[network-manager-openvpn/th/ovpn-import-bgo761285] tests: add "shared/nm-test-utils.h" from NetworkManager project

commit a9107042c88c134ecc8adf2b326c39b76e80e0e2
Author: Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com>
Date:   Wed Feb 3 12:44:57 2016 +0100

    tests: add "shared/nm-test-utils.h" from NetworkManager project
    "nm-test-utils.h" from NetworkManager's repository contains many useful
    helpers for testing. Copy it as is.
    It also contains some parts that are only relevant for testing NetworkManager
    core or internals. Still keep them (as unused code) so that the files don't

 shared/nm-test-utils.h | 1816 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 1797 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/shared/nm-test-utils.h b/shared/nm-test-utils.h
index c91fa96..ed31579 100644
--- a/shared/nm-test-utils.h
+++ b/shared/nm-test-utils.h
@@ -1,36 +1,1057 @@
-/* NetworkManager -- Network link manager
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- * (C) Copyright 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+#ifndef __NM_TEST_UTILS_H__
+#define __NM_TEST_UTILS_H__
+ * HOWTO run tests.
+ *
+ * Our tests (make check) include this header-only file nm-test-utils.h.
+ *
+ * Logging:
+ *   In tests, nm-logging redirects to glib logging. By default, glib suppresses all debug
+ *   messages unless you set G_MESSAGES_DEBUG. To enable debug logging, you can explicitly set
+ *   G_MESSAGES_DEBUG. Otherwise, nm-test will set G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all in debug mode (see below).
+ *   For nm-logging, you can configure the log-level and domains via NMTST_DEBUG environment
+ *   variable.
+ *
+ * Assert-logging:
+ *   Some tests assert against logged messages (g_test_expect_message()).
+ *   By specifying no-expect-message in NMTST_DEBUG, you can disable assert logging
+ *   and g_test_assert_expected_messages() will not fail.
+ *
+ * NMTST_SEED_RAND environment variable:
+ *   Tests that use random numbers from nmtst_get_rand() get seeded randomly at each start.
+ *   You can specify the seed by setting NMTST_SEED_RAND. Also, tests will print the seed
+ *   to stdout, so that you know the choosen seed.
+ *
+ *
+ * NMTST_DEBUG environment variable:
+ *
+ * "debug", "no-debug": when at test is run in debug mode, it might behave differently,
+ *   depending on the test. See nmtst_is_debug().
+ *   Known differences:
+ *    - a test might leave the logging level unspecified. In this case, running in
+ *      debug mode, will turn on DEBUG logging, otherwise WARN logging only.
+ *    - if G_MESSAGES_DEBUG is unset, nm-test will set G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all
+ *      for tests that don't do assert-logging.
+ *   Debug mode is determined as follows (highest priority first):
+ *    - command line option --debug/--no-debug
+ *    - NMTST_DEBUG=debug/no-debug
+ *    - setting NMTST_DEBUG implies debugging turned on
+ *    - g_test_verbose()
+ *
+ * "no-expect-message": for tests that would assert against log messages, disable
+ *   those asserts.
+ *
+ * "log-level=LEVEL", "log-domains=DOMAIN": reset the log level and domain for tests.
+ *    It only has an effect for nm-logging messages.
+ *    This has no effect if the test asserts against logging (unless no-expect-message),
+ *    otherwise, changing the logging would break tests.
+ *    If you set the level to DEBUG or TRACE, it also sets G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all (unless
+ *    in assert-logging mode and unless G_MESSAGES_DEBUG is already defined).
+ *
+ * "TRACE", this is shorthand for "log-level=TRACE".
+ *
+ * "sudo-cmd=PATH": when running root tests as normal user, the test will execute
+ *   itself by invoking sudo at PATH.
+ *   For example
+ *     NMTST_DEBUG="sudo-cmd=$PWD/tools/test-sudo-wrapper.sh" make -C src/platform/tests/ check
+ *
+ * "slow|quick|thorough": enable/disable long-running tests. This sets nmtst_test_quick().
+ *   Whether long-running tests are enabled is determined as follows (highest priority first):
+ *     - specifying the value in NMTST_DEBUG has highest priority
+ *     - respect g_test_quick(), if the command line contains '-mslow', '-mquick', '-mthorough'.
+ *     - use compile time default
+ *
+ * "p=PATH"|"s=PATH": passes the path to g_test_init() as "-p" and "-s", respectively.
+ *   Unfortunately, these options conflict with "--tap" which our makefile passes to the
+ *   tests, thus it's only useful outside of `make check`.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "nm-default.h"
+#include "nm-utils.h"
+#include "nm-macros-internal.h"
+/* We are running tests under src/. Let's include some files by default.
+ * They are useful, and affect how nm-test-utils.h itself behaves. */
+#include "NetworkManagerUtils.h"
+#include "nm-keyfile-internal.h"
+/* general purpose functions that have no dependency on other nmtst functions */
+inline static void
+nmtst_assert_error (GError *error,
+                    GQuark expect_error_domain,
+                    gint expect_error_code,
+                    const char *expect_error_pattern)
+       if (expect_error_domain)
+               g_assert_error (error, expect_error_domain, expect_error_code);
+       else
+               g_assert (error);
+       g_assert (error->message);
+       if (   expect_error_pattern
+           && !g_pattern_match_simple (expect_error_pattern, error->message)) {
+               g_error ("error message does not have expected pattern '%s'. Instead it is '%s' (%s, %d)",
+                        expect_error_pattern, error->message, g_quark_to_string (error->domain), 
+       }
+#define NMTST_WAIT(max_wait_ms, wait) \
+       ({ \
+               gboolean _not_expired = TRUE; \
+               gint64 _nmtst_end, _nmtst_max_wait_us = (max_wait_ms) * 1000L; \
+               \
+               _nmtst_end = g_get_monotonic_time () + _nmtst_max_wait_us; \
+               while (TRUE) { \
+                       { wait }; \
+                       if (g_get_monotonic_time () > _nmtst_end) { \
+                               _not_expired = FALSE; \
+                               break; \
+                       } \
+               } \
+               _not_expired; \
+       })
+#define NMTST_WAIT_ASSERT(max_wait_ms, wait) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               if (!(NMTST_WAIT (max_wait_ms, wait))) \
+                       g_assert_not_reached (); \
+       } G_STMT_END
+inline static void
+_nmtst_assert_success (gboolean success, GError *error, const char *file, int line)
+       if (!success || error)
+               g_error ("(%s:%d) FAILURE success=%d, error=%s", file, line, success, error && error->message 
? error->message : "(no error)");
+#define nmtst_assert_success(success, error) _nmtst_assert_success ((success), (error), __FILE__, __LINE__)
+struct __nmtst_internal
+       GRand *rand0;
+       guint32 rand_seed;
+       GRand *rand;
+       gboolean is_debug;
+       gboolean assert_logging;
+       gboolean no_expect_message;
+       gboolean test_quick;
+       gboolean test_tap_log;
+       char *sudo_cmd;
+       char **orig_argv;
+extern struct __nmtst_internal __nmtst_internal;
+#define NMTST_DEFINE() \
+struct __nmtst_internal __nmtst_internal = { 0 }; \
+__attribute__ ((destructor)) static void \
+_nmtst_exit (void) \
+{ \
+       __nmtst_internal.assert_logging = FALSE; \
+       g_test_assert_expected_messages (); \
+       nmtst_free (); \
+inline static gboolean
+nmtst_initialized (void)
+       return !!__nmtst_internal.rand0;
+#define __NMTST_LOG(cmd, ...) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               g_assert (nmtst_initialized ()); \
+               if (!__nmtst_internal.assert_logging || __nmtst_internal.no_expect_message) { \
+                       cmd (__VA_ARGS__); \
+               } else { \
+                       printf (_NM_UTILS_MACRO_FIRST (__VA_ARGS__) "\n" _NM_UTILS_MACRO_REST (__VA_ARGS__)); 
+               } \
+       } G_STMT_END
+/* split the string inplace at specific delimiters, allowing escaping with '\\'.
