[gimp/gtk3-port] themes: remove Dark, Gray and Light themes.

commit 1e1b159001f73eaa04ce62e5685dfb329e32b2d5
Author: Jehan <jehan girinstud io>
Date:   Tue May 1 04:55:08 2018 +0200

    themes: remove Dark, Gray and Light themes.
    These are not working anymore since we now need CSS themes.
    Also we'll prefer to use theme variants anyway.
    I also remove a remnant of the old "Small" theme, which was not
    installed anymore anyway, and is not useful anymore.

 configure.ac                                       |    3 -
 themes/Dark/.gitignore                             |    2 -
 themes/Dark/Makefile.am                            |  131 -
 themes/Dark/gtkrc                                  | 2390 ------------------
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-down-insens.png               |  Bin 228 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-down-prelight.png             |  Bin 223 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-down-small-insens.png         |  Bin 224 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-down-small-prelight.png       |  Bin 212 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-down-small.png                |  Bin 212 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-down.png                      |  Bin 223 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-left-insens.png               |  Bin 226 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-left-prelight.png             |  Bin 226 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-left.png                      |  Bin 226 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-right-insens.png              |  Bin 226 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-right-prelight.png            |  Bin 226 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-right.png                     |  Bin 4994 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-up-insens.png                 |  Bin 224 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-up-prelight.png               |  Bin 219 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-up-small-insens.png           |  Bin 202 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-up-small-prelight.png         |  Bin 198 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-up-small.png                  |  Bin 198 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/arrow-up.png                        |  Bin 219 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/bar-h.png                           |  Bin 4080 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/bar-v.png                           |  Bin 3891 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/blue.png                            |  Bin 133 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/button-default.png                  |  Bin 1134 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/button-insensitive.png              |  Bin 334 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/button-normal.png                   |  Bin 375 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/button-prelight.png                 |  Bin 1835 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/button-pressed.png                  |  Bin 1653 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/check1.png                          |  Bin 1758 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/check2.png                          |  Bin 4223 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/check3.png                          |  Bin 6348 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-border-active-bg.png    |  Bin 4930 -> 0 bytes
 .../Dark/ui/combo-entry-border-active-notebook.png |  Bin 4929 -> 0 bytes
 .../ui/combo-entry-border-active-rtl-notebook.png  |  Bin 4932 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-border-bg.png           |  Bin 4926 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-border-disabled-bg.png  |  Bin 4928 -> 0 bytes
 .../ui/combo-entry-border-disabled-notebook.png    |  Bin 4928 -> 0 bytes
 .../Dark/ui/combo-entry-border-disabled-rtl-bg.png |  Bin 4933 -> 0 bytes
 .../combo-entry-border-disabled-rtl-notebook.png   |  Bin 4931 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-border-notebook.png     |  Bin 942 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-border-rtl-bg.png       |  Bin 4931 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-border-rtl-notebook.png |  Bin 4932 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-button-active-rtl.png   |  Bin 4934 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-button-active.png       |  Bin 4935 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-button-disabled-rtl.png |  Bin 4962 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-button-disabled.png     |  Bin 4937 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-button-rtl.png          |  Bin 4939 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/combo-entry-button.png              |  Bin 972 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/down-pre.png                        |  Bin 159 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/down.png                            |  Bin 160 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/entry-border-active-bg.png          |  Bin 4939 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/entry-border-active-notebook.png    |  Bin 4940 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/entry-border-disabled-bg.png        |  Bin 4941 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/entry-border-disabled-notebook.png  |  Bin 4939 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/entry-border-fill-active.png        |  Bin 4896 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/entry-border-fill.png               |  Bin 4891 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/entry-border-notebook-null.png      |  Bin 4013 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/entry-border-notebook.png           |  Bin 4924 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/ext-bottom.png                      |  Bin 5205 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/ext-left.png                        |  Bin 5355 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/ext-right.png                       |  Bin 148 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/ext-top.png                         |  Bin 148 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/extension-bottom.png                |  Bin 5284 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/extension-left.png                  |  Bin 3906 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/extension-right.png                 |  Bin 3906 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/extension-top.png                   |  Bin 3694 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/frame-gap-end.png                   |  Bin 4892 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/frame-gap-start.png                 |  Bin 4892 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/frame.png                           |  Bin 5166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gap_bottom.png                      |  Bin 142 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gap_left.png                        |  Bin 144 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gap_right.png                       |  Bin 141 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gap_top.png                         |  Bin 143 