[gnome-klotski] initial vala version

commit bb374fb52e35dca6ff7f8b1e16543b149b888f49
Author: John Cheetham <developer johncheetham com>
Date:   Sun Nov 4 11:49:05 2012 +0000

    initial vala version

 Makefile.am                           |   10 -
 configure.ac                          |   47 +-
 data/Makefile.am                      |   21 +-
 data/org.gnome.klotski.gschema.xml.in |   16 +
 src/Makefile.am                       |   55 +-
 src/config.vapi                       |    4 +
 src/games-fullscreen-action.c         |  228 -----
 src/games-fullscreen-action.h         |   66 --
 src/games-gridframe.c                 |  278 -------
 src/games-gridframe.h                 |   63 --
 src/games-preimage.c                  |  480 -----------
 src/games-preimage.h                  |   90 --
 src/games-score.c                     |  191 -----
 src/games-score.h                     |   70 --
 src/games-scores-backend.c            |  352 --------
 src/games-scores-backend.h            |   67 --
 src/games-scores-dialog.c             |  610 --------------
 src/games-scores-dialog.h             |   81 --
 src/games-scores.c                    |  525 ------------
 src/games-scores.h                    |   92 --
 src/games-setgid-io.c                 |  558 -------------
 src/games-setgid-io.h                 |   38 -
 src/games-stock.c                     |  357 --------
 src/games-stock.h                     |   62 --
 src/gnome-klotski.c                   | 1462 ---------------------------------
 src/gnome-klotski.vala                | 1154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/history.vala                      |  102 +++
 src/pieces.h                          |   76 --
 src/puzzle-view.vala                  |  234 ++++++
 src/puzzle.vala                       |  282 +++++++
 30 files changed, 1823 insertions(+), 5848 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index f31d101..f039a6f 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
 SUBDIRS = data help po src
-SCOREFILES = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
-	-$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(scoredir)
-	-for i in ${SCOREFILES} ; do \
-	  touch             $(DESTDIR)$(scoredir)/gnotski.$$i.scores; \
-	  chown $(scores_user):$(scores_group) $(DESTDIR)$(scoredir)/gnotski.$$i.scores; \
-	  chmod 664         $(DESTDIR)$(scoredir)/gnotski.$$i.scores; \
-	done
 -include $(top_srcdir)/git.mk
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index a3d7ea2..0654f75 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -3,57 +3,13 @@ AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.11 no-dist-gzip dist-xz foreign])
 dnl ###########################################################################
-dnl setgid checks
-dnl ###########################################################################
-  [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-setgid],
-    [Disable the use of setgid binaries])],
-  [case "${enableval}" in
-    yes) setgid=true ;;
-    no)  setgid=false ;;
-    *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for --disable-setgid]) ;;
-   esac],
-  [if test "$platform_win32" = "yes"; then
-     enable_setgid=no
-     setgid=false
-   else
-     enable_setgid=yes
-     setgid=true
-   fi])
-if test "$enable_setgid" = "yes"; then
-  AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_SETGID],[1],[Define if use of setgid binaries is enabled])
-  AC_ARG_WITH(scores-group,
-    AS_HELP_STRING([--with-scores-group=group],
-      [Group for the high score tables and binaries]),
-    scores_group="$withval",scores_group="games")
-  AC_ARG_WITH(scores-user,
-    AS_HELP_STRING([--with-scores-user=user],
-      [User for the high score tables]),
-    scores_user="$withval",scores_user="games")
-AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_SETGID],[test "$enable_setgid" = "yes"])
-dnl ###########################################################################
 dnl Dependencies
 dnl ###########################################################################
@@ -71,7 +27,6 @@ dnl ###########################################################################
 dnl ###########################################################################
 dnl Documentation
diff --git a/data/Makefile.am b/data/Makefile.am
index f531f87..470ca79 100644
--- a/data/Makefile.am
+++ b/data/Makefile.am
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
 SUBDIRS = icons
-pixmapdir = $(datadir)/gnome-klotski
-pixmap_DATA = \
-	gnome-klotski.svg
 gsettings_in_file = org.gnome.klotski.gschema.xml.in
 gsettings_SCHEMAS = $(gsettings_in_file:.xml.in=.xml)
@@ -11,21 +7,22 @@ gsettings_SCHEMAS = $(gsettings_in_file:.xml.in=.xml)
 man_MANS = gnome-klotski.6
-desktop_in_files = gnome-klotski.desktop.in.in
+pixmapdir = $(datadir)/gnome-klotski
+pixmap_DATA = \
+	gnome-klotski.svg
 desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
+desktop_in_files = gnome-klotski.desktop.in.in
 desktop_DATA = $(desktop_in_files:.desktop.in.in=.desktop)
-SCOREFILES = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
-	$(pixmap_DATA)		\
 	$(gsettings_in_file)	\
-	$(man_MANS) \
-	$(desktop_in_files)
+	$(desktop_in_files)	\
+	$(man_MANS)		\
+	$(pixmap_DATA)
