ece61ff9 100644
--- a/tools/docker/README.md
+++ b/tools/docker/README.md
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
 ## Librsvg Docker Tests
-Run the librsvg test suite inside a docker container. Run the script from within this directory. The Librsvg 
CI runs on opensuse, so this is a simple-ish way to run the test suite locally on the same packages that are 
used by the Gitlab integration. 
+Run the librsvg test suite inside a docker container. The Librsvg CI runs on opensuse, so this is a simpler 
way to run the test suite locally on the same packages that are used by the Gitlab integration. 
-The build-librsvg.sh script is used internally by the docker-test.sh script, do not run it by itself. (It's 
not harmful but can unexpectedly modify some files in your tmp directory.)
-Docker requires root for nearly all of its commands so the script will ask for root. 
+Docker requires root for nearly all of its commands so the script will ask for root.
 ### Usage:
-This tool lets you run Librsvg's test suite under a couple different docker containers for testing, it 
requires sudo privleges, which it will ask for in the terminal (this is by the docker commands, which require 
+This tool lets you run Librsvg's test suite under a couple different docker containers for testing, it 
requires sudo privleges, which it will ask for in the terminal (this is by the docker commands, which require 
 Use -d [DIRECTORY] pointing at your librsvg Directory
 Use -s [SYSTEM] to determine what docker container to use (Fedora, OpenSUSE, Debian)
@@ -23,16 +21,21 @@ Use -c to Cleanup ALL related docker images (this will not run the test suite)
 ### Example:
-If the librsvg folder is in your home directory:
+If the librsvg folder is in your home directory, run this from your home directory:
 ~/librsvg/tools/docker/docker-test.sh -d ~/librsvg -s opensuse -i 
-This will run it pointing at /home/Username/librsvg (-d) with opensuse tumbleweed docker image (-s), and 
interactive (-i), meaning it pauses and has the user input a keystroke before continuing, useful for 
debugging or catching typos. 
+This will run it pointing at /home/Username/librsvg (-d) with opensuse tumbleweed docker image (-s), and 
interactive (-i), meaning it pauses and has the user input a keystroke before continuing, useful for 
debugging or catching typos.
 The first run will take some time as Docker downloads and installs the system, updates the packages, and 
installs the build requirements, but it's set up so that it won't re-download the system image each time, 
which takes more disk space but saves on bandwidth.
+After the tests run, the links to rendered files in your terminal (in the case that there are errors) will 
point to the /tmp/librsvg directory, so in some terminals these links can be clicked on to view the files, 
otherwise the build is found in that folder, and can be accessed from the host system.
 What I use, from the librsvg directory:
-tools/docker/docker-test.sh -s opensuse
+./tools/docker/docker-test.sh -s opensuse
+This passes through the current directory (in this case the librsvg folder, as cloned from git) and runs the 
test suite in OpenSUSE
@@ -40,11 +43,15 @@ tools/docker/docker-test.sh -s opensuse
 To do a full cleanup of the docker images:
 ./docker-test.sh -c
-This requires user input
+This requires user input. 
+This asks if it should also clear out the tmp directory passed to it, or the default one. It checks if "/" 
is passed to it, so it shouldn't delete your system. If you answer "no" to clearing out the tmp directory, 
those files will not be deleted. 
-This asks if it should also clear out the tmp directory passed to it, or the default one. It checks if "/" 
is passed to it, so it shouldn't delete your system. If you answer "no" to clearing out the tmp directory, 
the files will not be deleted. 
+Dangerous: pass -y if using this where user input cannot be provided, but it will delete **all** docker 
images and the contents of /tmp/librsvg (if -t is not passed, otherwise that directory) without warning. It 
will not touch the actual librsvg library directory. 
+### Helpful Docker Commands: 
 docker image prune
 docker container prune
@@ -57,6 +64,131 @@ See your disk usage with:
 docker system df
+# I want to add more OS's to test, how do I do that?
+To add a new OS clone one of the `tools/docker/librsvg-base` folders, renaming it to the OS you wish to add, 
eg. If I wanted to test Alpine, I would rename the folder to "alpine" all lower case, one word, to make 
things easy. 