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-arrow-down-insensitive.png     |  Bin 185 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-arrow-down-insenstive.png      |  Bin 185 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-arrow-down.png                 |  Bin 170 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-arrow-left.png                 |  Bin 166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-arrow-right-dark.png           |  Bin 173 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-arrow-right.png                |  Bin 160 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-arrow-up.png                   |  Bin 171 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-button-default.png             |  Bin 1149 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-button-insensitive.png         |  Bin 1392 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-button-normal.png              |  Bin 5419 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-button-prelight.png            |  Bin 1308 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-button-pressed.png             |  Bin 1216 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-handle-h.png                   |  Bin 4924 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-handle-v.png                   |  Bin 4907 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-line-h.png                     |  Bin 4888 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-line-v.png                     |  Bin 4887 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-menu-line-h.png                |  Bin 4908 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/gimp-tooltip-bg.png                 |  Bin 393 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/list_header-pressed.png             |  Bin 5249 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/list_header.png                     |  Bin 5248 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/menu-arrow-prelight.png             |  Bin 179 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/menu-arrow.png                      |  Bin 5173 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/menu.png                            |  Bin 141 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/menubar.png                         |  Bin 141 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/menuitem.png                        |  Bin 862 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/minus.png                           |  Bin 5578 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/notebook.png                        |  Bin 3700 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/null.png                            |  Bin 3398 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/option1.png                         |  Bin 5017 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/option2.png                         |  Bin 6701 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/option3.png                         |  Bin 6087 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/plus.png                            |  Bin 6023 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/progressbar-trough.png              |  Bin 130 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/progressbar.png                     |  Bin 4175 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/shadow-in-alt.png                   |  Bin 2407 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/shadow-in.png                       |  Bin 159 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/shadow-null.png                     |  Bin 146 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/shadow-out.png                      |  Bin 182 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/slider-h.png                        |  Bin 897 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/slider-v.png                        |  Bin 900 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/spin-down-insensitive.png           |  Bin 151 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/spin-down-normal.png                |  Bin 148 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/spin-down-pressed.png               |  Bin 148 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/spin-insensitive.png                |  Bin 1405 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/spin-up-insensitive.png             |  Bin 151 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/spin-up-normal.png                  |  Bin 151 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/spin-up-pressed.png                 |  Bin 151 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/spin.png                            |  Bin 1188 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/toolbar.png                         |  Bin 4085 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Dark/ui/transparent.png                     |  Bin 122 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/.gitignore                             |    2 -
 themes/Gray/Makefile.am                            |  132 -
 themes/Gray/gtkrc                                  | 2523 --------------------
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-down-insens.png               |  Bin 232 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-down-prelight.png             |  Bin 221 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-down-small-insens.png         |  Bin 231 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-down-small-prelight.png       |  Bin 207 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-down-small.png                |  Bin 207 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-down.png                      |  Bin 221 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-left-insens.png               |  Bin 228 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-left-prelight.png             |  Bin 227 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-left.png                      |  Bin 227 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-right-insens.png              |  Bin 236 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-right-prelight.png            |  Bin 225 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-right.png                     |  Bin 225 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-up-insens.png                 |  Bin 231 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-up-prelight.png               |  Bin 221 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-up-small-insens.png           |  Bin 208 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-up-small-prelight.png         |  Bin 199 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-up-small.png                  |  Bin 199 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/arrow-up.png                        |  Bin 221 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/bar-h.png                           |  Bin 162 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/bar-v.png                           |  Bin 170 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/button-default.png                  |  Bin 515 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/button-insensitive.png              |  Bin 380 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/button-normal.png                   |  Bin 422 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/button-prelight.png                 |  Bin 414 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/button-pressed.png                  |  