+ * Returns a zero terminated array of pointers into @str.
+ *
+ * The caller must g_free() the returned argv array.
+ **/
+inline static char **
+nmtst_str_split (char *str, const char *delimiters)
+       const char *d;
+       GArray *result = g_array_sized_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof (char *), 3);
+       g_assert (str);
+       g_assert (delimiters && !strchr (delimiters, '\\'));
+       while (*str) {
+               gsize i = 0, j = 0;
+               while (TRUE) {
+                       char c = str[i];
+                       if (c == '\0') {
+                               str[j++] = 0;
+                               break;
+                       } else if (c == '\\') {
+                               str[j++] = str[++i];
+                               if (!str[i])
+                                       break;
+                       } else {
+                               for (d = delimiters; *d; d++) {
+                                       if (c == *d) {
+                                               str[j++] = 0;
+                                               i++;
+                                               goto BREAK_INNER_LOOPS;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               str[j++] = c;
+                       }
+                       i++;
+               }
+               g_array_append_val (result, str);
+               str = &str[i];
+       }
+       return (char **) g_array_free (result, FALSE);
+/* free instances allocated by nmtst (especially nmtst_init()) on shutdown
+ * to release memory. After nmtst_free(), the test is uninitialized again. */
+inline static void
+nmtst_free (void)
+       if (!nmtst_initialized ())
+               return;
+       g_rand_free (__nmtst_internal.rand0);
+       if (__nmtst_internal.rand)
+               g_rand_free (__nmtst_internal.rand);
+       g_free (__nmtst_internal.sudo_cmd);
+       g_strfreev (__nmtst_internal.orig_argv);
+       memset (&__nmtst_internal, 0, sizeof (__nmtst_internal));
+inline static void
+__nmtst_init (int *argc, char ***argv, gboolean assert_logging, const char *log_level, const char 
*log_domains, gboolean *out_set_logging)
+       const char *nmtst_debug;
+       gboolean is_debug = FALSE;
+       char *c_log_level = NULL, *c_log_domains = NULL;
+       char *sudo_cmd = NULL;
+       GArray *debug_messages = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof (char *));
+       int i;
+       gboolean no_expect_message = FALSE;
+       gboolean _out_set_logging;
+       gboolean test_quick = FALSE;
+       gboolean test_quick_set = FALSE;
+       gboolean test_quick_argv = FALSE;
+       gs_unref_ptrarray GPtrArray *p_tests = NULL;
+       gs_unref_ptrarray GPtrArray *s_tests = NULL;
+       if (!out_set_logging)
+               out_set_logging = &_out_set_logging;
+       *out_set_logging = FALSE;
+       g_assert (!nmtst_initialized ());
+       g_assert (!((!!argc) ^ (!!argv)));
+       g_assert (!argc || (g_strv_length (*argv) == *argc));
+       g_assert (!assert_logging || (!log_level && !log_domains));
+       if (!nm_utils_get_testing_initialized ())
+               _nm_utils_set_testing (_NM_UTILS_TEST_GENERAL);
+       if (argc)
+               __nmtst_internal.orig_argv = g_strdupv (*argv);
+       __nmtst_internal.assert_logging = !!assert_logging;
+       nm_g_type_init ();
+       is_debug = g_test_verbose ();
+       nmtst_debug = g_getenv ("NMTST_DEBUG");
+       if (nmtst_debug) {
+               char **d_argv, **i_argv, *nmtst_debug_copy;
+               /* By setting then NMTST_DEBUG variable, @is_debug is set automatically.
+                * This can be reverted with no-debug (on command line or environment variable). */
+               is_debug = TRUE;
+               nmtst_debug_copy = g_strdup (nmtst_debug);
+               d_argv = nmtst_str_split (nmtst_debug_copy, ",; \t\r\n");
+               for (i_argv = d_argv; *i_argv; i_argv++) {
+                       const char *debug = *i_argv;
+                       if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (debug, "debug"))
+                               is_debug = TRUE;
+                       else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (debug, "no-debug")) {
+                               /* when specifying the NMTST_DEBUG variable, we set is_debug to true. Use 
this flag to disable this
+                                * (e.g. for only setting the log-level, but not is_debug). */
+                               is_debug = FALSE;
+                       } else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp (debug, "log-level=", strlen ("log-level="))) {
+                               g_free (c_log_level);
+                               log_level = c_log_level = g_strdup (&debug[strlen ("log-level=")]);
+                       } else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (debug, "TRACE")) {
+                               g_free (c_log_level);
+                               log_level = c_log_level = g_strdup (debug);
+                       } else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp (debug, "log-domains=", strlen ("log-domains="))) {
+                               g_free (c_log_domains);
+                               log_domains = c_log_domains = g_strdup (&debug[strlen ("log-domains=")]);
+                       } else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp (debug, "sudo-cmd=", strlen ("sudo-cmd="))) {
+                               g_free (sudo_cmd);
+                               sudo_cmd = g_strdup (&debug[strlen ("sudo-cmd=")]);
+                       } else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (debug, "no-expect-message")) {
+                               no_expect_message = TRUE;
+                       } else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp (debug, "p=", strlen ("p="))) {
+                               if (!p_tests)
+                                       p_tests = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free);
+                               g_ptr_array_add (p_tests, g_strdup (&debug[strlen ("p=")]));
+                       } else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp (debug, "s=", strlen ("s="))) {
+                               if (!s_tests)
+                                       s_tests = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free);
+                               g_ptr_array_add (s_tests, g_strdup (&debug[strlen ("s=")]));
+                       } else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (debug, "slow") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp (debug, 
"thorough")) {
+                               test_quick = FALSE;
+                               test_quick_set = TRUE;
+                       } else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (debug, "quick")) {
+                               test_quick = TRUE;
+                               test_quick_set = TRUE;
+                       } else {
+                               char *msg = g_strdup_printf (">>> nmtst: ignore unrecognized NMTST_DEBUG 
option \"%s\"", debug);
+                               g_array_append_val (debug_messages, msg);
+                       }
+               }
+               g_free (d_argv);
+               g_free (nmtst_debug_copy);
+       }
+       if (__nmtst_internal.orig_argv) {
+               char **a = __nmtst_internal.orig_argv;
+               for (; *a; a++) {
+                       if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (*a, "--debug"))
+                               is_debug = TRUE;
+                       else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (*a, "--no-debug"))
+                               is_debug = FALSE;
+                       else if (   !strcmp (*a, "-m=slow")
+                                || !strcmp (*a, "-m=thorough")
+                                || !strcmp (*a, "-m=quick")
+                                || (!strcmp (*a, "-m") && *(a+1)
+                                                       && (   !strcmp (*(a+1), "quick")
+                                                           || !strcmp (*(a+1), "slow")
+                                                           || !strcmp (*(a+1), "thorough"))))
+                               test_quick_argv = TRUE;
+                       else if (strcmp (*a, "--tap") == 0)
+                               __nmtst_internal.test_tap_log = TRUE;
+               }
+       }
+       if (!argc || g_test_initialized ()) {
+               if (p_tests || s_tests) {
+                       char *msg = g_strdup_printf (">>> nmtst: ignore -p and -s options for test which 
calls g_test_init() itself");
+                       g_array_append_val (debug_messages, msg);
+               }
+       } else {
+               /* g_test_init() is a variadic function, so we cannot pass it
+                * (variadic) arguments. If you need to pass additional parameters,
+                * call nmtst_init() with argc==NULL and call g_test_init() yourself. */
+               /* g_test_init() sets g_log_set_always_fatal() for G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING
+                * and G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL. So, beware that the test will fail if you
+                * have any WARN or ERR log messages -- unless you g_test_expect_message(). */
+               GPtrArray *arg_array = g_ptr_array_new ();
+               gs_free char **arg_array_c = NULL;
+               int arg_array_n, j;
+               static char **s_tests_x, **p_tests_x;
+               if (*argc) {
+                       for (i = 0; i < *argc; i++)
+                               g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, (*argv)[i]);
+               } else
+                       g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, "./test");
+               if (test_quick_set && !test_quick_argv)
