[gnome-software] (14 commits) Created branch wip/ubuntu-3-22

The branch 'wip/ubuntu-3-22' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  4a4f7d6... Download changelog information on demand - this stops the U
  482cc58... Add an APT plugin
  52e1178... Construct the "Software Sources" menu item dynamically
  aef43b0... Sort snaps before other apps
  4b6430d... Hide licence, updated and category fields if they aren't se
  e4564cb... Hide Kudo details since we don't have good data
  b3c64e0... Handle apt URLs of the form apt://packagename
  5a5515a... ubuntu-review: Re-prompt for authentication if request fail
  af56a46... ubuntu-review: Simplify auth code
  bf38a2f... gs-update-monitor: Hide "Software Updates Available" notifi
  8b435d3... Don't use notification actions under Unity
  a42c081... Do not hardcode the application name
  0adb2e9... Use correct form when handling APT URLs
  d867792... Handle snap URLs

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