[gtk+] window: Remove suspicious branch

commit a91237d65e91cf7dc1581fabf9245ca89e988088
Author: Benjamin Otte <otte redhat com>
Date:   Tue Dec 1 17:25:54 2015 +0100

    window: Remove suspicious branch
    While this commit was found to make emacs windows shrink (and it was
    reverted in the gtk-3-20 branch for that reason), that was the only
    observed breakage, while the reversal broke several of our unit tests.
    Closer study of the emacs sources revealed that it does some really
    unsupportable things like doing its own X event handling behind GTK+'s
    back and freely mixing sizes of GtkWindows and GdkWindows obtained in
    various ways. I've filed a bug against emacs with suggestions for how
    to avoid the shrinking window, regardless of this commit.
    Original commit message:
    It seems this branch is not needed anymore. It was originally added in
    1999 to support gtk_widget_realize(), but all those reasons seem
    obsolete today.
    Instead just call gtk_widget_realize().
    If you end up at this commit when bisecting:
    There is no bug that made me remove this code, it was purely meant to be
    cleanup / dead code removal. I seem to have introduced a new bug or
    bisecting wouldn't have let you here. So it seems we should just revert
    this commit.

 gtk/gtkwindow.c |   55 +------------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtk/gtkwindow.c b/gtk/gtkwindow.c
index 6f89d6a..83ad216 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkwindow.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkwindow.c
@@ -6092,7 +6092,6 @@ gtk_window_show (GtkWidget *widget)
   GtkWindow *window = GTK_WINDOW (widget);
   GtkWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
   GtkContainer *container = GTK_CONTAINER (window);
-  gboolean need_resize;
   gboolean is_plug;
   if (!_gtk_widget_is_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (widget)))
@@ -6103,62 +6102,10 @@ gtk_window_show (GtkWidget *widget)
   _gtk_widget_set_visible_flag (widget, TRUE);
-  need_resize = _gtk_widget_get_alloc_needed (widget) || !_gtk_widget_get_realized (widget);
   gtk_css_node_validate (gtk_widget_get_css_node (widget));
-  if (need_resize)
-    {
-      GtkWindowGeometryInfo *info = gtk_window_get_geometry_info (window, TRUE);
-      GtkAllocation allocation = { 0, 0 };
-      GdkRectangle configure_request;
-      GdkGeometry new_geometry;
-      guint new_flags;
-      gboolean was_realized;
-      /* We are going to go ahead and perform this configure request
-       * and then emulate a configure notify by going ahead and
-       * doing a size allocate. Sort of a synchronous
-       * mini-copy of gtk_window_move_resize() here.
-       */
-      gtk_window_compute_configure_request (window,
-                                            &configure_request,
-                                            &new_geometry,
-                                            &new_flags);
-      /* We update this because we are going to go ahead
-       * and gdk_window_resize() below, rather than
-       * queuing it.
-       */
-      info->last.configure_request = configure_request;
-      /* and allocate the window - this is normally done
-       * in move_resize in response to configure notify
-       */
-      allocation.width  = configure_request.width;
-      allocation.height = configure_request.height;
-      gtk_widget_size_allocate (widget, &allocation);
+  gtk_widget_realize (widget);
-      /* Then we guarantee we have a realize */
-      was_realized = FALSE;
-      if (!_gtk_widget_get_realized (widget))
-       {
-         gtk_widget_realize (widget);
-         was_realized = TRUE;
-       }
-      /* We only send configure request if we didn't just finish
-       * creating the window; if we just created the window
-       * then we created it with widget->allocation anyhow.
-       */
-      if (!was_realized)
-        gdk_window_move_resize (_gtk_widget_get_window (widget),
-                               configure_request.x,
-                               configure_request.y,
-                               configure_request.width,
-                               configure_request.height);
-    }
   gtk_container_check_resize (container);
   gtk_widget_map (widget);

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