+                       g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, "-m=quick");
+               if (!__nmtst_internal.test_tap_log) {
+                       for (i = 0; p_tests && i < p_tests->len; i++) {
+                               g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, "-p");
+                               g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, p_tests->pdata[i]);
+                       }
+                       for (i = 0; s_tests && i < s_tests->len; i++) {
+                               g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, "-s");
+                               g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, s_tests->pdata[i]);
+                       }
+               } else if (p_tests || s_tests) {
+                       char *msg = g_strdup_printf (">>> nmtst: ignore -p and -s options for tap-tests");
+                       g_array_append_val (debug_messages, msg);
+               }
+               g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, NULL);
+               arg_array_n = arg_array->len - 1;
+               arg_array_c = (char **) g_ptr_array_free (arg_array, FALSE);
+               g_test_init (&arg_array_n, &arg_array_c, NULL);
+               if (*argc > 1) {
+                       /* collaps argc/argv by removing the arguments detected
+                        * by g_test_init(). */
+                       for (i = 1, j = 1; i < *argc; i++) {
+                               if ((*argv)[i] == arg_array_c[j])
+                                       j++;
+                               else
+                                       (*argv)[i] = NULL;
+                       }
+                       for (i = 1, j = 1; i < *argc; i++) {
+                               if ((*argv)[i]) {
+                                       (*argv)[j++] = (*argv)[i];
+                                       if (i >= j)
+                                               (*argv)[i] = NULL;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       *argc = j;
+               }
+               /* we must "leak" the test paths because they are not cloned by g_test_init(). */
+               if (!__nmtst_internal.test_tap_log) {
+                       if (p_tests) {
+                               p_tests_x = (char **) g_ptr_array_free (p_tests, FALSE);
+                               p_tests = NULL;
+                       }
+                       if (s_tests) {
+                               s_tests_x = (char **) g_ptr_array_free (s_tests, FALSE);
+                               s_tests = NULL;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       if (test_quick_set)
+               __nmtst_internal.test_quick = test_quick;
+       else if (test_quick_argv)
+               __nmtst_internal.test_quick = g_test_quick ();
+       else {
+               __nmtst_internal.test_quick = NMTST_TEST_QUICK;
+               __nmtst_internal.test_quick = FALSE;
+       }
+       __nmtst_internal.is_debug = is_debug;
+       __nmtst_internal.rand0 = g_rand_new_with_seed (0);
+       __nmtst_internal.sudo_cmd = sudo_cmd;
+       __nmtst_internal.no_expect_message = no_expect_message;
+       if (!log_level && log_domains) {
+               /* if the log level is not specified (but the domain is), we assume
+                * the caller wants to set it depending on is_debug */
+               log_level = is_debug ? "DEBUG" : "WARN";
+       }
+       if (!__nmtst_internal.assert_logging) {
+               gboolean success = TRUE;
+               success = nm_logging_setup (log_level, log_domains, NULL, NULL);
+               *out_set_logging = TRUE;
+               g_assert (success);
+               if (__nmtst_internal.no_expect_message)
+                       g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_FATAL_MASK);
+               /* g_test_expect_message() is a NOP, so allow any messages */
+               g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_FATAL_MASK);
+       } else if (__nmtst_internal.no_expect_message) {
+               /* We have a test that would be assert_logging, but the user specified no_expect_message.
+                * This transforms g_test_expect_message() into a NOP, but we also have to relax
+                * g_log_set_always_fatal(), which was set by g_test_init(). */
+               g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_FATAL_MASK);
+               if (c_log_domains || c_log_level) {
+                       /* Normally, tests with assert_logging do not overwrite the logging level/domains 
+                        * the logging statements are part of the assertions. But if the test is run with
+                        * no-expect-message *and* the logging is set explicitly via environment variables,
+                        * we still reset the logging. */
+                       gboolean success;
+                       success = nm_logging_setup (log_level, log_domains, NULL, NULL);
+                       *out_set_logging = TRUE;
+                       g_assert (success);
+               }
+       } else {
+               /* We were called not to set logging levels. This means, that the user
+                * expects to assert against (all) messages. Any uncought message is fatal. */
+               g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK);
+               /* g_test_expect_message() is a NOP, so allow any messages */
+               g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_FATAL_MASK);
+       }
+       if ((!__nmtst_internal.assert_logging || (__nmtst_internal.assert_logging && 
__nmtst_internal.no_expect_message)) &&
+           (is_debug || (c_log_level && (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (c_log_level, "DEBUG") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp 
(c_log_level, "TRACE")))) &&
+           !g_getenv ("G_MESSAGES_DEBUG"))
+       {
+               /* if we are @is_debug or @log_level=="DEBUG" and
+                * G_MESSAGES_DEBUG is unset, we set G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all.
+                * To disable this default behaviour, set G_MESSAGES_DEBUG='' */
+               /* Note that g_setenv is not thread safe, but you should anyway call
+                * nmtst_init() at the very start. */
+               g_setenv ("G_MESSAGES_DEBUG", "all", TRUE);
+       }
+       /* Delay messages until we setup logging. */
+       for (i = 0; i < debug_messages->len; i++)
+               __NMTST_LOG (g_message, "%s", g_array_index (debug_messages, const char *, i));
+       g_strfreev ((char **) g_array_free (debug_messages, FALSE));
+       g_free (c_log_level);
+       g_free (c_log_domains);
+       /* ensure that monotonic timestamp is called (because it initially logs a line) */
+       nm_utils_get_monotonic_timestamp_s ();
+#ifdef NM_UTILS_H
+       {
+               gs_free_error GError *error = NULL;
+               if (!nm_utils_init (&error))
+                       g_assert_not_reached ();
+               g_assert_no_error (error);
+       }
+inline static void
+nmtst_init_with_logging (int *argc, char ***argv, const char *log_level, const char *log_domains)
+       __nmtst_init (argc, argv, FALSE, log_level, log_domains, NULL);
+inline static void
+nmtst_init_assert_logging (int *argc, char ***argv, const char *log_level, const char *log_domains)
+       gboolean set_logging;
+       __nmtst_init (argc, argv, TRUE, NULL, NULL, &set_logging);
+       if (!set_logging) {
+               gboolean success;
+               success = nm_logging_setup (log_level, log_domains, NULL, NULL);
+               g_assert (success);
+       }
+inline static void
+nmtst_init (int *argc, char ***argv, gboolean assert_logging)
+       __nmtst_init (argc, argv, assert_logging, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+inline static gboolean
+nmtst_is_debug (void)
+       g_assert (nmtst_initialized ());
+       return __nmtst_internal.is_debug;
+inline static gboolean
+nmtst_test_quick (void)
+       g_assert (nmtst_initialized ());
+       return __nmtst_internal.test_quick;
+#undef g_test_expect_message
+#define g_test_expect_message(...) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               g_assert (nmtst_initialized ()); \
+               if (__nmtst_internal.assert_logging && __nmtst_internal.no_expect_message) { \
+                       g_debug ("nmtst: assert-logging: g_test_expect_message %s", G_STRINGIFY 
((__VA_ARGS__))); \
+               } else { \
+                       G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS \
+                       g_test_expect_message (__VA_ARGS__); \
+                       G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS \
+               } \
+       } G_STMT_END
+#undef g_test_assert_expected_messages_internal
+#define g_test_assert_expected_messages_internal(domain, file, line, func) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               const char *_domain = (domain); \
+               const char *_file = (file); \
+               const char *_func = (func); \
+               int _line = (line); \
+               \
+               if (__nmtst_internal.assert_logging && __nmtst_internal.no_expect_message) \
+                       g_debug ("nmtst: assert-logging: g_test_assert_expected_messages(%s, %s:%d, %s)", 
_domain?:"", _file?:"", _line, _func?:""); \
+               \
+               g_test_assert_expected_messages_internal (_domain, _file, _line, _func); \
+       } G_STMT_END
+typedef struct _NmtstTestData NmtstTestData;
+typedef void (*NmtstTestDataRelease) (const NmtstTestData *test_data);
+struct _NmtstTestData {
+       const char *testpath;
+       const char *detail;
+       NmtstTestDataRelease fcn_release;
+       gsize n_args;
+       gpointer args[1];
+inline static void
+_nmtst_test_data_unpack_detail (const NmtstTestData *test_data, const char **detail, gsize n_args, ...)
