[sound-juicer/wip/subpop/convert-meson: 2/3] ci: revert to citemplates for building flatpaks

commit bc8ed21b20db1c677f811f85600c303cad892b13
Author: Link Dupont <link sub-pop net>
Date:   Fri Feb 21 23:12:30 2020 -0500

    ci: revert to citemplates for building flatpaks
    This builds the flatpak with meson now, rather than autotools.

 .gitlab-ci.yml | 113 +--------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 112 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 9c55eadd..58d2def7 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,115 +1,4 @@
-  image: 'registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gnome-runtime-images/gnome:master'
-  stage: '.pre'
-  script:
-    - flatpak-builder --stop-at=${FLATPAK_MODULE} flatpak_app ${MANIFEST_PATH}
-    # Make sure to keep this in sync with the Flatpak manifest, all arguments
-    # are passed except the config-args because we build it ourselves
-    - flatpak build flatpak_app ./autogen.sh --prefix=/app --disable-Werror
-    - flatpak build flatpak_app make install
-    - |
-      flatpak build flatpak_app bash -c \
-      'for lang in $(ls /app/share/locale/); do \
-        ll=$(echo ${lang} | egrep -o '^[a-z]+'); \
-        test ${ll} == en && continue; \
-        test -L /app/share/locale/${lang} && continue; \
-        mkdir -p /app/share/runtime/locale/${ll}/share; \
-        mv /app/share/locale/${lang} /app/share/runtime/locale/${ll}/share/; \
-        ln -s ../../share/runtime/locale/${ll}/share/${lang} /app/share/locale; \
-      done'
-    - |
-      flatpak build flatpak_app bash -c \
-      "find /app -type f '(' -perm -111 -o -name '*.so*' ')' -print0 | while read -r -d $'\\0' file; do \
-        read -n4 hdr < \${file} || continue; \
-        if [ \"\$hdr\" != \$(printf \\\\x7fELF) ]; then \
-          continue; \
-        fi; \
-        if objdump -j .gnu_debuglink -s \${file} &> /dev/null; then \
-          continue; \
-        fi; \
-        case \${file} in /app/lib/debug/*) \
-            continue ;; \
-        esac; \
-        debugedit -i --list-file=source-files.part --base-dir=\${PWD} 
--dest-dir=/app/lib/debug/source//${FLATPAK_MODULE} \${file} &> /dev/null; \
-        cat source-files.part >> source-files; \
-        realpath=\$(realpath -s --relative-to=/app \${file}); \
-        debugfile=/app/lib/debug/\${realpath}.debug; \
-        mkdir -p \$(dirname \${debugfile}); \
-        objcopy --only-keep-debug --compress-debug-sections \${file} \${debugfile}; \
-        chmod 644 \${debugfile}; \
-        mode=\$(stat -c 0%a \${file}); \
-        [ -w \${file} ] || chmod +w \${file}; \
-        strip --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note --strip-unneeded 
--remove-section=.gnu_debugaltlink \${file}; \
-        objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink \${debugfile} \${file}; \
-        chmod \${mode} \${file}; \
-      done; \
-      sort -zu < source-files | while read -r -d \$'\\0' source; do \
-        dst=/app/lib/debug/source/${FLATPAK_MODULE}/\${source}; \
-        src=\${source}; \
-        if [ -d \${src} ]; then \
-          install -m0755 -d \${dst}; \
-          continue; \
-        fi; \
-        [ -f \${src} ] || continue; \
-        install -m0644 -D \${src} \${dst}; \
-      done"
-    - flatpak-builder --finish-only --repo=repo ${BRANCH:+--default-branch=$BRANCH} flatpak_app 
-    # Generate a Flatpak bundle
-    - flatpak build-bundle repo ${BUNDLE} --runtime-repo=${RUNTIME_REPO} ${APP_ID} ${BRANCH}
-  artifacts:
-    name: 'Flatpak artifacts'
-    expose_as: 'Get Flatpak bundle here'
-    when: 'always'
-    paths:
-      - "${BUNDLE}"
-      - 'repo/'
-      - '_build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt'
-      - '_build/meson-logs/testlog.txt'
-    expire_in: 14 days
-  cache:
-    key: "$CI_JOB_NAME"
-    paths:
-      - '.flatpak-builder/downloads'
-      - '.flatpak-builder/git'
-  stage: '.post'
-  script:
-    - echo "This job has been deprecated and is no longer needed!"
-  except:
-    refs:
-      - 'tags'
-      - 'master'
-      - 'branches'
-  stage: '.post'
-  script:
-    - echo "This job has been deprecated and is no longer needed!"
-  except:
-    refs:
-      - 'tags'
-      - 'master'
-      - 'branches'
-  image: 'registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gnome-runtime-images/flat-manager-client'
-  stage: '.post'
-  script:
-    - BUILD_ID=$(flat-manager-client create ${FLAT_MANAGER_URL} ${FLATPAK_REPO})
-    - flat-manager-client push --commit --publish --wait ${BUILD_ID} repo/ || result=$?
-    - flat-manager-client purge ${BUILD_ID}
-    - exit $result
-  variables:
-    FLAT_MANAGER_URL: https://nightly.gnome.org/
-    FLATPAK_REPO: nightly
-  only:
-    refs:
-      - master
-    variables:
-      - $REPO_TOKEN
+include: 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/citemplates/raw/master/flatpak/flatpak_ci_initiative.yml'
 - test

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