 CLEANFILES = $(desktop_DATA) $(gsettings_SCHEMAS)
 DISTCLEANFILES = $(desktop_DATA) $(gsettings_SCHEMAS)
 -include $(top_srcdir)/git.mk
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.klotski.gschema.xml.in b/data/org.gnome.klotski.gschema.xml.in
index 7e44baf..73f8775 100644
--- a/data/org.gnome.klotski.gschema.xml.in
+++ b/data/org.gnome.klotski.gschema.xml.in
@@ -5,5 +5,21 @@
       <_summary>The puzzle in play</_summary>
       <_description>The number of the puzzle being played.</_description>
+    <key name="window-width" type="i">
+      <default>600</default>
+      <_summary>Width of the window in pixels</_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="window-height" type="i">
+      <default>400</default>
+      <_summary>Height of the window in pixels</_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="window-is-maximized" type="b">
+      <default>false</default>
+      <_summary>true if the window is maximized</_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="window-is-fullscreen" type="b">
+      <default>false</default>
+      <_summary>true if the window is fullscren</_summary>
+    </key>
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 8a9587c..806b609 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -1,48 +1,35 @@
 bin_PROGRAMS = gnome-klotski
 gnome_klotski_SOURCES = \
-	gnome-klotski.c	\
-	games-fullscreen-action.c	\
-	games-fullscreen-action.h	\
-	games-gridframe.c	\
-	games-gridframe.h	\
-	games-preimage.c	\
-	games-preimage.h	\
-	games-score.h			\
-	games-score.c			\
-	games-scores.c			\
-	games-scores.h			\
-	games-scores-dialog.c	\
-	games-scores-dialog.h	\
-	games-scores-backend.c	\
-	games-scores-backend.h	\
-	games-stock.c	\
-	games-stock.h	\
-	pieces.h
-gnome_klotski_SOURCES +=		\
-	games-setgid-io.c		\
-	games-setgid-io.h
-gnome_klotski_CPPFLAGS = \
-	-I$(top_srcdir) \
+	config.vapi \
+	gnome-klotski.vala \
+        history.vala \
+	puzzle.vala \
+	puzzle-view.vala
 gnome_klotski_CFLAGS = \
 	-DDATA_DIRECTORY=\"$(datadir)/gnome-klotski\" \
 	-DLOCALEDIR=\"$(datadir)/locale\" \
-	-DICON_THEME_DIRECTORY="\"$(datadir)/icons\"" \
-	-DSCORESDIR="\"$(scoredir)\""				\
+gnome_klotski_VALAFLAGS = \
+	--pkg posix \
+	--pkg gtk+-3.0 \
+	--pkg gmodule-2.0 \
+	--pkg librsvg-2.0 \
+	--pkg pango \
+	--pkg pangocairo
 gnome_klotski_LDADD = \
-	-if test "$(setgid)" = "true"; then \
-	  chgrp $(scores_group) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/gnome-klotski && chmod 2555 $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/gnome-klotski ;\
-	fi
+	$(patsubst %.vala,%.c,$(filter %.vala, $(SOURCES))) \
+	*_vala.stamp
+	Makefile.in
 -include $(top_srcdir)/git.mk
diff --git a/src/config.vapi b/src/config.vapi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8efa3e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config.vapi
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+public const string VERSION;
+public const string GETTEXT_PACKAGE;
+public const string DATA_DIRECTORY;
+public const string LOCALEDIR;
diff --git a/src/gnome-klotski.vala b/src/gnome-klotski.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8267b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gnome-klotski.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,1154 @@
+/* Puzzle Info */
+private struct LevelInfo
+    string name;
+    int group;
+    int width;
+    int height;
+    string data;
+public class Klotski : Gtk.Application
+    private Settings settings;
+    private const int MINWIDTH = 250;
+    private const int MINHEIGHT = 250;
+    private const int SPACE_PADDING = 5;
+    private const string KEY_LEVEL = "level";
+    /* Main window */
+    private Gtk.Window window;
+    private int window_width;
+    private int window_height;
+    private bool is_fullscreen;
+    private bool is_maximized;
+    private PuzzleView view;
+    private Gtk.ToolButton fullscreen_button;
+    private Gtk.Label messagewidget;
+    private Gtk.Label moves_label;
+    private Gtk.ActionGroup gaction_group;
+    private Puzzle puzzle;
+    private int current_level = -1;
+    private History history;
+    /* The "puzzle name" remarks provide context for translation. */
+    private Gtk.SizeGroup groups[3];
+    private Gtk.Image[] level_image;
+    private Gtk.ToggleAction[] level_action;
+    public const LevelInfo level[] =
+    {
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Only 18 Steps"), 0,
+       6, 9,
+       "######" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#m**n#" +
+       "#cdef#" +
+       "#ghij#" +
+       "#k  l#" +
+       "##--##" +
+       "    .." +
+       "    .."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Daisy"), 0,
+       6, 9,
+       "######" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#cdef#" +
+       "#zghi#" +
+       "#j  k#" +
+       "##--##" +
+       "    .." +
+       "    .."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Violet"), 0,
+       6, 9,
+       "######" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#cdef#" +
+       "#cghi#" +
+       "#j  k#" +
+       "##--##" +
+       "    .." +
+       "    .."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Poppy"), 0,
+       6, 9,
+       "######" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#cdde#" +