+       gsize i;
+       va_list ap;
+       gpointer *p;
+       g_assert (test_data);
+       g_assert_cmpint (n_args, ==, test_data->n_args);
+       if (detail)
+               *detail = test_data->detail;
+       va_start (ap, n_args);
+       for (i = 0; i < n_args; i++) {
+               p = va_arg (ap, gpointer *);
+               g_assert (p);
+               *p = test_data->args[i];
+       }
+       va_end (ap);
+#define nmtst_test_data_unpack_detail(test_data, detail, ...) _nmtst_test_data_unpack_detail(test_data, 
detail, NM_NARG (__VA_ARGS__), ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define nmtst_test_data_unpack(test_data, ...)                nmtst_test_data_unpack(test_data, NULL, 
+inline static void
+_nmtst_test_data_free (gpointer data)
+       NmtstTestData *test_data = data;
+       g_assert (test_data);
+       if (test_data->fcn_release)
+               test_data->fcn_release (test_data);
+       g_free ((gpointer) test_data->testpath);
+       g_free ((gpointer) test_data->detail);
+       g_free (test_data);
+inline static void
+_nmtst_add_test_func_full (const char *testpath, const char *detail, GTestDataFunc test_func, 
NmtstTestDataRelease fcn_release, gsize n_args, ...)
+       gsize i;
+       NmtstTestData *data;
+       va_list ap;
+       data = g_malloc (G_STRUCT_OFFSET (NmtstTestData, args) + sizeof (gpointer) * (n_args + 1));
+       data->testpath = g_strdup (testpath);
+       data->detail = g_strdup (detail);
+       data->fcn_release = fcn_release;
+       data->n_args = n_args;
+       va_start (ap, n_args);
+       for (i = 0; i < n_args; i++)
+               data->args[i] = va_arg (ap, gpointer);
+       data->args[i] = NULL;
+       va_end (ap);
+       g_test_add_data_func_full (testpath,
+                                  data,
+                                  test_func,
+                                  _nmtst_test_data_free);
+#define nmtst_add_test_func_full(testpath, detail, test_func, fcn_release, ...) 
_nmtst_add_test_func_full(testpath, detail, test_func, fcn_release, NM_NARG (__VA_ARGS__), ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define nmtst_add_test_func(testpath, detail, test_func, ...) nmtst_add_test_func_full(testpath, detail, 
test_func, NULL, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+inline static GRand *
+nmtst_get_rand0 (void)
+       g_assert (nmtst_initialized ());
+       return __nmtst_internal.rand0;
+inline static GRand *
+nmtst_get_rand (void)
+       g_assert (nmtst_initialized ());
+       if (G_UNLIKELY (!__nmtst_internal.rand)) {
+               guint32 seed;
+               const char *str;
+               if ((str = g_getenv ("NMTST_SEED_RAND"))) {
+                       gchar *s;
+                       gint64 i;
+                       i = g_ascii_strtoll (str, &s, 0);
+                       g_assert (s[0] == '\0' && i >= 0 && i < G_MAXUINT32);
+                       seed = i;
+                       __nmtst_internal.rand = g_rand_new_with_seed (seed);
+               } else {
+                       __nmtst_internal.rand = g_rand_new ();
+                       seed = g_rand_int (__nmtst_internal.rand);
+                       g_rand_set_seed (__nmtst_internal.rand, seed);
+               }
+               __nmtst_internal.rand_seed = seed;
+               g_print ("\nnmtst: initialize nmtst_get_rand() with NMTST_SEED_RAND=%u\n", seed);
+       }
+       return __nmtst_internal.rand;
+inline static guint32
+nmtst_get_rand_int (void)
+       return g_rand_int (nmtst_get_rand ());
+inline static void *
+nmtst_rand_perm (GRand *rand, void *dst, const void *src, gsize elmt_size, gsize n_elmt)
+       gsize i, j;
+       char *p_, *pj;
+       char *bu;
+       g_assert (dst);
+       g_assert (elmt_size > 0);
+       g_assert (n_elmt < G_MAXINT32);
+       if (n_elmt == 0)
+               return dst;
+       if (src && dst != src)
+               memcpy (dst, src, elmt_size * n_elmt);
+       if (!rand)
+               rand = nmtst_get_rand ();
+       bu = g_slice_alloc (elmt_size);
+       p_ = dst;
+       for (i = n_elmt; i > 1; i--) {
+               j = g_rand_int_range (rand, 0, i);
+               if (j != 0) {
+                       pj = &p_[j * elmt_size];
+                       /* swap */
+                       memcpy (bu, p_, elmt_size);
+                       memcpy (p_, pj, elmt_size);
+                       memcpy (pj, bu, elmt_size);
+               }
+               p_ += elmt_size;
+       }
+       g_slice_free1 (elmt_size, bu);
+       return dst;
+inline static gboolean
+_nmtst_main_loop_run_timeout (gpointer user_data)
+       GMainLoop **p_loop = user_data;
+       g_assert (p_loop);
+       g_assert (*p_loop);
+       g_main_loop_quit (*p_loop);
+       *p_loop = NULL;
+       return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
+inline static gboolean
+nmtst_main_loop_run (GMainLoop *loop, int timeout_ms)
+       GSource *source = NULL;
+       guint id = 0;
+       GMainLoop *loopx = loop;
+       if (timeout_ms > 0) {
+               source = g_timeout_source_new (timeout_ms);
+               g_source_set_callback (source, _nmtst_main_loop_run_timeout, &loopx, NULL);
+               id = g_source_attach (source, g_main_loop_get_context (loop));
+               g_assert (id);
+               g_source_unref (source);
+       }
+       g_main_loop_run (loop);
+       /* if the timeout was reached, return FALSE. */
+       return loopx != NULL;
+inline static const char *
+nmtst_get_sudo_cmd (void)
+       g_assert (nmtst_initialized ());
+       return __nmtst_internal.sudo_cmd;
+inline static void
+nmtst_reexec_sudo (void)
+       char *str;
+       char **argv;
+       int i;
+       int errsv;
+       g_assert (nmtst_initialized ());
+       g_assert (__nmtst_internal.orig_argv);
+       if (!__nmtst_internal.sudo_cmd)
+               return;
+       str = g_strjoinv (" ", __nmtst_internal.orig_argv);
+       __NMTST_LOG (g_message, ">> exec %s %s", __nmtst_internal.sudo_cmd, str);
+       argv = g_new0 (char *, 1 + g_strv_length (__nmtst_internal.orig_argv) + 1);
+       argv[0] = __nmtst_internal.sudo_cmd;
+       for (i = 0; __nmtst_internal.orig_argv[i]; i++)
+               argv[i+1] = __nmtst_internal.orig_argv[i];
+       execvp (__nmtst_internal.sudo_cmd, argv);
+       errsv = errno;
+       g_error (">> exec %s failed: %d - %s", __nmtst_internal.sudo_cmd, errsv, strerror (errsv));
+inline static gsize
+nmtst_find_all_indexes (gpointer *elements,
+                        gsize n_elements,
+                        gpointer *needles,
+                        gsize n_needles,
+                        gboolean (*equal_fcn) (gpointer element, gpointer needle, gpointer user_data),
+                        gpointer user_data,
+                        gssize *out_idx)
+       gsize i, j, k;
+       gsize found = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < n_needles; i++) {
+               gssize idx = -1;
+               for (j = 0; j < n_elements; j++) {
+                       /* no duplicates */
+                       for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