+Then, go to [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/search?q=&type=image&category=os) and find the OS you wish 
to add along with the version tag for it, for the alpine example that's `alpine:latest` and put that in the 
`FROM` portion of the Dockerfile.
+LABEL can remain how it is. 
+Finally `RUN` needs to be filled in with the package manager command to install the dependencies to build 
Librsvg. See [COMPILING.md](../../COMPILING.md) for build dependencies, the other Dockerfiles can help here. 
Essentially it's just looking up what the packages are called on your OS of choice. 
+Once you have that out of he way, [docker-test.sh](docker-test.sh) will need a couple edits to be able to 
+First, inside the `check_system` function copy one of the `elif [[ $SYSTEM == "" ]]` and put it before the 
`else` at the bottom of that function. Add your system name inside there, copying the style of inside of the 
other `elif` statements. 
+Then, in `cleanup` copy one of the `SYS= ... clean_base_image` lines and change the `SYS` to your OS. 
+Finally go to `clean_distro_image` and copy one of the `docker rmi --force` lines, filling in your OS at the 
+You're done! Now running the script with `./docker-test.sh -s youros` will use your OS, setting the docker 
images, base image, and everything else correctly!
 ### How does this tool work?
+See the docker-test.sh file for the script itself, below is the architecture of the script.
+The dockerfiles in the debian/fedora/opensuse folders have the build dependency install commands that are 
used to build each of the base images. 
+|main                                                 │
+| This function runs the following functions one at a |
+| time:                                               |
+│  check_docker: This makes sure docker is installed  |
+|  cleanup                                            │
+│  check_dir                                          │
+│  check_system                                       │
+│  build_base_system                                  │
+│  prepare_librsvg                                    │
+│  run_docker                                         │
+| It's found at the bottom of the script, and pauses  |
+|  after everything finishes if -i is passed          |
+ Cleanup    │    
+            ▼
+┌───────────────────────┐     ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
+│cleanup                │  ┌─˃│clean_base_image                      │
+│ If -c was passed      │  │  │ Delete librsvg-$SYS-base docker image│
+│ Confirm with user     │  │  └──────────────────────────────────────┘
+│ Set SYS to each system├──┘  ┌────────────────────────────────┐ ˄
+│ Confirm with user ────┼────˃|clean_distro_image              │ |
+│ Confirm with user ────┼──┐  | Delete all distro docker images│ |
+└───────────────────────┘  │  │ Ie. debian, opensuse/tumbleweed│ |
+ Check path |              │  └────────────────────────────────┘ |
+            ˅              │  ┌─────────────────────────────┐    |
+┌───────────────────────┐  └─˃│clean_tmp_dir                │    |
+│check_dir              │     │ Check if $TMPDIR is "/"     │    |
+│ checks if $LIBDIR is  |     │ Delete tmp directory on host│    |
+| passed with -d, if not|     │ default: /tmp/librsvg       │    |
+| defaults to current   |     │ specity with -t             │    |
+| directory, then it    |     └─────────────────────────────┘    |
+| checks for trailing / |                               ˄        |
+│ in library directory, │                               |        |
+│ if it doesn't exist   │                               |        |
+│ then it appends one.  │                               |        |
+│ This makes sure the   │                               |        |
+│ later commands don't  |                               |        |
+| target the wrong      │                               |        |
+| directory.            |                               |        |
+└───────────────────────┘                               |        |
+ Now the system │                                       |        |
+                ˅                                       |        |
+┌────────────────────────────────────────┐              |        |
+│check_system                            │              |        |
+│ this parses a few common spellings of  │              |        |
+│ OpenSUSE, Fedora, and Debian           │              |        |
+│ to set the $SYS variable to the correct│              |        |
+│ OS image. It's convenient to not care  │              |        |