+       "#fghi#" +
+       "#j  k#" +
+       "##--##" +
+       "    .." +
+       "    .."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Pansy"), 0,
+       6, 9,
+       "######" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#cdef#" +
+       "#cghf#" +
+       "#i  j#" +
+       "##--##" +
+       "    .." +
+       "    .."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Snowdrop"), 0,
+       6, 9,
+       "######" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#cdde#" +
+       "#cfgh#" +
+       "#i  j#" +
+       "##--##" +
+       "    .." +
+       "    .."},
+      /* puzzle name - sometimes called "Le'Ane Rouge" */
+      {N_("Red Donkey"), 0,
+       6, 9,
+       "######" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#a**b#" +
+       "#cdde#" +
+       "#cfge#" +
+       "#h  i#" +
+       "##--##" +
+       "    .." +
+       "    .."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Trail"), 0,
+       6, 9,
+       "######" +
+       "#a**c#" +
+       "#a**c#" +
+       "#eddg#" +
+       "#hffj#" +
+       "# ii #" +
+       "##--##" +
+       "    .." +
+       "    .."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Ambush"), 0,
+       6, 9,
+       "######" +
+       "#a**c#" +
+       "#d**e#" +
+       "#dffe#" +
+       "#ghhi#" +
+       "# jj #" +
+       "##--##" +
+       "    .." +
+       "    .."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Agatka"), 1,
+       7, 7,
+       "..     " +
+       ".      " +
+       "#####--" +
+       "#**aab-" +
+       "#*ccde#" +
+       "#fgh  #" +
+       "#######"},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Success"), 1,
+       9, 6,
+       "#######  " +
+       "#**bbc#  " +
+       "#defgh#  " +
+       "#ijkgh-  " +
+       "#llk  #  " +
+       "#######.."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Bone"), 1,
+       6, 9,
+       "######" +
+       "#abc*#" +
+       "# dd*#" +
+       "# ee*#" +
+       "# fgh#" +
+       "##-###" +
+       "     ." +
+       "     ." +
+       "     ."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Fortune"), 1,
+       7, 10,
+       "     .." +
+       "     . " +
+       "####-. " +
+       "#ab  - " +
+       "#ccd # " +
+       "#ccd # " +
+       "#**ee# " +
+       "#*fgh# " +
+       "#*iih# " +
+       "###### "},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Fool"), 1,
+       10, 6,
+       "  ########" +
+       "  -aabc  #" +
+       "  #aabdef#" +
+       "  #ijggef#" +
+       "  #klhh**#" +
+       "..########"},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Solomon"), 1,
+       7, 9,
+       " .     " +
+       "..     " +
+       "#--####" +
+       "#  aab#" +
+       "# cdfb#" +
+       "#hcefg#" +
+       "#hijk*#" +
+       "#hll**#" +
+       "#######"},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Cleopatra"), 1,
+       6, 8,
+       "######" +
+       "#abcd#" +
+       "#**ee#" +
+       "#f*g #" +
+       "#fh i-" +
+       "####--" +
+       "    .." +
+       "     ."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Shark"), 1,
+       11, 8,
+       "########   " +
+       "#nrr s #   " +
+       "#n*op q#   " +
+       "#***jml#   " +
+       "#hhijkl#   " +
+       "#ffcddg-   " +
+       "#abcdde- . " +
+       "########..."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Rome"), 1,
+       8, 8,
+       "########" +
+       "#abcc**#" +
+       "#ddeef*#" +
+       "#ddghfi#" +
+       "#   jki#" +
+       "#--#####" +
+       " ..     " +
+       "  .     "},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Pennant Puzzle"), 1,
+       6, 9,
+       "######" +
+       "#**aa#" +
+       "#**bb#" +
+       "#de  #" +
+       "#fghh#" +
+       "#fgii#" +
+       "#--###" +
+       "    .." +
+       "    .."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Ithaca"), 2,
+       19, 19,
+       ".aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab" +
+       "..  cddeffffffffffb" +
+       " .. cddeffffffffffb" +
+       "  . cddeffffffffffb" +
+       "ggg-############hhb" +
+       "ggg-  ABCDEFFGH#hhb" +
+       "ggg-       FFIJ#hhb" +
+       "ggg#       KLMJ#hhb" +
+       "ggg#NNNNOOOPQMJ#hhb" +
+       "ggg#NNNNOOOP*RS#hhb" +
+       "ggg#TTTTTUVW**X#hhb" +
+       "ggg#YZ12222W3**#hhb" +
+       "ggg#YZ12222W34*#iib" +
+       "jjj#YZ155555367#klb" +
+       "jjj#############mmb" +
+       "jjjnooooooooooppppb" +
+       "jjjqooooooooooppppb" +
+       "       rrrssssppppb" +
+       "ttttttuvvvvvvvwwwwx"},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Pelopones"), 2,
+       9, 8,
+       "#########" +
+       "#abbb***#" +
+       "#abbb*c*#" +
+       "#adeefgg#" +
+       "#  eefhh#" +
+       "#... ihh#" +
+       "#. . ihh#" +
+       "#########"},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Transeuropa"), 2,
+       15, 8,
+       "    ###########" +
+       "    -AAAAABBCC#" +
+       "    -   DEFGHI#" +
+       "    #   DEFGJI#" +
+       "    #   KEFGLI#" +
+       "    #   KEFG*I#" +
+       "  . #   MM****#" +
+       "....###########"},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Lodzianka"), 2,
+       9, 7,
+       "#########" +