+                               if (out_idx[k] == j)
+                                       goto next;
+                       }
+                       if (equal_fcn (elements[j], needles[i], user_data)) {
+                               idx = j;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       ;
+               }
+               out_idx[i] = idx;
+               if (idx >= 0)
+                       found++;
+       }
+       return found;
+#define __define_nmtst_static(NUM,SIZE) \
+inline static const char * \
+nmtst_static_##SIZE##_##NUM (const char *str) \
+{ \
+       gsize l; \
+       static char buf[SIZE]; \
+       if (!str) \
+               return NULL; \
+       l = g_strlcpy (buf, str, sizeof (buf)); \
+       g_assert (l < sizeof (buf)); \
+       return buf; \
+__define_nmtst_static(01, 1024)
+__define_nmtst_static(02, 1024)
+__define_nmtst_static(03, 1024)
+#undef __define_nmtst_static
+inline static const char *
+nmtst_uuid_generate (void)
+       static char u[37];
+       gs_free char *m = NULL;
+       m = nm_utils_uuid_generate ();
+       g_assert (m && strlen (m) == sizeof (u) - 1);
+       memcpy (u, m, sizeof (u));
+       return u;
+#define NMTST_SWAP(x,y) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               char __nmtst_swap_temp[sizeof(x) == sizeof(y) ? (signed) sizeof(x) : -1]; \
+               memcpy(__nmtst_swap_temp, &y, sizeof(x)); \
+               memcpy(&y,                &x, sizeof(x)); \
+               memcpy(&x, __nmtst_swap_temp, sizeof(x)); \
+       } G_STMT_END
+#define nmtst_assert_str_has_substr(str, substr) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               const char *__str = (str); \
+               const char *__substr = (substr); \
+               \
+               g_assert (__str); \
+               g_assert (__substr); \
+               if (strstr (__str, __substr) == NULL) \
+                       g_error ("%s:%d: Expects \"%s\" but got \"%s\"", __FILE__, __LINE__, __substr, 
__str); \
+       } G_STMT_END
+inline static guint32
+nmtst_inet4_from_string (const char *str)
+       guint32 addr;
+       int success;
+       if (!str)
+               return 0;
+       success = inet_pton (AF_INET, str, &addr);
+       g_assert (success == 1);
+       return addr;
+inline static const struct in6_addr *
+nmtst_inet6_from_string (const char *str)
+       static struct in6_addr addr;
+       int success;
+       if (!str)
+               addr = in6addr_any;
+       else {
+               success = inet_pton (AF_INET6, str, &addr);
+               g_assert (success == 1);
+       }
+       return &addr;
+inline static void
+_nmtst_assert_ip4_address (const char *file, int line, in_addr_t addr, const char *str_expected)
+       if (nmtst_inet4_from_string (str_expected) != addr) {
+               char buf[100];
+               g_error ("%s:%d: Unexpected IPv4 address: expected %s, got %s",
+                        file, line, str_expected ? str_expected : "",
+                        inet_ntop (AF_INET, &addr, buf, sizeof (buf)));
+       }
+#define nmtst_assert_ip4_address(addr, str_expected) _nmtst_assert_ip4_address (__FILE__, __LINE__, addr, 
+inline static void
+_nmtst_assert_ip6_address (const char *file, int line, const struct in6_addr *addr, const char *str_expected)
+       struct in6_addr any = in6addr_any;
+       if (!addr)
+               addr = &any;
+       if (memcmp (nmtst_inet6_from_string (str_expected), addr, sizeof (*addr)) != 0) {
+               char buf[100];
+               g_error ("%s:%d: Unexpected IPv6 address: expected %s, got %s",
+                        file, line, str_expected ? str_expected : "::",
+                        inet_ntop (AF_INET6, addr, buf, sizeof (buf)));
+       }
+#define nmtst_assert_ip6_address(addr, str_expected) _nmtst_assert_ip6_address (__FILE__, __LINE__, addr, 
+/* Deprecated: don't use this overly verbose macro. */
 #define FAIL(test_name, fmt, ...) \
     G_STMT_START { \
         g_error ("%s:%d: FAIL[%s]: " fmt, __FILE__, __LINE__, test_name, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
     } G_STMT_END
+/* Deprecated: don't use this overly verbose macro. */
 #define ASSERT(x, test_name, fmt, ...) \
     G_STMT_START { \
         if (!(x)) { \
@@ -38,5 +1059,762 @@
         } \
     } G_STMT_END
-#endif /* NM_TEST_HELPERS_H */
+#define nmtst_spawn_sync(working_directory, standard_out, standard_err, assert_exit_status, ...) \
+       __nmtst_spawn_sync (working_directory, standard_out, standard_err, assert_exit_status, ##__VA_ARGS__, 
+inline static gint
+__nmtst_spawn_sync (const char *working_directory, char **standard_out, char **standard_err, int 
assert_exit_status, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED;
+inline static gint
+__nmtst_spawn_sync (const char *working_directory, char **standard_out, char **standard_err, int 
assert_exit_status, ...)
+       gint exit_status = 0;
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       char *arg;
+       va_list va_args;
+       GPtrArray *argv = g_ptr_array_new ();
+       gboolean success;
+       va_start (va_args, assert_exit_status);
+       while ((arg = va_arg (va_args, char *)))
+               g_ptr_array_add (argv, arg);
+       va_end (va_args);
+       g_assert (argv->len >= 1);
+       g_ptr_array_add (argv, NULL);
+       success = g_spawn_sync (working_directory,
+                               (char**) argv->pdata,
+                               NULL,
+                               0 /*G_SPAWN_DEFAULT*/,
+                               NULL,
+                               NULL,
+                               standard_out,
+                               standard_err,
+                               &exit_status,
+                               &error);
+       if (!success)
+               g_error ("nmtst_spawn_sync(%s): %s", ((char **) argv->pdata)[0], error->message);
+       g_assert (!error);
+       g_assert (!standard_out || *standard_out);
+       g_assert (!standard_err || *standard_err);
+       if (assert_exit_status != -1) {
+               /* exit status is a guint8 on success. Set @assert_exit_status to -1
+                * not to check for the exit status. */
+               g_assert (WIFEXITED (exit_status));
+               g_assert_cmpint (WEXITSTATUS (exit_status), ==, assert_exit_status);
+       }
+       g_ptr_array_free (argv, TRUE);
+       return exit_status;
+inline static char *
+nmtst_file_resolve_relative_path (const char *rel, const char *cwd)
+       gs_free char *cwd_free = NULL;
+       g_assert (rel && *rel);
+       if (g_path_is_absolute (rel))
+               return g_strdup (rel);
+       if (!cwd)
+               cwd = cwd_free = g_get_current_dir ();
+       return g_build_filename (cwd, rel, NULL);
+inline static void
+_nmtst_assert_resolve_relative_path_equals (const char *f1, const char *f2, const char *file, int line)
+       gs_free char *p1 = NULL, *p2 = NULL;
+       p1 = nmtst_file_resolve_relative_path (f1, NULL);
+       p2 = nmtst_file_resolve_relative_path (f2, NULL);
+       g_assert (p1 && *p1);
+       /* Fixme: later we might need to coalesce repeated '/', "./", and "../".