+│ about the difference between "OpenSUSE"│              |        |
+│ and "opensuse", there's probably a     │              |        |
+| better way to do this                  |              |        |
+└────────────────────────────────────────┘              |        |
+ Build time!    │                                       |        |
+                ˅                                       |        |
+┌────────────────────────────────────────┐              |        |
+│build_base_system                       |              \        |
+│ Builds the base docker image: if -r ───┼───────────────┼───────┘
+│ then image is rebuilt. If -r is not    │              /
+│ passed, then Docker reruns the         │              |
+│ Dockerfile command which updates the   │              |
+│ existing image using dnf/zypper/apt    │              |
+└────────────────────────────────────────┘              |
+ Preparations   │                                       |
+                ˅                                       |
+│prepare_librsvg                                       ||
+| If -p ───────────────────────────────────────────────┼┘
+│ Then creates $TMPDIR if it doesn't exist.            |
+| Prepares librsvg, copying it to $TMPDIR, using Rsync │
+│ to exclude the git and target folders.               │
+│ It then runs autogen in $TMPDIR to prepare for       │
+│ building                                             │
+ Run Docker   |  
+              ˅
+│run_docker                                            |
+│ Runs the docker container with this command:         |
+│      sudo docker run --name librsvg-$SYS-test \         |
+|    -v $TMPDIR:$TMPDIR -w $TMPDIR -t --rm \           |
+|    librsvg/librsvg-$SYS-base cargo test              |
+|                                                      |
+| --name runs the docker container with name           │
+│  librsvg-$SYS-test ex: librsvg-opensuse-test         │
+|                                                      |
+│ -v $TMPDIR:$TMPDIR passes through $TMPDIR on the host│
+│  to $TMPDIR inside the container ex: /tmp/librsvg    │
+|                                                      |
+│ -w $TMPDIR sets the working directory to $TMPDIR     │
+|  inside the container                                |
+|                                                      |
+| -t binds the container's console to the current one  |
+|                                                      |
+| -rm sets the generated image to self-destruct after  |
+|  all processes exit                                  |
+|                                                      |
+| cargo test runs cargo test inside the container      |
diff --git a/tools/docker/docker-test.sh b/tools/docker/docker-test.sh
index 32e5c2dd..516250c4 100755
--- a/tools/docker/docker-test.sh
+++ b/tools/docker/docker-test.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+# Here is all of the variables used, 
+#  changed by passing through command line arguments
@@ -9,7 +12,7 @@ TMPDIR=/tmp/librsvg
@@ -27,145 +30,61 @@ function usage {
                echo "Use -c to Cleanup ALL related docker images (this will not run the test suite)"
-#Package librsvg for inclusion in the Docker image
-function prepare_librsvg {
-       echo "Preparing Librsvg"
-       if [[ $REPACKAGE == false ]] 
-               then
-                       if [[ $INT == true ]]
-                       then
-                               read -p "Making a copy, then running make clean and packaging Librsvg, press 
any key to continue" -n1 -s
-                               echo " "
-                       fi
-                       mkdir $TMPDIR
-                       echo "Copying librsvg to $TMPDIR"
-                       rsync -av --exclude '.git' --exclude 'target' $LIBDIR/ $TMPDIR/
-                       #Uncomment this line if your distro doesn't have rsync, it'll make a lot of text when 
copying the git folder, but works
-                       #cp -r $LIBDIR/. $TMPDIR 
-                       cd $TMPDIR
-                       if [[ $INT == true ]]
-                       then
-                               read -p "Running autogen to prepare for building in $TMPDIR, then running 
make clean, press any key to continue" -n1 -s
-                               echo " "
-                       fi
-                       #Run autogen, this prepares librsvg for building, and allows make clean to be ran
-                       ./autogen.sh
-                       #run make clean which makes the resulting tar much smaller.