+       "#**abbcc#" +
+       "#**abbdd#" +
+       "#eefgh  #" +
+       "#iiijk..#" +
+       "#iiijk..#" +
+       "#########"},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Polonaise"), 2,
+       7, 7,
+       "#######" +
+       "#aab**#" +
+       "#aabc*#" +
+       "#defgg#" +
+       "#..fhh#" +
+       "# .ihh#" +
+       "#######"},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Baltic Sea"), 2,
+       6, 8,
+       "######" +
+       "#.abc#" +
+       "#.dec#" +
+       "#fggc#" +
+       "#fhhi#" +
+       "#fjk*#" +
+       "#flk*#" +
+       "######"},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("American Pie"), 2,
+       10, 12,
+       "##########" +
+       "#a*bcdefg#" +
+       "#**bhhhhg#" +
+       "#*iijjkkg#" +
+       "#liimnoop#" +
+       "#qiirrr  #" +
+       "#qstuvv  #" +
+       "#qwwxvv  #" +
+       "######--##" +
+       "         ." +
+       "        .." +
+       "        . "},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Traffic Jam"), 2,
+       10, 7,
+       "########  " +
+       "#** ffi#  " +
+       "#** fgh#  " +
+       "#aacehh#  " +
+       "#bbdjlm-  " +
+       "#bddklm-.." +
+       "########.."},
+      /* puzzle name */
+      {N_("Sunshine"), 2,
+       17, 22,
+       "       ...       " +
+       "      .. ..      " +
+       "      .   .      " +
+       "      .. ..      " +
+       "       ...       " +
+       "######-----######" +
+       "#hh0iilltmmpp;qq#" +
+       "#hh,iill mmpp:qq#" +
+       "#2y{45v s w89x/z#" +
+       "#jj6kkaa nnoo<rr#" +
+       "#jj7kkaaunnoo>rr#" +
+       "#33333TTJWW11111#" +
+       "#33333TTJWW11111#" +
+       "#33333GG HH11111#" +
+       "#33333YYIgg11111#" +
+       "#33333YYIgg11111#" +
+       "#ddFeeA***BffOZZ#" +
+       "#ddFee** **ffOZZ#" +
+       "#MMKQQ*   *PPS^^#" +
+       "#VVLXX** **bbRcc#" +
+       "#VVLXXD***EbbRcc#" +
+       "#################"}
+    };
+    const string[] pack_uipath =
+    {
+        "/ui/MainMenu/GameMenu/HuaRongTrail",
+        "/ui/MainMenu/GameMenu/ChallengePack",
+        "/ui/MainMenu/GameMenu/SkillPack"
+    };
+    private const GLib.ActionEntry[] action_entries =
+    {
+        { "new-game",             restart_level_cb  },
+        { "fullscreen",           fullscreen_cb     },
+        { "scores",               scores_cb         },
+        { "help",                 help_cb           },
+        { "about",                about_cb          },
+        { "quit",                 quit_cb           }
+    };
+    const Gtk.ActionEntry[] entries =
+    {
+        {"GameMenu", null, N_("_Game")},
+        /* set of puzzles */
+        {"HuaRongTrail", null, N_("HuaRong Trail")},
+        /* set of puzzles */
+        {"ChallengePack", null, N_("Challenge Pack")},
+        /* set of puzzles */
+        {"SkillPack", null, N_("Skill Pack")},
+        {"RestartPuzzle", Gtk.Stock.REFRESH, N_("_Restart Puzzle"), "<control>R", null, restart_level_cb},
+        {"NextPuzzle", Gtk.Stock.GO_FORWARD, N_("Next Puzzle"), "Page_Down", null, next_level_cb},
+        {"PrevPuzzle", Gtk.Stock.GO_BACK, N_("Previous Puzzle"), "Page_Up", null, prev_level_cb}
+    };
+    const string ui_description =
+      "<ui>" +
+      "  <menubar name='MainMenu'>" +
+      "    <menu action='GameMenu'>" +
+      "      <menuitem action='RestartPuzzle'/>" +
+      "      <menuitem action='NextPuzzle'/>" +
+      "      <menuitem action='PrevPuzzle'/>" +
+      "      <separator/>" +
+      "      <menu action='HuaRongTrail'/>" +
+      "      <menu action='ChallengePack'/>" +
+      "      <menu action='SkillPack'/>" +
+      "    </menu>" +
+      "  </menubar>" +
+      "</ui>";
+    public Klotski ()
+    {
+        Object (application_id: "org.gnome.klotski", flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
+    }
+    protected override void startup ()
+    {
+        base.startup ();
+        Environment.set_application_name (_("Klotski"));
+        settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.klotski");
+        Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_name ("gnome-klotski");
+        add_action_entries (action_entries, this);
+        add_accelerator ("F11", "app.fullscreen", null);
+        level_action = new Gtk.ToggleAction[level.length];
+        level_image = new Gtk.Image[level.length];
+        string histfile = Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_data_dir (), "gnome-klotski", "history");
+        history = new History (histfile);
+        history.load ();
+        window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow (this);
+        window.set_title (_("Klotski"));
+        window.configure_event.connect (window_configure_event_cb);
+        window.window_state_event.connect (window_state_event_cb);
+        int ww = settings.get_int ("window-width");
+        int wh = settings.get_int ("window-height");
+        if (ww < MINWIDTH)
+            ww = MINWIDTH;
+        if (wh < MINHEIGHT)
+           wh = MINHEIGHT;
+        window.set_default_size (ww, wh);
+        if (settings.get_boolean ("window-is-fullscreen"))
+            window.fullscreen ();
+        else if (settings.get_boolean ("window-is-maximized"))
+            window.maximize ();
