[gnome-shell] (15 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch gbsneto/icon-grid-part3

The branch 'gbsneto/icon-grid-part3' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  8a2a49a... appDisplay: Add event blocker inhibition API
  2122e0d... folderIcon: Allow dropping application icons
  2273354... folderIcon: Update folder icon after dropping
  074aba9... allView: Switch pages when dragging above or below the grid
  2ac6b93... allView: Remove icon from folder when dropping outside
  54feda2... folderIcon: Add visual drag-over feedback
  965f7e1... allView: Scale in when moving icons from folders
  75c3694... controlsManager: Don't fade icon grid while dragging
  a1029ae... folderView: Move DnD functions to BaseAppView
  89af426... appIcon: Scale and fade itself when starting drag
  d7dc6c3... appIcon: Use a real BaseIcon as the drag actor
  0255a2c... appIcon: Make AppIcon a drop target
  f457c5b... appIcon: Create and delete folders with DnD

Commits added to the branch:

  ad55cb6... weather: Fix warning on closing Weather (*)
  ec6e131... weather: Pick up original settings values (*)
  768974a... appDisplay: Add event blocker inhibition API (*)
  55898dd... folderIcon: Allow dropping application icons (*)
  6d75e85... folderIcon: Update folder icon after dropping (*)
  bea2263... allView: Switch pages when dragging above or below the grid (*)
  f197c89... allView: Remove icon from folder when dropping outside (*)
  34dbd18... folderIcon: Add visual drag-over feedback (*)
  3100e67... allView: Scale in when moving icons from folders (*)
  3c6d318... controlsManager: Don't fade icon grid while dragging (*)
  b6ff845... folderView: Move DnD functions to BaseAppView
  7dfee14... appIcon: Scale and fade itself when starting drag
  af501bb... appIcon: Use a real BaseIcon as the drag actor
  af06611... appIcon: Make AppIcon a drop target
  e542353... appIcon: Create and delete folders with DnD

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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