-                       make clean
-       else
-               echo "Recopying Librsvg"
-               if [[ ! -d "$TMPDIR" ]] 
-               then
-                       echo "$TMPDIR does not exist, creating"
-                       mkdir $TMPDIR
-               else
-                       echo "Erasing $TMPDIR and recreating"
-                       clean_tmp_dir
-                       mkdir $TMPDIR
-               fi
-               echo "Copying librsvg to $TMPDIR"
-               rsync -av --exclude '.git' --exclude 'target' $LIBDIR/ $TMPDIR/
-               #Uncomment this line if your distro doesn't have rsync, it'll make a lot of text when copying 
the git folder, but works
-               #cp -r $LIBDIR/. $TMPDIR
-               cd $TMPDIR
-               if [[ $INT == true ]]
-               then
-                       read -p "Running autogen to prepare for building in $TMPDIR, then running make clean, 
press any key to continue" -n1 -s
-                       echo " "
-               fi
-               #Run autogen, this prepares librsvg for building, and allows make clean to be ran
-               ./autogen.sh
-               #run make clean to clean up the folder
-               make clean
-       fi      
+# Confirm with user to remove Librsvg system docker image 
 function confirm {
        if [[ $YES == false ]] 
-               echo "Would you like to remove the librsvg docker image with the build dependencies (it will 
take a while to rebuild if removed)"
-               select yn in "Yes" "No"; do
-               case $yn in
-                   Yes ) RMSYSTEMIMG=true;;
-                   No ) RMSYSTEMIMG=false;;
-                       esac
-               done
-               echo " "
+               echo
+               read -p $'Would you like to remove the librsvg docker image with the build 
dependencies?\x0a(it will take a while to rebuild if removed)\x0aY/N: ' -n 1 -r
+               echo 
+               if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+               then
+                       RMSYSTEMIMG=true
+               else
+                       RMSYSTEMIMG=false
+               fi
+# Confirm with user to remove $TMPDIR
 function confirm_rm_dir {
        if [[ $YES == false ]] 
-               echo "Would you like to remove the librsvg files from the tmp directory: $TMPDIR"
-               select yn in "Yes" "No"; do
-               case $yn in
-                   Yes ) RMTMP=true;;
-                   No ) RMTMP=false;;
-                       esac
-               done
-               echo " "
+               echo
+               read -p $'Would you like to remove the librsvg files from the tmp directory?\x0aY/N: ' -n 1 -r
+               echo 
+               if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+               then
+                       RMTMP=true
+               else
+                       RMTMP=false
+               fi
+# Confirm with user to remove distro docker images
 function confirm_rm_distro {
        if [[ $YES == false ]] 
-               echo "Would you like to remove the base docker system images ie. opensuse (do this if you 
don't plan to build librsvg with this tool in the future, otherwise keep them, it takes a while to build)"
-               select yn in "Yes" "No"; do
-               case $yn in
-                   Yes ) RMDISTROIMG=true;;
-                   No ) RMDISTROIMG=false;;
-                       esac
-               done
-               echo " "
-       fi
-#build the base image, this contains the dependencies for librsvg to be built, and is used to build the 
system image
-function build_base_image {
-       if [[ $REBUILD == true ]]
+               echo
+               read -p $'Would you like to remove the base docker system images ie. opensuse?\x0a(do this if 
you dont plan to build librsvg with this tool in the future, otherwise keep them, it takes a while to 
build)\x0aY/N: ' -n 1 -r
+               echo 
+               if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
-               if [[ $INT == true ]]
-                       then
-                               read -p "Rebuilding the Librsvg build dependencies docker container, this 
will take a moment" -n1 -s
-                               echo " "
+                       RMDISTROIMG=true
+               else
+                       RMDISTROIMG=false
-               clean_base_image
-               sudo docker build -t librsvg/librsvg-$SYS-base -f tools/docker/librsvg-base/$SYS/Dockerfile 