+        var vbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);
+        window.add (vbox);
+        vbox.show ();
+        /* Create the menu */
+        var builder_str =
+               "<interface>" +
+                /* string for menu */
+               """
+               <menu id='app-menu'>
+                  <section>
+                   <item>
+                      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_New Game</attribute>
+                      <attribute name='action'>app.new-game</attribute>
+                      <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;n</attribute>
+                   </item>
+                   <item>
+                      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Scores</attribute>
+                      <attribute name='action'>app.scores</attribute>
+                   </item>
+                  </section>
+                  <section>
+                   <item>
+                      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Help</attribute>
+                      <attribute name='action'>app.help</attribute>
+                      <attribute name='accel'>F1</attribute>
+                   </item>
+                   <item>
+                      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_About</attribute>
+                      <attribute name='action'>app.about</attribute>
+                   </item>
+                  </section>
+                  <section>
+                   <item>
+                      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Quit</attribute>
+                      <attribute name='action'>app.quit</attribute>
+                      <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;q</attribute>
+                   </item>
+                  </section>
+                </menu>
+               </interface>
+               """;
+        Gtk.Builder builder = new Gtk.Builder ();
+        try
+        {
+            builder.add_from_string (builder_str, -1);
+        }
+        catch (GLib.Error e)
+        {
+            stderr.printf ("%s\n", "Error in gnome-klotski.vala function startup() - builder.add_from_string failed");
+            GLib.error(e.message);
+        }
+        set_app_menu (builder.get_object ("app-menu") as MenuModel);
+        gaction_group = new Gtk.ActionGroup ("MenuActions");
+        gaction_group.set_translation_domain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
+        gaction_group.add_actions (entries, this);
+        var ui_manager = new Gtk.UIManager ();
+        ui_manager.insert_action_group (gaction_group, 0);
+        try
+        {
+            ui_manager.add_ui_from_string (ui_description, -1);
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+        }
+        add_puzzle_menu (ui_manager);
+        window.add_accel_group (ui_manager.get_accel_group ());
+        var menubar = ui_manager.get_widget ("/MainMenu");
+        vbox.pack_start (menubar, false, false, 0);
+        var status_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 10);
+        status_box.show ();
+        /* show the puzzle name and number of moves */
+        messagewidget = new Gtk.Label ("");
+        messagewidget.show ();
+        status_box.pack_start (messagewidget, false, false, 0);
+        moves_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
+        moves_label.show ();
+        status_box.pack_start (moves_label, false, false, 0);
+        /* game clock */
+        //clock_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
+        //clock_label.show ();
+        //status_box.pack_start (clock_label, false, false, 0);
+        var toolbar = new Gtk.Toolbar ();
+        toolbar.show ();
+        toolbar.show_arrow = false;
+        toolbar.get_style_context ().add_class (Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_PRIMARY_TOOLBAR);
+        var new_game_button = new Gtk.ToolButton (null, N_("_New"));
+        new_game_button.icon_name = "document-new";
+        new_game_button.use_underline = true;
+        new_game_button.action_name = "app.new-game";
+        new_game_button.is_important = true;
+        new_game_button.show ();
+        toolbar.insert (new_game_button, -1);
+        fullscreen_button = new Gtk.ToolButton (null, _("_Fullscreen"));
+        fullscreen_button.icon_name = "view-fullscreen";
+        fullscreen_button.use_underline = true;
+        fullscreen_button.action_name = "app.fullscreen";
+        fullscreen_button.show ();
+        toolbar.insert (fullscreen_button, -1);
+        var status_alignment = new Gtk.Alignment (1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+        status_alignment.add (status_box);
+        status_alignment.show ();
+        var status_item = new Gtk.ToolItem ();
+        status_item.set_expand (true);
+        status_item.add (status_alignment);
+        status_item.show ();
+        toolbar.insert (status_item, -1);
+        vbox.pack_start (toolbar, false, false, 0);
+        view = new PuzzleView ();
+        view.show ();
+        vbox.pack_start (view, true, true, 0);
+        vbox.pack_start (new Gtk.HSeparator (), false, false, 0);
+        load_solved_state ();