+        * For now, it's good enough. */
+       if (g_strcmp0 (p1, p2) != 0)
+               g_error ("%s:%d : filenames don't match \"%s\" vs. \"%s\" // \"%s\" - \"%s\"", file, line, 
f1, f2, p1, p2);
+#define nmtst_assert_resolve_relative_path_equals(f1, f2) _nmtst_assert_resolve_relative_path_equals (f1, 
f2, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+inline static NMPlatformIP6Address *
+nmtst_platform_ip6_address (const char *address, const char *peer_address, guint plen)
+       static NMPlatformIP6Address addr;
+       memset (&addr, 0, sizeof (addr));
+       addr.address = *nmtst_inet6_from_string (address);
+       addr.peer_address = *nmtst_inet6_from_string (peer_address);
+       addr.plen = plen;
+       return &addr;
+inline static NMPlatformIP6Address *
+nmtst_platform_ip6_address_full (const char *address, const char *peer_address, guint plen,
+                                 int ifindex, NMIPConfigSource source, guint32 timestamp,
+                                 guint32 lifetime, guint32 preferred, guint flags)
+       NMPlatformIP6Address *addr = nmtst_platform_ip6_address (address, peer_address, plen);
+       addr->ifindex = ifindex;
+       addr->source = source;
+       addr->timestamp = timestamp;
+       addr->lifetime = lifetime;
+       addr->preferred = preferred;
+       addr->flags = flags;
+       return addr;
+inline static NMPlatformIP4Route *
+nmtst_platform_ip4_route (const char *network, guint plen, const char *gateway)
+       static NMPlatformIP4Route route;
+       memset (&route, 0, sizeof (route));
+       route.network = nmtst_inet4_from_string (network);
+       route.plen = plen;
+       route.gateway = nmtst_inet4_from_string (gateway);
+       return &route;
+inline static NMPlatformIP4Route *
+nmtst_platform_ip4_route_full (const char *network, guint plen, const char *gateway,
+                               int ifindex, NMIPConfigSource source,
+                               guint metric, guint mss,
+                               guint8 scope,
+                               const char *pref_src)
+       NMPlatformIP4Route *route = nmtst_platform_ip4_route (network, plen, gateway);
+       route->ifindex = ifindex;
+       route->source = source;
+       route->metric = metric;
+       route->mss = mss;
+       route->scope_inv = nm_platform_route_scope_inv (scope);
+       route->pref_src = nmtst_inet4_from_string (pref_src);
+       return route;
+inline static NMPlatformIP6Route *
+nmtst_platform_ip6_route (const char *network, guint plen, const char *gateway)
+       static NMPlatformIP6Route route;
+       memset (&route, 0, sizeof (route));
+       route.network = *nmtst_inet6_from_string (network);
+       route.plen = plen;
+       route.gateway = *nmtst_inet6_from_string (gateway);
+       return &route;
+inline static NMPlatformIP6Route *
+nmtst_platform_ip6_route_full (const char *network, guint plen, const char *gateway,
+                               int ifindex, NMIPConfigSource source,
+                               guint metric, guint mss)
+       NMPlatformIP6Route *route = nmtst_platform_ip6_route (network, plen, gateway);
+       route->ifindex = ifindex;
+       route->source = source;
+       route->metric = metric;
+       route->mss = mss;
+       return route;
+inline static int
+_nmtst_platform_ip4_routes_equal_sort (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer user_data)
+       return nm_platform_ip4_route_cmp ((const NMPlatformIP4Route *) a, (const NMPlatformIP4Route *) b);
+inline static void
+nmtst_platform_ip4_routes_equal (const NMPlatformIP4Route *a, const NMPlatformIP4Route *b, gsize len, 
gboolean ignore_order)
+       gsize i;
+       gs_free const NMPlatformIP4Route *c_a = NULL, *c_b = NULL;
+       g_assert (a);
+       g_assert (b);
+       if (ignore_order) {
+               a = c_a = g_memdup (a, sizeof (NMPlatformIP4Route) * len);
+               b = c_b = g_memdup (b, sizeof (NMPlatformIP4Route) * len);
+               g_qsort_with_data (c_a, len, sizeof (NMPlatformIP4Route), 
_nmtst_platform_ip4_routes_equal_sort, NULL);
+               g_qsort_with_data (c_b, len, sizeof (NMPlatformIP4Route), 
_nmtst_platform_ip4_routes_equal_sort, NULL);
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+               if (nm_platform_ip4_route_cmp (&a[i], &b[i]) != 0) {
+                       char buf[sizeof (_nm_utils_to_string_buffer)];
+                       g_error ("Error comparing IPv4 route[%lu]: %s vs %s", (long unsigned) i,
+                                nm_platform_ip4_route_to_string (&a[i], NULL, 0),
+                                nm_platform_ip4_route_to_string (&b[i], buf, sizeof (buf)));
+                       g_assert_not_reached ();
+               }
+       }
+inline static int
+_nmtst_platform_ip6_routes_equal_sort (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer user_data)
+       return nm_platform_ip6_route_cmp ((const NMPlatformIP6Route *) a, (const NMPlatformIP6Route *) b);
+inline static void
+nmtst_platform_ip6_routes_equal (const NMPlatformIP6Route *a, const NMPlatformIP6Route *b, gsize len, 
gboolean ignore_order)
+       gsize i;
+       gs_free const NMPlatformIP6Route *c_a = NULL, *c_b = NULL;
+       g_assert (a);
+       g_assert (b);
+       if (ignore_order) {
+               a = c_a = g_memdup (a, sizeof (NMPlatformIP6Route) * len);
+               b = c_b = g_memdup (b, sizeof (NMPlatformIP6Route) * len);
+               g_qsort_with_data (c_a, len, sizeof (NMPlatformIP6Route), 
_nmtst_platform_ip6_routes_equal_sort, NULL);
+               g_qsort_with_data (c_b, len, sizeof (NMPlatformIP6Route), 
_nmtst_platform_ip6_routes_equal_sort, NULL);
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+               if (nm_platform_ip6_route_cmp (&a[i], &b[i]) != 0) {
+                       char buf[sizeof (_nm_utils_to_string_buffer)];
+                       g_error ("Error comparing IPv6 route[%lu]: %s vs %s", (long unsigned) i,
+                                nm_platform_ip6_route_to_string (&a[i], NULL, 0),
+                                nm_platform_ip6_route_to_string (&b[i], buf, sizeof (buf)));
+                       g_assert_not_reached ();
+               }
+       }
+inline static NMIP4Config *
+nmtst_ip4_config_clone (NMIP4Config *config)
+       NMIP4Config *copy = nm_ip4_config_new (-1);
+       g_assert (copy);
+       g_assert (config);
+       nm_ip4_config_replace (copy, config, NULL);
+       return copy;
+inline static NMIP6Config *
+nmtst_ip6_config_clone (NMIP6Config *config)
+       NMIP6Config *copy = nm_ip6_config_new (-1);
+       g_assert (copy);
+       g_assert (config);
+       nm_ip6_config_replace (copy, config, NULL);
+       return copy;
+#if (defined(__NM_SIMPLE_CONNECTION_H__) && defined(__NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_H__)) || 
+inline static NMConnection *
+nmtst_create_minimal_connection (const char *id, const char *uuid, const char *type, NMSettingConnection 
+       NMConnection *con;
+       NMSetting *s_base = NULL;
+       NMSettingConnection *s_con;
+       gs_free char *uuid_free = NULL;
+       g_assert (id);
+       if (uuid)
+               g_assert (nm_utils_is_uuid (uuid));
+       else
+               uuid = uuid_free = nm_utils_uuid_generate ();
+       if (type) {
+               GType type_g;
+#if defined(__NM_SIMPLE_CONNECTION_H__)
+               type_g = nm_setting_lookup_type (type);
+               type_g = nm_connection_lookup_setting_type (type);
+               g_assert (type_g != G_TYPE_INVALID);
+               s_base = g_object_new (type_g, NULL);
+               g_assert (NM_IS_SETTING (s_base));
+       }
+#if defined(__NM_SIMPLE_CONNECTION_H__)
+       con = nm_simple_connection_new ();
+       con = nm_connection_new ();
+       s_con = NM_SETTING_CONNECTION (nm_setting_connection_new ());
+       g_object_set (s_con,
+                     NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_ID, id,
+                     NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_UUID, uuid,
+                     NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_TYPE, type,
+                     NULL);
+       nm_connection_add_setting (con, NM_SETTING (s_con));
+       if (s_base)
+               nm_connection_add_setting (con, s_base);
+       if (out_s_con)
+               *out_s_con = s_con;
+       return con;
+inline static gboolean
+_nmtst_connection_normalize_v (NMConnection *connection, va_list args)
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       gboolean success;
+       gboolean was_modified = FALSE;
+       GHashTable *parameters = NULL;
+       const char *p_name;
+       g_assert (NM_IS_CONNECTION (connection));
+       while ((p_name = va_arg (args, const char *))) {
+               if (!parameters)
+                       parameters =  g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
+               g_hash_table_insert (parameters, (gpointer *) p_name, va_arg (args, gpointer));
+       }
+       success = nm_connection_normalize (connection,
+                                          parameters,
+                                          &was_modified,
+                                          &error);
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       g_assert (success);
+       if (parameters)
+               g_hash_table_destroy (parameters);
+       return was_modified;
+inline static gboolean
+_nmtst_connection_normalize (NMConnection *connection, ...)