Bin 419 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/check1.png                          |  Bin 288 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/check2.png                          |  Bin 290 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/check3.png                          |  Bin 272 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-border-active-bg.png    |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 .../Gray/ui/combo-entry-border-active-notebook.png |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 .../ui/combo-entry-border-active-rtl-notebook.png  |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-border-bg.png           |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-border-disabled-bg.png  |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 .../ui/combo-entry-border-disabled-notebook.png    |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 .../Gray/ui/combo-entry-border-disabled-rtl-bg.png |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 .../combo-entry-border-disabled-rtl-notebook.png   |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-border-notebook.png     |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-border-rtl-bg.png       |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-border-rtl-notebook.png |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-button-active-rtl.png   |  Bin 147 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-button-active.png       |  Bin 148 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-button-disabled-rtl.png |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-button-disabled.png     |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-button-rtl.png          |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/combo-entry-button.png              |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/down-pre.png                        |  Bin 159 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/down.png                            |  Bin 160 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/entry-border-active-bg.png          |  Bin 154 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/entry-border-active-notebook.png    |  Bin 154 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/entry-border-disabled-bg.png        |  Bin 171 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/entry-border-disabled-notebook.png  |  Bin 171 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/entry-border-fill-active-item.png   |  Bin 125 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/entry-border-fill-active.png        |  Bin 141 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/entry-border-fill.png               |  Bin 141 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/entry-border-notebook-null.png      |  Bin 4013 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/entry-border-notebook.png           |  Bin 193 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/ext-bottom.png                      |  Bin 166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/ext-left.png                        |  Bin 165 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/ext-right.png                       |  Bin 164 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/ext-top.png                         |  Bin 166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/extension-bottom.png                |  Bin 166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/extension-left.png                  |  Bin 165 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/extension-right.png                 |  Bin 164 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/extension-top.png                   |  Bin 166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/frame-gap-end.png                   |  Bin 168 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/frame-gap-start.png                 |  Bin 168 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/frame.png                           |  Bin 212 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gap_bottom.png                      |  Bin 186 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gap_left.png                        |  Bin 189 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gap_right.png                       |  Bin 186 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gap_top.png                         |  Bin 187 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-arrow-down-insensitive.png     |  Bin 236 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-arrow-down-insenstive.png      |  Bin 236 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-arrow-down.png                 |  Bin 218 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-arrow-left.png                 |  Bin 220 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-arrow-right-dark.png           |  Bin 232 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-arrow-right-prelight.png       |  Bin 179 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-arrow-right.png                |  Bin 221 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-arrow-up.png                   |  Bin 216 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-button-default.png             |  Bin 515 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-button-insensitive.png         |  Bin 380 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-button-normal.png              |  Bin 422 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-button-prelight.png            |  Bin 4184 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-button-pressed.png             |  Bin 4030 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-handle-h.png                   |  Bin 4962 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-handle-v.png                   |  Bin 4969 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-line-h.png                     |  Bin 185 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-line-v.png                     |  Bin 184 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-menu-line-h.png                |  Bin 183 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/gimp-tooltip-bg.png                 |  Bin 438 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/list_header-pressed.png             |  Bin 203 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/list_header.png                     |  Bin 214 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/menu-arrow-prelight.png             |  Bin 179 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/menu-arrow.png                      |  Bin 180 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/menu-prelight.png                   |  Bin 154 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/menu.png                            |  Bin 140 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/menubar.png                         |  Bin 157 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/menuitem-prelight.png               |  Bin 146 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/menuitem.png                        |  Bin 146 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/minus.png                           |  Bin 264 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/notebook.png                        |  Bin 3722 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/null.png                            |  Bin 173 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/option1.png                         |  Bin 371 