+        var startup_level = settings.get_int (KEY_LEVEL);
+        new_game (startup_level);
+    }
+    private bool window_configure_event_cb (Gdk.EventConfigure event)
+    {
+        if (!is_maximized && !is_fullscreen)
+        {
+            window_width = event.width;
+            window_height = event.height;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    private bool window_state_event_cb (Gdk.EventWindowState event)
+    {
+        if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0)
+            is_maximized = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0;
+        if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0)
+        {
+            is_fullscreen = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0;
+            if (is_fullscreen)
+            {
+                fullscreen_button.label = _("_Leave Fullscreen");
+                fullscreen_button.icon_name = "view-restore";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                fullscreen_button.label = _("_Fullscreen");
+                fullscreen_button.icon_name = "view-fullscreen";
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    private void scores_cb ()
+    {
+        show_scores (null, false);
+    }
+    private void game_score ()
+    {
+        /* Level is complete */
+        var key = get_level_key (current_level);
+        var keyfile = new KeyFile ();
+        var filename = Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_data_dir (), "gnome-klotski", "levels");  // filename:~/.local/share/gnome-klotski/levels
+        try
+        {
+            keyfile.load_from_file (filename, KeyFileFlags.NONE);
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+        }
+        keyfile.set_boolean (key, "solved", true);
+        try
+        {
+            FileUtils.set_contents (filename, keyfile.to_data ());
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+        }
+        level_image[current_level].set_from_stock (Gtk.Stock.YES, Gtk.IconSize.MENU);
+        var date = new DateTime.now_local ();
+        var entry = new HistoryEntry (date, current_level, puzzle.moves);
+        history.add (entry);
+        history.save ();
+        if (show_scores (entry, true) == Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE)
+            window.destroy ();
+        else
+            new_game (current_level);
+    }
+    private int show_scores (HistoryEntry? selected_entry = null, bool show_quit = false)
+    {
+        var dialog = new ScoreDialog (history, selected_entry, show_quit, gaction_group);
+        dialog.modal = true;
+        dialog.transient_for = window;
+        var result = dialog.run ();
+        dialog.destroy ();
+        return result;
+     }
+    /* Add puzzles to the game menu. */
+    private void add_puzzle_menu (Gtk.UIManager ui_manager)
+    {
+        unowned SList group = null;
+        Gtk.RadioAction? top_action = null;
+        for (var i = level.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+        {
+            var label = gaction_group.translate_string (level[i].name);
+            var action = new Gtk.RadioAction (level[i].name, "", null, null, i);
+            top_action = action;
+            action.set_group (group);
+            group = action.get_group ();
+            gaction_group.add_action (action);
+            ui_manager.add_ui (ui_manager.new_merge_id (),
+                               pack_uipath[level[i].group],
+                               level[i].name, level[i].name,
+                               Gtk.UIManagerItemType.MENUITEM, true);
+            /* Unfortunately Gtk.UIManager only supports labels for items, so remove the label it creates and
+             * replace it with our own widget */
+            Gtk.Bin item = (Gtk.Bin) ui_manager.get_widget (pack_uipath[level[i].group] + "/" + level[i].name);
+            /* Create a label and image for the menu item */
+            var box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6);
+            var labelw = new Gtk.Label (label);
+            labelw.set_alignment (0.0f, 0.5f);
+            var image = new Gtk.Image ();
+            box.pack_start (labelw, true, true, 0);
+            box.pack_start (image, false, true, 0);
+            /* Keep all elements the same size */
+            if (groups[level[i].group] == null)
+                groups[level[i].group] = new Gtk.SizeGroup (Gtk.SizeGroupMode.BOTH);
+            groups[level[i].group].add_widget (box);
+            /* Replace the label with the new one */
+            item.remove (item.get_child ());
+            item.add (box);
+            box.show_all ();
+            level_image[i] = image;
+            level_action[i] = action;
+        }
+        top_action.changed.connect (level_cb);
+    }
+    private string get_level_key (int level_number)
+    {
+        /* Calculate the CRC of the level data */
+        uint32 result = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
+        var data = level[level_number].data;
+        for (var i = 0; data[i] != '\0'; i++)
+        {
+            var octet = data[i];
+            for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+            {
+                if (((octet >> 7) ^ (result >> 31)) != 0)
