[gtk+/gtk-2-24] Layout: Add GtkFixed to docs as a See_Also

commit bb3b34af306aaf2aac9968a5d9665cc9de1d0e36
Author: Daniel Boles <dboles src gnome org>
Date:   Thu Aug 3 13:14:49 2017 +0100

    Layout: Add GtkFixed to docs as a See_Also

 docs/reference/gtk/tmpl/gtklayout.sgml |   21 ++++++++++++---------
 1 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/reference/gtk/tmpl/gtklayout.sgml b/docs/reference/gtk/tmpl/gtklayout.sgml
index 0a69839..b9d1f07 100644
--- a/docs/reference/gtk/tmpl/gtklayout.sgml
+++ b/docs/reference/gtk/tmpl/gtklayout.sgml
@@ -7,24 +7,27 @@ Infinite scrollable area containing child widgets and/or custom drawing
 <!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
-#GtkLayout is similar to #GtkDrawingArea in that it's a "blank slate"
-and doesn't do anything but paint a blank background by default. It's
-different in that it supports scrolling natively (you can add it to a
-#GtkScrolledWindow), and it can contain child widgets, since it's a
-#GtkContainer. However if you're just going to draw, a #GtkDrawingArea
-is a better choice since it has lower overhead.
+#GtkLayout is similar to #GtkDrawingArea in that it’s a “blank slate” and
+doesn’t do anything except paint a blank background by default. It’s different
+in that it supports scrolling natively (you can add it to a #GtkScrolledWindow)
+and can contain child widgets since it’s a #GtkContainer.
+If you just want to draw, a #GtkDrawingArea is a better choice since it has
+lower overhead. If you just need to position child widgets at specific points,
+then #GtkFixed provides that functionality on its own.
 When handling expose events on a #GtkLayout, you must draw to 
 GTK_LAYOUT (layout)-&gt;bin_window, rather than to 
-GTK_WIDGET (layout)-&gt;window, as you would for a drawing
+GTK_WIDGET (layout)-&gt;window, as you would for a #GtkDrawingArea.
 <!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
-#GtkDrawingArea, #GtkScrolledWindow
+#GtkDrawingArea, #GtkFixed, #GtkScrolledWindow
 <!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->

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