-       fi
-       if [[ $INT == true ]]
-       then
-               read -p "Building the Librsvg build dependencies docker container, this will take a moment, 
press any key to continue" -n1 -s
-               echo " "
-       sudo docker build -t librsvg/librsvg-$SYS-base -f tools/docker/librsvg-base/$SYS/Dockerfile 
-#removes the designated base system image
+# Removes the designated base system docker image
 function clean_base_image {
        echo "removing system image librsvg-base-$SYS"
        sudo docker rmi --force librsvg/librsvg-$SYS-base
-#removes distro images
+# Removes distro docker images
 function clean_distro_image {
        echo "removing base system images"
        sudo docker rmi --force debian
@@ -173,6 +92,7 @@ function clean_distro_image {
        sudo docker rmi --force fedora
+# Clean the temporary directory
 function clean_tmp_dir {
        if [[ "$TMPDIR" == "/" ]] 
@@ -186,15 +106,16 @@ function clean_tmp_dir {
                exit 0
        echo "This requires sudo because the build is done with the docker image, so build files cannot be 
removed without it"
-       echo " "
+       echo 
        if [[ $INT == true ]]
                read -p "Pausing, press any key to continue, you may be asked for admin password in the next 
step" -n1 -s
-               echo " "
+               echo 
        sudo rm -rf $TMPDIR
+# Cleanup the various directories and docker images
 function cleanup {
        if [[ $CLEANUP == true ]]
@@ -202,13 +123,13 @@ function cleanup {
                if [ $RMSYSTEMIMG == "true" ]
-                       SYS=opensuse
+                       SYS="opensuse"
-                       SYS=fedora
+                       SYS="fedora"
-                       SYS=debian
+                       SYS="debian"
@@ -232,16 +153,24 @@ function cleanup {
-#runs the built docker image, this runs cargo check automatically attached to the console
-function run_docker {
-       sudo docker run --name librsvg-$SYS-test -v /tmp/librsvg/:/tmp/librsvg/ -w /tmp/librsvg/ -t --rm 
librsvg/librsvg-$SYS-base cargo test 
+# Check for a docker installation, the script will not continue if Docker is not present.
+function check_docker {
+       if command -v docker
+       then
+               echo "Docker found, proceeding"
+       else
+               echo "No Docker, please install Docker, exiting"
+               exit 1
+       fi
+# Check the library directory, defaulting to the current working directory if none is provided
 function check_dir {
        echo "Checking if $LIBDIR exists"
        if [[ ! -d "$LIBDIR" ]]
                echo "Library directory: '$LIBDIR' does not exist or isn't set, defaulting to current working 
+               echo
@@ -250,12 +179,14 @@ function check_dir {
                echo "Directory is good!"
                echo "Directory missing last /, adding"
+               echo
+# Manually correct for a few different spellings of supported distros 
 function check_system {
        echo "Checking what system $SYSTEM is"
        if [[ $SYSTEM == "fedora" ]]
@@ -285,22 +216,116 @@ function check_system {
                echo "Wrong system selected, must be fedora, opensuse, or debian"
                echo $flag
+               echo
                exit 2
+# Build the base image, this contains the dependencies for librsvg to be built, and is used to build the 
system image
+function build_base_image {
+       if [[ $REBUILD == true ]]
+               then
+               if [[ $INT == true ]]
+                       then
+                               read -p "Rebuilding the Librsvg build dependencies docker container, this 
will take a moment" -n1 -s
+                               echo 
+               fi
+               clean_base_image
+               sudo docker build -t librsvg/librsvg-$SYS-base -f tools/docker/librsvg-base/$SYS/Dockerfile 
+       fi
+       if [[ $INT == true ]]
+       then
+               read -p "Building the Librsvg build dependencies docker container, this will take a moment, 
press any key to continue" -n1 -s
+               echo 
+       fi
+       sudo docker build -t librsvg/librsvg-$SYS-base -f tools/docker/librsvg-base/$SYS/Dockerfile 
+#Package librsvg for inclusion in the Docker image
+function prepare_librsvg {
+       echo "Preparing Librsvg"
+       if [[ $RECOPY == false ]] 
+               then
+                       if [[ $INT == true ]]
+                       then
+                               read -p "Making a copy, then packaging Librsvg, press any key to continue" 