+                    result = (result << 1) ^ 0x04c11db7;
+                else
+                    result = (result << 1);
+                result &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
+                octet <<= 1;
+            }
+        }
+        return "%08X".printf (~result);
+    }
+    private void load_solved_state ()
+    {
+        var keyfile = new KeyFile ();
+        var filename = Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_data_dir (), "gnome-klotski", "levels");
+        try
+        {
+            keyfile.load_from_file (filename, KeyFileFlags.NONE);
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < level.length; i++)
+        {
+            var key = get_level_key (i);
+            var value = false;
+            try
+            {
+                value = keyfile.get_boolean (key, "solved");
+            }
+            catch (Error e)
+            {
+            }
+            if (value)
+                level_image[i].set_from_stock (Gtk.Stock.YES, Gtk.IconSize.MENU);
+        }
+    }
+    private void update_menu_state ()
+    {
+        /* Puzzle Radio Action */
+        level_action[current_level].active = true;
+        /* Next Puzzle Sensitivity */
+        var action = gaction_group.get_action ("NextPuzzle");
+        action.sensitive = current_level < level.length - 1;
+        /* Previous Puzzle Sensitivity */
+        action = gaction_group.get_action ("PrevPuzzle");
+        action.sensitive = current_level > 0;
+        update_moves_label ();
+    }
+    private void new_game (int requested_level)
+    {
+        current_level = requested_level.clamp (0, level.length - 1);
+        settings.set_int (KEY_LEVEL, current_level);
+        messagewidget.set_text (N_("Puzzle: ") + _(level[current_level].name));
+        puzzle = new Puzzle (level[current_level].width, level[current_level].height, level[current_level].data);
+        puzzle.moved.connect (puzzle_moved_cb);
+        view.puzzle = puzzle;
+        update_menu_state ();
+    }
+    private void puzzle_moved_cb ()
+    {
+        update_moves_label ();
+    }
+    private void update_moves_label ()
+    {
+        moves_label.set_text (_("Moves: %d").printf (puzzle.moves));
+        if (puzzle.game_over ())
+        {
+            messagewidget.set_text (_("Level completed."));
+            game_score ();
+        }
+    }
+    private void quit_cb ()
+    {
+        window.destroy ();
+    }
+    private void level_cb (Gtk.Action action, Gtk.RadioAction current)
+    {
+        int requested_level = current.get_current_value ();
+        if (requested_level != current_level)
+            new_game (requested_level);
+    }
+    private void restart_level_cb ()
+    {
+        new_game (current_level);
+    }
+    private void next_level_cb ()
+    {
+        new_game (current_level + 1);
+    }
+    private void prev_level_cb ()
+    {
+        new_game (current_level - 1);
+    }
+    private void help_cb ()
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            Gtk.show_uri (window.get_screen (), "help:gnotski", Gtk.get_current_event_time ());
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+            warning ("Failed to show help: %s", e.message);
+        }
+    }
+    protected override void shutdown ()
+    {
+        base.shutdown ();
+        /* Save window state */
+        settings.set_int ("window-width", window_width);
+        settings.set_int ("window-height", window_height);
+        settings.set_boolean ("window-is-maximized", is_maximized);
+        settings.set_boolean ("window-is-fullscreen", is_fullscreen);
+    }
+    protected override void activate ()
+    {
+        window.present ();
+    }
+    private void fullscreen_cb ()
+    {
+        if (is_fullscreen)
+        {
+            window.unfullscreen ();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            window.fullscreen ();
+        }
+    }
+    private void about_cb ()
+    {
+        const string authors[] = { "Lars Rydlinge (original author)", "Robert Ancell (port to vala)", "John Cheetham (port to vala)", null };
+        const string documenters[] = { "Andrew Sobala", null };
+        var license = "Klotski is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\nKlotski is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Klotski; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA";
+        Gtk.show_about_dialog (window,
+                               "program-name", _("Klotski"),
+                               "version", VERSION,
+                               "comments", _("Sliding Block Puzzles\n\nKlotski is a part of GNOME Games."),
+                               "copyright",
+                               "Copyright \xc2\xa9 1999-2008 Lars Rydlinge",
+                               "license", license,
+                               "wrap-license", true,
+                               "authors", authors,
+                               "documenters", documenters,
+                               "translator-credits", _("translator-credits"),
+                               "logo-icon-name", "gnome-klotski",
+                               "website", "http://www.gnome.org/projects/gnome-games";,