+       gboolean was_modified;
+       va_list args;
+       va_start (args, connection);
+       was_modified = _nmtst_connection_normalize_v (connection, args);
+       va_end (args);
+       return was_modified;
+#define nmtst_connection_normalize(connection, ...) \
+    _nmtst_connection_normalize(connection, ##__VA_ARGS__, NULL)
+inline static NMConnection *
+_nmtst_connection_duplicate_and_normalize (NMConnection *connection, ...)
+       gboolean was_modified;
+       va_list args;
+       g_assert (NM_IS_CONNECTION (connection));
+#if defined(__NM_SIMPLE_CONNECTION_H__)
+       connection = nm_simple_connection_new_clone (connection);
+       connection = nm_connection_duplicate (connection);
+       va_start (args, connection);
+       was_modified = _nmtst_connection_normalize_v (connection, args);
+       va_end (args);
+       return connection;
+#define nmtst_connection_duplicate_and_normalize(connection, ...) \
+    _nmtst_connection_duplicate_and_normalize(connection, ##__VA_ARGS__, NULL)
+inline static void
+nmtst_assert_connection_equals (NMConnection *a, gboolean normalize_a, NMConnection *b, gboolean normalize_b)
+       gboolean compare;
+       gs_unref_object NMConnection *a2 = NULL;
+       gs_unref_object NMConnection *b2 = NULL;
+       GHashTable *out_settings = NULL;
+       g_assert (NM_IS_CONNECTION (a));
+       g_assert (NM_IS_CONNECTION (b));
+       if (normalize_a)
+               a = a2 = nmtst_connection_duplicate_and_normalize (a);
+       if (normalize_b)
+               b = b2 = nmtst_connection_duplicate_and_normalize (b);
+       compare = nm_connection_diff (a, b, NM_SETTING_COMPARE_FLAG_EXACT, &out_settings);
+       if (!compare || out_settings) {
+               const char *name, *pname;
+               GHashTable *setting;
+               GHashTableIter iter, iter2;
+               __NMTST_LOG (g_message, ">>> ASSERTION nmtst_assert_connection_equals() fails");
+               if (out_settings) {
+                       g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, out_settings);
+                       while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer *) &name, (gpointer *) &setting)) {
+                               __NMTST_LOG (g_message, ">>> differences in setting '%s':", name);
+                               g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter2, setting);
+                               while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter2, (gpointer *) &pname, NULL))
+                                       __NMTST_LOG (g_message, ">>> differences in setting '%s.%s'", name, 
+                       }
+               }
+               {
+                       gs_unref_keyfile GKeyFile *kf_a = NULL, *kf_b = NULL;
+                       gs_free char *str_a = NULL, *str_b = NULL;
+                       kf_a = nm_keyfile_write (a, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+                       kf_b = nm_keyfile_write (b, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+                       if (kf_a)
+                               str_a = g_key_file_to_data (kf_a, NULL, NULL);
+                       if (kf_b)
+                               str_b = g_key_file_to_data (kf_b, NULL, NULL);
+                       __NMTST_LOG (g_message, ">>> Connection A as kf (*WARNING: keyfile representation 
might not show the difference*):\n%s", str_a);
+                       __NMTST_LOG (g_message, ">>> Connection B as kf (*WARNING: keyfile representation 
might not show the difference*):\n%s", str_b);
+               }
+       }
+       g_assert (compare);
+       g_assert (!out_settings);
+       compare = nm_connection_compare (a, b, NM_SETTING_COMPARE_FLAG_EXACT);
+       g_assert (compare);
+inline static void
+nmtst_assert_connection_verifies_without_normalization (NMConnection *con)
+       /* assert that the connection verifies and does not need any normalization */
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       gboolean success;
+       gboolean was_modified = FALSE;
+       gs_unref_object NMConnection *clone = NULL;
+       g_assert (NM_IS_CONNECTION (con));
+#if defined(__NM_SIMPLE_CONNECTION_H__)
+       clone = nm_simple_connection_new_clone (con);
+       clone = nm_connection_duplicate (con);
+       success = nm_connection_verify (con, &error);
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       g_assert (success);
+       success = nm_connection_normalize (con, NULL, &was_modified, &error);
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       g_assert (success);
+       nmtst_assert_connection_equals (con, FALSE, clone, FALSE);
+       g_assert (!was_modified);
+inline static void
+nmtst_assert_connection_verifies_and_normalizable (NMConnection *con)
+       /* assert that the connection does verify, but normalization still modifies it */
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       gboolean success;
+       gboolean was_modified = FALSE;
+       g_assert (NM_IS_CONNECTION (con));
+       success = nm_connection_verify (con, &error);
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       g_assert (success);
+       g_clear_error (&error);
+       success = nm_connection_normalize (con, NULL, &was_modified, &error);
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       g_assert (success);
+       g_assert (was_modified);
+       /* again! */
+       nmtst_assert_connection_verifies_without_normalization (con);
+inline static void
+nmtst_assert_connection_verifies_after_normalization (NMConnection *con,
+                                                      GQuark expect_error_domain,
+                                                      gint expect_error_code)
+       /* assert that the connection does not verify, but normalization does fix it */
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       gboolean success;
+       gboolean was_modified = FALSE;
+       g_assert (NM_IS_CONNECTION (con));
+       success = nm_connection_verify (con, &error);
+       nmtst_assert_error (error, expect_error_domain, expect_error_code, NULL);
+       g_assert (!success);
+       g_clear_error (&error);
+       success = nm_connection_normalize (con, NULL, &was_modified, &error);
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       g_assert (success);
+       g_assert (was_modified);
+       /* again! */
+       nmtst_assert_connection_verifies_without_normalization (con);
+inline static void
+nmtst_assert_connection_unnormalizable (NMConnection *con,
+                                        GQuark expect_error_domain,
+                                        gint expect_error_code)
+       /* assert that the connection does not verify, and it cannot be fixed by normalization */
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       gboolean success;
+       gboolean was_modified = FALSE;
+       g_assert (NM_IS_CONNECTION (con));
+       success = nm_connection_verify (con, &error);
+       nmtst_assert_error (error, expect_error_domain, expect_error_code, NULL);
+       g_assert (!success);
+       g_clear_error (&error);
+       success = nm_connection_normalize (con, NULL, &was_modified, &error);
+       nmtst_assert_error (error, expect_error_domain, expect_error_code, NULL);
+       g_assert (!success);
+       g_assert (!was_modified);
+       g_clear_error (&error);
+inline static void
+nmtst_assert_setting_verifies (NMSetting *setting)
+       /* assert that the setting verifies without an error */
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       gboolean success;
+       g_assert (NM_IS_SETTING (setting));
+       success = nm_setting_verify (setting, NULL, &error);
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       g_assert (success);
+inline static void
+nmtst_assert_setting_verify_fails (NMSetting *setting,
+                                   GQuark expect_error_domain,
+                                   gint expect_error_code)
+       /* assert that the setting verification fails */
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       gboolean success;
+       g_assert (NM_IS_SETTING (setting));
+       success = nm_setting_verify (setting, NULL, &error);
+       nmtst_assert_error (error, expect_error_domain, expect_error_code, NULL);
+       g_assert (!success);
+       g_clear_error (&error);
+#ifdef __NM_UTILS_H__
+static inline void
+nmtst_assert_hwaddr_equals (gconstpointer hwaddr1, gssize hwaddr1_len, const char *expected, const char 
*file, int line)
+       guint8 buf2[NM_UTILS_HWADDR_LEN_MAX];
+       gsize hwaddr2_len = 1;
+       const char *p;
+       gboolean success;
+       g_assert (hwaddr1_len > 0 && hwaddr1_len <= NM_UTILS_HWADDR_LEN_MAX);
+       g_assert (expected);
+       for (p = expected; *p; p++) {
+               if (*p == ':' || *p == '-')
+                       hwaddr2_len++;
+       }
+       g_assert (hwaddr2_len <= NM_UTILS_HWADDR_LEN_MAX);
+       g_assert (nm_utils_hwaddr_aton (expected, buf2, hwaddr2_len));
+       /* Manually check the entire hardware address instead of using
+        * nm_utils_hwaddr_matches() because that function doesn't compare
+        * entire InfiniBand addresses for various (legitimate) reasons.
