[release-notes/gnome-3-24] prepare for 3.24 notes

commit d3515af6fc408593c06ed4721826a66fe2534342
Author: Allan Day <allanpday gmail com>
Date:   Thu Mar 2 14:15:38 2017 +0000

    prepare for 3.24 notes

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 help/tr/tr.po                            | 1091 ----
 39 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 32640 deletions(-)
diff --git a/help/C/developers.page b/help/C/developers.page
index 8b68ed4..cf633a7 100644
--- a/help/C/developers.page
+++ b/help/C/developers.page
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!DOCTYPE page [
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@@ -25,133 +25,9 @@
   <p>GNOME &gnomeversion; includes many new features and improvements for those working with GNOME 
technologies. Read on for more details!</p>
-  <section id="gtk-long-term-support">
-    <title>GTK+ Long Term Support</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/gtk-long-term-support.png"/>
-    <p>3.22 marks a significant moment in the history of GTK+. While
-    it does not have a .0 version number, 3.22 is the first in a major new stable
-    release series and is the first major GTK+ version since 3.0. Subsequent
-    releases in the 3.22.x series are guaranteed to be API and ABI stable,
-    with new releases being limited to bug and security fixes. These 3.22.x
-    updates will be provided for at least three years. Major development work
-    will continue in a separate release series, which will be consumable by
-    application authors who want the latest features and are happy to deal with
-    a moderate amount of instability.</p>
-    <p>GTK+ 3.22 makes all the improvements introduced in the 3.x series, such
-    as CSS styling, GTK+ inspector, animations, new widgets and much more,
-    available in a stable form. This new way of organizing GTK+ releases
-    promises to provide long-term stability for application authors who require
-    it, while not impeding the overall speed of GTK+ development. It is being
-    introduced after significant discussion and consultation with GTK+ users.
-    More details can be found on <link
-    href="https://blog.gtk.org/2016/09/01/versioning-and-long-term-stability-promise-in-gtk/";>
-    the GTK+ development blog</link>.</p>
+  <section id="">
+    <title></title>
+    <media type="image" src="figures/placeholder.png"/>
-  <section id="flatpak">
-    <title>Flatpak</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/flatpak.png"/>
-    <p>Flatpak, previously known as xdg-app, is the next generation technology
-    for application distribution on Linux. While it is an independent project
-    with its own release schedule, the GNOME project plans to make Flatpak an
-    integral part of its application developer experience.</p>
-    <p>Since the GNOME &lastversion; release, Flatpak has made significant
-    progress and has continued to mature. An important milestone has been
-    reached with the introduction of a new set of APIs, called “portals”. These
-    allow sandboxed applications to access resources from the host system.</p>
-    <p>GNOME 3.22’s developer technologies come with complete support for
-    portals, through both GLib and GTK+. Supported portals include the file
-    chooser, printing, URI opening, suspend/log out/idle inhibit, screenshots,
-    notifications and network status. This allows fully sandboxed applications to be
-    written for the first time. Portal access is transparent, although
-    <code>GtkFileChooserNative</code> is recommended over the regular
-    <code>GtkFileChooser</code>. More information can be found on
-    <link href="https://blogs.gnome.org/mclasen/2016/07/08/portals-using-gtk-in-a-flatpak/";>
-    Matthias Clasen’s blog post</link>.</p>
-    <p>More information about Flatpak, including developer documentation and a
-    growing list of Flatpak applications you can try, can be found on
-    <link href="http://flatpak.org";>flatpak.org</link>.</p>
-  </section>
-  <section id="builder">
-    <title>Builder</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/builder.png"/>
-    <p>GNOME 3.22 is another big release for Builder, with several key pieces
-    of the new IDE falling into place. A new built-in profiler makes it
-    possible to find performance issues in your project, and sees Builder
-    become a multi-function IDE for the first time. The profiler currently
-    supports C and C++, with more language support expected in the future.</p>
-    <p>Builder’s UI has received some significant polish since 3.20. A new
-    perspective switcher provides a more elegant way to change between modes,
-    and the search bar has been relocated. Most significantly, a new “project
-    bar” provides information about the current project, branch and
-    build profile, and also makes it possible to build and run your project
-    with a single click from anywhere in the IDE.</p>
-    <p>Other enhancements in Builder 3.22 include:</p>
-    <list>
-      <item><p>A new find and replace feature, which includes the usual options
-      for case sensitive search, regular expressions, and word matching.
-      </p></item>
-      <item><p>Builder’s code editor now makes it really easy to work with
-      colors, thanks to color highlighting and a new color picker sidebar.
