[gnome-builder] (72 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/project-selector

The branch 'wip/project-selector' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  5687987... startup: stub out project window for startup
  a3292dc... project-window: start rendering discovered items from proje
  5554277... project-window: load workbench when row is activated
  3da16d8... projects: allow opening a new project from application menu
  32ce1df... project-window: add search bar to project window
  1069473... project-selector: try something a bit smaller
  e97a57e... project-window: only show recent projects until view-more i
  1add443... project-selector: work around 1px gdkwindow height restrict
  595bb0a... initial-setup: play with some new ideas for initial setup
  c5c6c00... initial-setup: focus work and header lines
  a141daa... initial-setup: mine for projects
  e498944... initial-setup: explore new project ideas
  2315f0b... style: work around odd styling transitions
  a1578f3... project-selection: more work on selection pattern
  55f4661... project-selector: track selection state
  2f16f64... project-selector: selection and title cleanup
  14979f5... project-selector: add search support
  811e68b... project-selector: use IdePatternSpec instead of strstr()
  55e3f92... datetime: add gb_date_time_format_for_display()
  680ab30... project-selector: describe the action to be performed, not 
  8efb11a... project-selector: add some keyboard helpers
  2a6faee... project-selector: handle activate manually
  1a96678... project-selector: sort by date
  2a999a8... project-selector: start on open dialog
  f639631... project-selector: add file filters
  8b5bd42... project-selector: open file tweaks
  dcc698d... project-selector: allow opening project
  a6bd97f... new-project-dialog: add back and close gsignalactions
  a21593d... project-selector: close windows after launching project
  3f44b58... project-selector: handle double click/enter in filechooserw
  e459cf4... project-selector: use gb_application_open_project()
  b5fcfe5... app: prefer already open project to creating new one
  515af94... project-selector: set default window dimensions
  bd75abf... app: add new-project action to global menu
  64d74a8... app: mark busy when loading context
  c28c264... project-selector: add header func to new dialog
  f8361e3... project-selector: add page for cloning repository
  fc573a5... project-selector: add basic clone support with libgit2-glib
  7978728... project-selector: don't allow movements during clone operat
  2fb8d20... project-selector: make clone UI a bit clearer
  bbac5ca... project-selector: add a bit of delay before opening the win
  c5bcc3b... project-selector: add new directory name entry
  6602dff... project-selector: be explicit about local-only
  1e7d4b9... libide: give warning about invalid URI in uri entry
  384f335... project-selector: update clone directory when uri changes
  353e102... project-selector: ignore "/" path name
  b49dcc5... project-selector: paste clipboard if it looks like a git ur
  977ddf9... project-selector: take child directory name into account
  dc7a74e... project-selector: add error label and spinner
  772d6c0... project-selector: add log domain
  9dda211... project-selector: synchronize animation times
  f75579a... git: add IdeGitRemoteCallbacks
  5d5a8ac... project-selector: don't use modal or transient for for new-
  746e53a... project-selector: remove modal from new-project dialog
  bdc9e3f... icons: bundle gitg icon as our git vcs icon
  c0a2614... project-selector: use IdeGitRemoteCallbacks
  7747420... libide: require libgit2-glib with SSH and Threading support
  5412361... app: simplify preferences window creation
  62665bd... git: add prototype code to extract ssh key from agent
  1289db3... app: center preferences and new-project window
  15147b5... git: check for allowed types when instantiating credentials
  132e97a... git: release clone options when cloning
  f7729c7... git: add tooltip text for warning
  bb11d1f... app: set a reasonable fallback if we get 0x0 back from scre

Commits added to the branch:

  bad189f... vim: add :ls as an alias for :buffers (*)
  6aa6eab... Fix styling typos (*)
  89b4fa6... Add myself to AUTHORS and credits (*)
  7064b6a... scroll-offset: handle odd/even number of visible lines diff (*)
  a7fb23f... ide-source-view-movements: Fix scroll off > half page (*)
  6a03f3e... source-view: improve scroll-offset with large value (*)
  bcdff31... makecache: fix potential free() on interned string (*)
  6e76142... startup: stub out project window for startup
  3ee042d... project-window: start rendering discovered items from proje
  0082100... project-window: load workbench when row is activated
  b2060b7... projects: allow opening a new project from application menu
  3a0d63e... project-window: add search bar to project window
  ec454a3... project-selector: try something a bit smaller
  1a24d6b... project-window: only show recent projects until view-more i
  f30b170... project-selector: work around 1px gdkwindow height restrict
  4fb1c9c... initial-setup: play with some new ideas for initial setup
  c774dcb... initial-setup: focus work and header lines
  3f4d47e... initial-setup: mine for projects
  52b4bd6... initial-setup: explore new project ideas
  92269d5... style: work around odd styling transitions
  f9d4ea4... project-selection: more work on selection pattern
  a4e923b... project-selector: track selection state
  9dd5c26... project-selector: selection and title cleanup
  2b64ba8... project-selector: add search support
  b54da99... project-selector: use IdePatternSpec instead of strstr()
  e59a85a... datetime: add gb_date_time_format_for_display()
  626321b... project-selector: describe the action to be performed, not 
  70a0718... project-selector: add some keyboard helpers
  7cdd3a6... project-selector: handle activate manually
  913e64e... project-selector: sort by date
  6208bc2... project-selector: start on open dialog
  2ecb2a8... project-selector: add file filters
  59b0689... project-selector: open file tweaks
  77130b4... project-selector: allow opening project
  435e34d... new-project-dialog: add back and close gsignalactions
  4c0533a... project-selector: close windows after launching project
  015ac51... project-selector: handle double click/enter in filechooserw
  44c2ef0... project-selector: use gb_application_open_project()
  290dcb0... app: prefer already open project to creating new one
  8de1915... project-selector: set default window dimensions
  24915f3... app: add new-project action to global menu
  b62e23b... app: mark busy when loading context
  771f96d... project-selector: add header func to new dialog
  471d3d4... project-selector: add page for cloning repository
  2977577... project-selector: add basic clone support with libgit2-glib
  6f2ec4b... project-selector: don't allow movements during clone operat
  33004c6... project-selector: make clone UI a bit clearer
  4777f64... project-selector: add a bit of delay before opening the win
  f538683... project-selector: add new directory name entry
  5083216... project-selector: be explicit about local-only
  f61634d... libide: give warning about invalid URI in uri entry
  cc9221e... project-selector: update clone directory when uri changes
  f8f8adc... project-selector: ignore "/" path name
  f0a1b26... project-selector: paste clipboard if it looks like a git ur
  55278c1... project-selector: take child directory name into account
  96e4a39... project-selector: add error label and spinner
  6438539... project-selector: add log domain
  d787b29... project-selector: synchronize animation times
  e10fa8c... git: add IdeGitRemoteCallbacks
  abec93a... project-selector: don't use modal or transient for for new-
  532fa18... project-selector: remove modal from new-project dialog
  cc8e6e3... icons: bundle gitg icon as our git vcs icon
  1d94c61... project-selector: use IdeGitRemoteCallbacks
  8b51f0c... libide: require libgit2-glib with SSH and Threading support
  17d39aa... app: simplify preferences window creation
  e4d554a... git: add prototype code to extract ssh key from agent
  fac63ed... app: center preferences and new-project window
  0c0c6ac... git: check for allowed types when instantiating credentials
  776ff58... git: release clone options when cloning
  4db47dc... git: add tooltip text for warning
  28f14f8... app: set a reasonable fallback if we get 0x0 back from scre
  62f77a7... style: remove previous hack

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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