+        */
+       success = (hwaddr1_len == hwaddr2_len);
+       if (success)
+               success = !memcmp (hwaddr1, buf2, hwaddr1_len);
+       if (!success) {
+               g_error ("assert: %s:%d: hwaddr '%s' (%zd) expected, but got %s (%zd)",
+                        file, line, expected, hwaddr2_len, nm_utils_hwaddr_ntoa (hwaddr1, hwaddr1_len), 
+       }
+#define nmtst_assert_hwaddr_equals(hwaddr1, hwaddr1_len, expected) \
+    nmtst_assert_hwaddr_equals (hwaddr1, hwaddr1_len, expected, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#if defined(__NM_SIMPLE_CONNECTION_H__) && defined(__NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_H__) && 
+inline static NMConnection *
+nmtst_create_connection_from_keyfile (const char *keyfile_str, const char *keyfile_name, const char 
+       GKeyFile *keyfile;
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       gboolean success;
+       NMConnection *con;
+       g_assert (keyfile_str);
+       keyfile =  g_key_file_new ();
+       success = g_key_file_load_from_data (keyfile, keyfile_str, strlen (keyfile_str), G_KEY_FILE_NONE, 
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       g_assert (success);
+       con = nm_keyfile_read (keyfile, keyfile_name, base_dir, NULL, NULL, &error);
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       g_assert (NM_IS_CONNECTION (con));
+       g_key_file_unref (keyfile);
+       nmtst_connection_normalize (con);
+       return con;
+#ifdef __NM_CONNECTION_H__
+typedef enum {
+} NmtstVariantEditorPhase;
+#define NMTST_VARIANT_EDITOR(__connection_variant, __code) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               GVariantIter __connection_iter, *__setting_iter; \
+               GVariantBuilder __connection_builder, __setting_builder; \
+               const char *__cur_setting_name, *__cur_property_name; \
+               GVariant *__property_val; \
+               NmtstVariantEditorPhase __phase; \
+                                                                        \
+               g_variant_builder_init (&__connection_builder, NM_VARIANT_TYPE_CONNECTION); \
+               g_variant_iter_init (&__connection_iter, __connection_variant); \
+                \
+               __phase = NMTST_VARIANT_EDITOR_CONNECTION; \
+               __cur_setting_name = NULL; \
+               __cur_property_name = NULL; \
+               __code; \
+               while (g_variant_iter_next (&__connection_iter, "{&sa{sv}}", &__cur_setting_name, 
&__setting_iter)) { \
+                       g_variant_builder_init (&__setting_builder, NM_VARIANT_TYPE_SETTING); \
+                       __phase = NMTST_VARIANT_EDITOR_SETTING; \
+                       __cur_property_name = NULL; \
+                       __code; \
+                        \
+                       while (   __cur_setting_name \
+                              && g_variant_iter_next (__setting_iter, "{&sv}", &__cur_property_name, 
&__property_val)) { \
+                               __phase = NMTST_VARIANT_EDITOR_PROPERTY; \
+                               __code; \
+                                \
+                               if (__cur_property_name) { \
+                                       g_variant_builder_add (&__setting_builder, "{sv}", \
+                                                              __cur_property_name, \
+                                                              __property_val); \
+                               } \
+                               g_variant_unref (__property_val); \
+                       } \
+                        \
+                       if (__cur_setting_name) \
+                               g_variant_builder_add (&__connection_builder, "{sa{sv}}", __cur_setting_name, 
&__setting_builder); \
+                       g_variant_iter_free (__setting_iter); \
+               } \
+                \
+               g_variant_unref (__connection_variant); \
+                \
+               __connection_variant = g_variant_builder_end (&__connection_builder); \
+       } G_STMT_END;
+#define NMTST_VARIANT_ADD_SETTING(__setting_name, __setting_variant) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               if (__phase == NMTST_VARIANT_EDITOR_CONNECTION) \
+                       g_variant_builder_add (&__connection_builder, "{s a{sv}}", __setting_name, 
__setting_variant); \
+       } G_STMT_END
+#define NMTST_VARIANT_DROP_SETTING(__setting_name) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               if (__phase == NMTST_VARIANT_EDITOR_SETTING && __cur_setting_name) { \
+                       if (!strcmp (__cur_setting_name, __setting_name)) \
+                               __cur_setting_name = NULL; \
+               } \
+       } G_STMT_END
+#define NMTST_VARIANT_ADD_PROPERTY(__setting_name, __property_name, __format_string, __value) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               if (__phase == NMTST_VARIANT_EDITOR_SETTING) { \
+                       if (!strcmp (__cur_setting_name, __setting_name)) { \
+                               g_variant_builder_add (&__setting_builder, "{sv}", __property_name, \
+                                                      g_variant_new (__format_string, __value)); \
+                       } \
+               } \
+       } G_STMT_END
+#define NMTST_VARIANT_DROP_PROPERTY(__setting_name, __property_name) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               if (__phase == NMTST_VARIANT_EDITOR_PROPERTY && __cur_property_name) { \
+                       if (   !strcmp (__cur_setting_name, __setting_name) \
+                           && !strcmp (__cur_property_name, __property_name)) \
+                               __cur_property_name = NULL; \
+               } \
+       } G_STMT_END
+#define NMTST_VARIANT_CHANGE_PROPERTY(__setting_name, __property_name, __format_string, __value) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               NMTST_VARIANT_DROP_PROPERTY (__setting_name, __property_name); \
+               NMTST_VARIANT_ADD_PROPERTY (__setting_name, __property_name, __format_string, __value); \
+       } G_STMT_END
+#endif /* __NM_CONNECTION_H__ */
+#endif /* __NM_TEST_UTILS_H__ */

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