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/option2.png                         |  Bin 367 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/option3.png                         |  Bin 360 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/plus.png                            |  Bin 269 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/progressbar-trough.png              |  Bin 3493 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/progressbar.png                     |  Bin 4409 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/shadow-in-alt.png                   |  Bin 206 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/shadow-in.png                       |  Bin 219 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/shadow-null.png                     |  Bin 146 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/shadow-out.png                      |  Bin 228 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/slider-h.png                        |  Bin 168 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/slider-v.png                        |  Bin 149 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/spin-down-insensitive.png           |  Bin 213 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/spin-down-normal.png                |  Bin 200 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/spin-down-pressed.png               |  Bin 204 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/spin-fill-bg.png                    |  Bin 3397 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/spin-insensitive.png                |  Bin 224 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/spin-up-insensitive.png             |  Bin 194 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/spin-up-normal.png                  |  Bin 202 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/spin-up-pressed.png                 |  Bin 194 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/spin.png                            |  Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/toolbar.png                         |  Bin 130 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Gray/ui/transparent.png                     |  Bin 179 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/.gitignore                            |    2 -
 themes/Light/Makefile.am                           |  134 --
 themes/Light/gtkrc                                 | 2523 --------------------
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-down-insens.png              |  Bin 232 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-down-prelight.png            |  Bin 221 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-down-small-insens.png        |  Bin 231 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-down-small-prelight.png      |  Bin 207 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-down-small.png               |  Bin 207 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-down.png                     |  Bin 221 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-left-insens.png              |  Bin 228 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-left-prelight.png            |  Bin 227 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-left.png                     |  Bin 227 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-right-insens.png             |  Bin 236 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-right-prelight.png           |  Bin 225 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-right.png                    |  Bin 225 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-up-insens.png                |  Bin 231 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-up-prelight.png              |  Bin 221 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-up-small-insens.png          |  Bin 208 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-up-small-prelight.png        |  Bin 199 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-up-small.png                 |  Bin 199 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/arrow-up.png                       |  Bin 221 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/bar-h.png                          |  Bin 175 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/bar-v.png                          |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/button-default.png                 |  Bin 515 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/button-insensitive.png             |  Bin 380 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/button-normal.png                  |  Bin 422 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/button-prelight.png                |  Bin 414 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/button-pressed.png                 |  Bin 419 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/check1.png                         |  Bin 288 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/check2.png                         |  Bin 290 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/check3.png                         |  Bin 272 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/combo-entry-border-active-bg.png   |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 .../ui/combo-entry-border-active-notebook.png      |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 .../ui/combo-entry-border-active-rtl-notebook.png  |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/combo-entry-border-bg.png          |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/combo-entry-border-disabled-bg.png |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 .../ui/combo-entry-border-disabled-notebook.png    |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 .../ui/combo-entry-border-disabled-rtl-bg.png      |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 .../combo-entry-border-disabled-rtl-notebook.png   |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/combo-entry-border-notebook.png    |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/combo-entry-border-rtl-bg.png      |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 .../Light/ui/combo-entry-border-rtl-notebook.png   |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/combo-entry-button-active-rtl.png  |  Bin 147 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/combo-entry-button-active.png      |  Bin 148 -> 0 bytes
 .../Light/ui/combo-entry-button-disabled-rtl.png   |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/combo-entry-button-disabled.png    |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/combo-entry-button-rtl.png         |  Bin 153 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/combo-entry-button.png             |  Bin 152 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/down-pre.png                       |  Bin 159 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/down.png                           |  Bin 160 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/entry-border-active-bg.png         |  Bin 154 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/entry-border-active-notebook.png   |  Bin 154 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/entry-border-disabled-bg.png       |  Bin 171 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/entry-border-disabled-notebook.png |  Bin 171 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/entry-border-fill-active-item.png  |  Bin 125 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/entry-border-fill-active.png       |  Bin 141 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/entry-border-fill.png              |  Bin 141 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/entry-border-notebook-null.png     |  Bin 4013 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/entry-border-notebook.png          |  Bin 193 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/ext-bottom.png                     |  Bin 166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/ext-left.png                       |  Bin 166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/ext-right.png                      |  Bin 164 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/ext-top.png                        |  Bin 166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/extension-bottom.png               |  Bin 166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/extension-left.png                 |  Bin 166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/extension-right.png                |  Bin 164 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/extension-top.png                  |  Bin 166 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/frame-gap-end.png                  |  Bin 168 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/frame-gap-start.png                |  Bin 168 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/frame.png                          |  Bin 212 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gap_bottom.png                     |  Bin 186 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gap_left.png                       |  Bin 189 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gap_right.png                      |  Bin 186 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gap_top.png                        |  Bin 187 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-arrow-down-insensitive.png    |  Bin 236 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-arrow-down-insenstive.png     |  Bin 236 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-arrow-down.png                |  Bin 218 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-arrow-left.png                |  Bin 220 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-arrow-right-dark.png          |  Bin 232 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-arrow-right-prelight.png      |  Bin 179 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-arrow-right.png               |  Bin 221 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-arrow-up.png                  |  Bin 216 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-button-default.png            |  Bin 5763 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-button-insensitive.png        |  Bin 4124 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-button-normal.png             |  Bin 4205 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-button-prelight.png           |  Bin 4605 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-button-pressed.png            |  Bin 4092 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-handle-h.png                  |  Bin 5112 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-handle-v.png                  |  Bin 5062 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-line-h.png                    |  Bin 185 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-line-v.png                    |  Bin 184 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-menu-line-h.png               |  Bin 183 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/gimp-tooltip-bg.png                |  Bin 438 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/list_header-pressed.png            |  Bin 203 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/list_header.png                    |  Bin 214 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/menu-arrow-prelight.png            |  Bin 179 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/menu-arrow.png                     |  Bin 180 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/menu.png                           |  Bin 186 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/menubar.png                        |  Bin 3400 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/menuitem-prelight.png              |  Bin 125 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/menuitem.png                       |  Bin 3617 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/minus.png                          |  Bin 264 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/notebook.png                       |  Bin 3660 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/null.png                           |  Bin 173 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/option1.png                        |  Bin 371 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/option2.png                        |  Bin 367 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/option3.png                        |  Bin 360 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/plus.png                           |  Bin 269 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/progressbar-trough.png             |  Bin 174 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/progressbar.png                    |  Bin 161 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/shadow-in-alt.png                  |  Bin 206 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/shadow-in.png                      |  Bin 219 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/shadow-null.png                    |  Bin 146 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/shadow-out.png                     |  Bin 228 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/slider-h.png                       |  Bin 212 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/slider-v.png                       |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/spin-down-insensitive.png          |  Bin 213 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/spin-down-normal.png               |  Bin 200 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/spin-down-pressed.png              |  Bin 204 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/spin-fill-bg.png                   |  Bin 3397 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/spin-insensitive.png               |  Bin 224 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/spin-up-insensitive.png            |  Bin 194 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/spin-up-normal.png                 |  Bin 202 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/spin-up-pressed.png                |  Bin 194 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/spin.png                           |  Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/toolbar.png                        |  Bin 326 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Light/ui/transparent.png                    |  Bin 179 -> 0 bytes
 themes/Makefile.am                                 |    2 +-
 themes/Small/gimp.css                              |   99 -
 382 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 7942 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 57b9097..b3fdc63 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -2603,9 +2603,6 @@ icons/Symbolic/Makefile
diff --git a/themes/Makefile.am b/themes/Makefile.am
index 9ad7f4c..66817c9 100644
--- a/themes/Makefile.am
+++ b/themes/Makefile.am
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-SUBDIRS = Dark Light Gray System
+SUBDIRS = System

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