-      </p></item>
-      <item><p>The pages for creating, cloning and opening projects have
-      been improved, with better layouts and more project creation options.
-      </p></item>
-      <item><p>A new quick highlight plugin highlights text that matches
-      the current selection.</p></item>
-      <item><p>The C, XML, and HTML indenters have all been expanded to support
-      more syntax styles.</p></item>
-    </list>
-  </section>
-  <section id="gtk+">
-  <title>GTK+ Improvements</title>
-  <media type="image" src="figures/css-blend-modes.png"/>
-  <p>In addition to Flatpak portals integration, other improvements in GTK+
-  3.22 include:</p>
-  <list>
-    <item><p>CSS blend modes. This is a common CSS feature that allows
-    images to be programmatically transformed. Georges Stavracas,
-    who implemented the feature, has provided
-    <link href="https://feaneron.com/2016/07/03/css-blend-modes-in-gtk/";>more
-    details on his blog</link>.</p></item>
-    <item><p>GTK+ 3.22 allows graphics tablets to be used with Wayland.
-    Carlos Garnacho has written about <link
-    href="https://blogs.gnome.org/carlosg/2016/08/24/wayland-%E2%99%A1-drawing-tablets/";>
-    how to add support for this to applications</link>.</p></item>
-    <item><p><link href="https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkGLArea.html";>
-    GtkGLArea</link> can now be used with either full OpenGL or OpenGL for
-    Embedded Systems (known as OpenGL ES or GLES).</p></item>
-    <item><p><link href="https://developer.gnome.org/gdk3/stable/GdkMonitor.html";>
-    GdkMonitor</link> is a new more convenient way to get monitor
-    information, and provides richer information than was previously
-    available with <link
-    href="https://developer.gnome.org/gdk3/unstable/GdkScreen.html";>GdkScreen</link>.</p></item>
-  </list>
-  <p>Additionally, while it is not being introduced in 3.22, major progress
-  has been made on the GTK Scene Graph (GSK) over the past six months. With
-  the new release model described above, the way is clear for this to be
-  integrated into GTK+’s new unstable release series in the near future.</p>
-  </section>
-  <section id="GLib">
-    <title>GLib Structured Logging</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/glib-structured-logs.png"/>
-    <p>GLib’s logging API has been reworked to support structured key–value log
-    fields. This makes it easier to add logging and makes it possible to write
-    more powerful logging schemes. It also makes it possible to include more
-    metadata in log messages, such as <link
-    href="https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.journal-fields.html";>
-    message IDs</link>.</p>
-    <p>As a part of this work, GLib’s logging infrastructure has been
-    reorganized around a “writer” function, where an application specifies its
-    logging policy. Log handlers are deprecated in favor of this, which
-    reduces ambiguity about how and where logs should be handled, and
-    eliminates conflicts between log handlers.</p>
-    <p>GLib will now automatically pass logging data to systemd-journald,
-    if it is running. stdio-based output works as previously, but with the
-    addition of color!</p>
-  </section>
diff --git a/help/C/i18n.page b/help/C/i18n.page
index 714661b..4e77139 100644
--- a/help/C/i18n.page
+++ b/help/C/i18n.page
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
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-<!ENTITY gnomeversion "3.22">
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+<!ENTITY gnomeversion "3.24">
+<!ENTITY lastversion "3.22">
+<!ENTITY nextversion "3.26">
 <!ENTITY supportedlanguages "39">
 <!ENTITY percentagetranslated "80">
@@ -29,8 +29,12 @@
   <p>Thanks to members of the worldwide <link href="https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject";>GNOME 
Translation Project</link>, GNOME &gnomeversion; offers support for more than &supportedlanguages; languages 
with at least &percentagetranslated; percent of strings translated. User documentation is also available in 
many languages.</p>
   <list style="compact">
+   <item><p>Arabic</p></item>
+   <item><p>Assamese</p></item>
+   <item><p>Asturian</p></item>
-   <item><p>Bosnian</p></item>
+   <item><p>Belarusian</p></item>
+   <item><p>Bosniac</p></item>
    <item><p>Brazilian Portuguese</p></item>
    <item><p>British English</p></item>
@@ -42,23 +46,32 @@
+   <item><p>Estonian</p></item>
+   <item><p>Gujarati</p></item>
+   <item><p>Hindi</p></item>
+   <item><p>Kannada</p></item>
+   <item><p>Macedonian</p></item>
+   <item><p>Malayalam</p></item>
+   <item><p>Marathi</p></item>
    <item><p>Norwegian Bokmål</p></item>
-   <item><p>Occitan</p></item>
+   <item><p>Oriya</p></item>
+   <item><p>Punjabi</p></item>
+   <item><p>Romanian</p></item>
    <item><p>Serbian Latin</p></item>