-n1 -s
+                               echo 
+                       fi
+                       mkdir $TMPDIR
+                       echo "Copying librsvg to $TMPDIR"
+                       echo
+                       rsync -av --exclude '.git' --exclude 'target' $LIBDIR/ $TMPDIR/
+                       #Uncomment this line if your distro doesn't have rsync, it'll make a lot of text when 
copying the git folder, but works
+                       #cp -r $LIBDIR/. $TMPDIR 
+                       cd $TMPDIR
+                       if [[ $INT == true ]]
+                       then
+                               read -p "Running autogen to prepare for building in $TMPDIR, press any key to 
continue" -n1 -s
+                               echo 
+                       fi
+                       #Run autogen, this prepares librsvg for building
+                       ./autogen.sh
+       else
+               echo "Recopying Librsvg"
+               echo
+               if [[ ! -d "$TMPDIR" ]] 
+               then
+                       echo "$TMPDIR does not exist, creating"
+                       mkdir $TMPDIR
+               else
+                       echo "Erasing $TMPDIR and recreating"
+                       clean_tmp_dir
+                       mkdir $TMPDIR
+               fi
+               echo "Copying librsvg to $TMPDIR"
+               rsync -av --exclude '.git' --exclude 'target' $LIBDIR/ $TMPDIR/
+               #Uncomment this line if your distro doesn't have rsync, it'll make a lot of text when copying 
the git folder, but works
+               #cp -r $LIBDIR/. $TMPDIR
+               cd $TMPDIR
+               if [[ $INT == true ]]
+               then
+                       read -p "Running autogen to prepare for building in $TMPDIR, then running make clean, 
press any key to continue" -n1 -s
+                       echo 
+               fi
+               #Run autogen, this prepares librsvg for building
+               ./autogen.sh
+       fi      
+# Runs the built docker image, this runs cargo check automatically attached to the console
+function run_docker {
+       sudo docker run --name librsvg-$SYS-test -v $TMPDIR:$TMPDIR -w $TMPDIR -t --rm 
librsvg/librsvg-$SYS-base cargo test 
+# Get the command line arguments
 if [[ ${#} -eq 0 ]]; then
    exit 1
+# Switch through the command line arguments
 while getopts "d:s:irpt:ch" flag; do
        case "${flag}" in
                d) LIBDIR=${OPTARG};;
                s) SYSTEM=${OPTARG};;
                i) INT=true;;
                r) REBUILD=true; echo "Rebuilding";;
-               p) REPACKAGE=true; echo "Repackaging";;
+               p) RECOPY=true; echo "Recopying";;
                t) TMPDIR=${OPTARG};;
                c) CLEANUP=true;;
                h) usage; exit 0;;
@@ -309,8 +334,9 @@ while getopts "d:s:irpt:ch" flag; do
-# Runs the script then cleans up (if there's write permissions, which there should be)
+# Runs the script
 function main {
+       check_docker
diff --git a/tools/docker/librsvg-base/debian/Dockerfile b/tools/docker/librsvg-base/debian/Dockerfile
index 7eba8ad6..201ff720 100644
--- a/tools/docker/librsvg-base/debian/Dockerfile
+++ b/tools/docker/librsvg-base/debian/Dockerfile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 FROM debian:testing
 RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y gcc make rustc cargo \
 automake autoconf libtool gtk-doc-tools git \
 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libgirepository1.0-dev \
diff --git a/tools/docker/librsvg-base/fedora/Dockerfile b/tools/docker/librsvg-base/fedora/Dockerfile
index 62a5b752..77bc5e4f 100644
--- a/tools/docker/librsvg-base/fedora/Dockerfile
+++ b/tools/docker/librsvg-base/fedora/Dockerfile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 FROM fedora
 RUN dnf update -y && dnf install -y gcc rust rust-std-static cargo make \
 automake autoconf libtool gtk-doc git redhat-rpm-config \
 gdk-pixbuf2-devel gobject-introspection-devel \
diff --git a/tools/docker/librsvg-base/opensuse/Dockerfile b/tools/docker/librsvg-base/opensuse/Dockerfile
index 1d5d2f2f..a46084a0 100644
--- a/tools/docker/librsvg-base/opensuse/Dockerfile
+++ b/tools/docker/librsvg-base/opensuse/Dockerfile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 FROM opensuse/tumbleweed
 RUN zypper refresh && zypper install -y gcc rust rust-std cargo make \
 automake autoconf libtool gtk-doc git \
 gdk-pixbuf-devel gobject-introspection-devel \

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