@@ -66,8 +79,13 @@
+   <item><p>Tamil</p></item>
+   <item><p>Telugu</p></item>
+   <item><p>Thai</p></item>
+   <item><p>Uighur</p></item>
+   <item><p>Vietnamese</p></item>
   <p>Numerous other languages are partially supported, with more than half of their strings translated.</p>
diff --git a/help/C/index.page b/help/C/index.page
index c26134d..d8338cd 100644
--- a/help/C/index.page
+++ b/help/C/index.page
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
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@@ -37,127 +37,9 @@
   primary conference, which is held in Europe each year, and is only possible
   due to the amazing work of local volunteers.</p>
-  <section id="flatpak-integration">
-    <title>Flatpak Integration</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/flatpak-integration.png"/>
-    <p><link href="http://flatpak.org/";>Flatpak</link> is the next generation
-    application distribution framework for Linux. This technology aims to make
-    it easier to distribute applications for Linux, and thereby increase the
-    number of applications that are available. Flatpak applications have other
-    advantages, too: they are more secure, and can be safely updated without
-    having to reboot.</p>
-    <p>GNOME &gnomeversion; comes with comprehensive Flatpak support. The
-    Software application is now able to install Flatpak repository files, which
-    means  that it is possible to install Flatpak repositories and applications
-    without ever having to use the command line. Numerous other smaller
-    changes makes it easy to install and update Flatpak applications, such as
-    the display of source information for each application, as well as details
-    about whether applications are sandboxed.</p>
-    <p>GNOME &gnomeversion; also introduces developer tools which allow
-    applications to take full advantage of Flatpak’s security features. This
-    will allow applications to have much greater protections for users in the
-    future.</p>
-  </section>
-  <section id="rename-multiple-files">
-    <title>Rename Multiple Files</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/files-batchrenaming.png"/>
-    <p>The Files application now allows multiple files to be renamed at the
-    same time. This is extremely useful when dealing with collections of
-    similar files, such as videos, music or photos. Files can be renamed using
-    either a template that is applied to each file, or by searching for and
-    replacing parts of all the file names. The template mode allows details
-    from the files to be included as part of their names, such as their
-    creation date, or the track number, artist name or album name for music
-    files.</p>
-    <p>To use the new feature, simply select multiple files and then either
-    select <gui>Rename…</gui> from the context menu or press <key>F2</key>.</p>
-  </section>
-  <section id="photo-sharing">
-    <title>Photo Sharing</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/photo-sharing.png"/>
-    <p>Last release, Photos gained a new set of photo editing features. For
-    &gnomeversion;, another critical feature is being introduced: the ability
-    to easily share photos with other people. The new sharing feature allows
-    photos to be shared by uploading them to Google, or by sending them as an
-    email attachment. Further sharing destinations are planned for the future,
-    including a range of social networks.</p>
-    <p>Photo sharing is fully integrated with Online Accounts, so to upload to
-    Google it is first necessary to add a Google account from the Settings
-    application.</p>
-  </section>
-  <section id="improved-software">
-    <title>Improved Software</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/software.png"/>
-    <p>The Software application has an updated look for GNOME &gnomeversion;. The
-    landing page has been revamped and now shows more application tiles, and
-    the category section makes browsing a more integral part of the experience.
-    Star ratings are also displayed more prominently, in order to make it
-    easier to find the best applications to install.</p>
-    <p>Software has other improvements, too. Color coded badges now clearly
-    indicate if an application is Free Software, and the layout of many lists
-    and pages has also been refined.</p>
-  </section>
-  <section id="wayland">
-    <title>Wayland Progress</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/wayland.png"/>
-    <p>Wayland is the next generation technology for display and input on
-    GNU/Linux. It eliminates graphics glitches, addresses long-standing bugs,
-    and lays the foundation for more secure applications. Wayland also brings
-    new functionality, such as multitouch touchpad gestures.</p>
-    <p>GNOME’s Wayland support has been steadily maturing over recent releases.
-    In GNOME &lastversion;, it became usable for the majority of users. Since
-    then, support has continued to improve with the majority of missing
-    features being filled in. This includes support for Wacom graphics
-    tablets, the ability to rotate displays, and support for GNOME’s on-screen
-    keyboard. Numerous smaller issues have also been resolved, making the
-    Wayland experience even more polished.</p>
-  </section>
-  <section id="files">
-    <title>Improved Files Application</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/files.png"/>
-    <p>In addition to bulk renaming, the Files application has a large number
-    of other improvements for GNOME &gnomeversion;. Compressed file
-    functionality has been directly integrated, so that extracting a compressed
-    file (such as a .zip or .tar.gz file) just requires a double click, rather
-    than using a separate application. New compressed files can also be
-    created, using a variety of formats.</p>
-    <p>Also in Files, the view and content sorting controls have been
-    overhauled for &gnomeversion;. This makes it possible to switch between the
-    grid and list view with a single click and makes the zoom and sorting
-    options much more straightforward. These changes were informed by usability
-    testing performed by Gina Dobrescu as a part of an
-    <link href="https://www.gnome.org/outreachy/";>Outreachy</link> internship.
-    </p>
-    <p>Other UI enhancements include automatic hiding of the floating status
-    bar, so it doesn’t get in the way, and the inclusion of extra information
-    about connecting to servers, including which file protocols are supported.
-    </p>
-  </section>
-  <section id="keyboard-settings">
-    <title>Redesigned Keyboard Settings</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/keyboard-settings.png"/>
-    <p>GNOME’s keyboard settings have been overhauled for &gnomeversion;. The
-    list of shortcuts is now easier to browse and the new design eliminates a
-    number of issues with the previous version. A search feature makes it
-    quick to find the shortcut you want, and the process for setting a shortcut
-    provides much clearer feedback.</p>
-  </section>
-  <section id="dconf-editor">
-    <title>Redesigned dconf Editor</title>
-    <media type="image" src="figures/dconf-editor.png"/>
-    <p>dconf Editor, the application for browsing and changing settings, has
-    had a design refresh for &gnomeversion;. The new version has a simplified
-    interface, based around a path bar. A new “delay mode” allows multiple
-    changes to be made at once. Additionally, several reset options allow
-    either resetting visible settings, or recursively resetting them (for the
-    current folder and any subfolders).</p>
+  <section id="">
+    <title></title>
+    <media type="image" src="figures/placeholder.png"/>
   <section id="thats-not-all">
@@ -165,34 +47,9 @@
     <p>As usual, there are many other smaller improvements in this GNOME
     release. Here are some of them!</p>
-      <item><p>The new version of Calendar now lets you set alarms for events.
-      It also lets you change which calendar an event belongs to, and event
-      editing has restyled date pickers. In the calendar grid, events can now
-      be moved using drag and drop, and the layout of the year view has been
-      refined.</p></item>
-      <item><p>Polari, GNOME’s IRC client, is now able to remember and
-      automatically reuse passwords that have been sent to NickServ.</p></item>
-      <item><p>Maps now uses <link href="https://www.mapbox.com/";>Mapbox</link>
-      as the supplier of its
-      <link href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/";>OpenStreetMap</link> data.
-      This is expected to provide a more reliable service in the
-      future.</p></item>
-      <item><p>Performance has been dramatically improved in Music. The
-      application now loads faster and the albums grid automatically adjusts to
-      make the best use of the space available.</p></item>
-      <item><p>Videos now allows playback at different rates. This is useful
-      for various things, such as when listening to talks or taking notes.
-      </p></item>
-      <item><p>Boxes, the GNOME application for virtual and remote machines,
-      has gained a clone function. This makes it easy to create copies of
-      your boxes.</p></item>
-      <item><p>Web, the GNOME browser, now has a shortcut window, which makes
-      it easy to discover which keyboard shortcuts are available. A new context
-      menu in the address bar also allows you to “Paste &amp; Go”, and a number
-      of error pages have been redesigned.</p></item>
-      <item><p>Progress has continued on Books, GNOME’s eBook application,
-      which now has initial support for viewing ePub books. This feature is
-      expected to mature in future releases.</p></item>
+      <item><p></p></item>
+      <item><p></p></item>
+      <item><p></p></item>
diff --git a/help/Makefile.am b/help/Makefile.am
index a5ed1a5..b4b5396 100644
--- a/help/Makefile.am
+++ b/help/Makefile.am
@@ -9,19 +9,7 @@ HELP_FILES = \
- figures/gtk-long-term-support.png \
  figures/placeholder.png \
- figures/wayland.png \
- figures/builder.png \
- figures/files-batchrenaming.png \
- figures/keyboard-settings.png \
- figures/photo-sharing.png \
- figures/css-blend-modes.png \
- figures/flatpak-integration.png \
- figures/flatpak.png \
- figures/software.png \
- figures/files.png \
- figures/dconf-editor.png \
- figures/glib-structured-logs.png
+ figures/wayland.png
-HELP_LINGUAS = cs de el es fr gl hu ko lt pl pt_BR sv tr

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