+                               "website-label", _("GNOME Games web site"),
+                               null);
+    }
+    public static int main (string[] args)
+    {
+        Intl.setlocale (LocaleCategory.ALL, "");
+        Intl.bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
+        Intl.bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
+        Intl.textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
+        var context = new OptionContext ("");
+        context.set_translation_domain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
+        context.add_group (Gtk.get_option_group (true));
+        try
+        {
+            context.parse (ref args);
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+            stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
+            Posix.exit (Posix.EXIT_FAILURE);
+        }
+        var app = new Klotski ();
+        return app.run (args);
+    }
+public class ScoreDialog : Gtk.Dialog
+    private History history;
+    private HistoryEntry? selected_entry = null;
+    private Gtk.ListStore level_model;
+    private Gtk.ListStore score_model;
+    private Gtk.ComboBox level_combo;
+    private Gtk.ActionGroup action_group;
+    public ScoreDialog (History history, HistoryEntry? selected_entry = null, bool show_quit = false, Gtk.ActionGroup action_group)
+    {
+        this.history = history;
+        history.entry_added.connect (entry_added_cb);
+        this.selected_entry = selected_entry;
+        this.action_group = action_group;
+        if (show_quit)
+        {
+            add_button (Gtk.Stock.QUIT, Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE);
+            add_button (_("New Game"), Gtk.ResponseType.OK);
+        }
+        else
+            add_button (Gtk.Stock.OK, Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT);
+        set_size_request (200, 300);
+        var vbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 5);
+        vbox.border_width = 6;
+        vbox.show ();
+        get_content_area ().pack_start (vbox, true, true, 0);
+        var hbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6);
+        hbox.show ();
+        vbox.pack_start (hbox, false, false, 0);
+        var label = new Gtk.Label (_("Puzzle:"));
+        label.show ();
+        hbox.pack_start (label, false, false, 0);
+        level_model = new Gtk.ListStore (2, typeof (string), typeof (int));  // puzzle name, level
+        level_combo = new Gtk.ComboBox ();
+        level_combo.changed.connect (level_changed_cb);
+        level_combo.model = level_model;
+        var renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
+        level_combo.pack_start (renderer, true);
+        level_combo.add_attribute (renderer, "text", 0);
+        level_combo.show ();
+        hbox.pack_start (level_combo, true, true, 0);
+        var scroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (null, null);
+        scroll.shadow_type = Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN;
+        scroll.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+        scroll.show ();
+        vbox.pack_start (scroll, true, true, 0);
+        score_model = new Gtk.ListStore (3, typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (int));
+        var scores = new Gtk.TreeView ();
+        renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
+        scores.insert_column_with_attributes (-1, _("Date"), renderer, "text", 0, "weight", 2);
+        renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
+        renderer.xalign = 1.0f;
+        scores.insert_column_with_attributes (-1, _("Moves"), renderer, "text", 1, "weight", 2);
+        scores.model = score_model;
+        scores.show ();
+        scroll.add (scores);
+        foreach (var entry in history.entries)
+            entry_added_cb (entry);
+    }
+    public void set_level (uint level)
+    {
+        score_model.clear ();
+        var entries = history.entries.copy ();
+        entries.sort (compare_entries);
+        foreach (var entry in entries)
+        {
+            if (entry.level != level)
+                continue;
+            var date_label = entry.date.format ("%d/%m/%Y");
+            var moves_label = "%u".printf (entry.moves);
+            int weight = Pango.Weight.NORMAL;
+            if (entry == selected_entry)
+                weight = Pango.Weight.BOLD;
+            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+            score_model.append (out iter);
+            score_model.set (iter, 0, date_label, 1, moves_label, 2, weight);
+        }
+    }
+    private static int compare_entries (HistoryEntry a, HistoryEntry b)
+    {
+        if (a.level != b.level)
+            return (int) a.level - (int) b.level;
+        if (a.moves != b.moves)
+            return (int) a.moves - (int) b.moves;
+        return a.date.compare (b.date);
+    }
+    private void level_changed_cb (Gtk.ComboBox combo)
+    {
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        if (!combo.get_active_iter (out iter))
+            return;
+        int level;
+        combo.model.get (iter, 1, out level);
+        set_level ((uint) level);
+    }
+    private void entry_added_cb (HistoryEntry entry)
+    {
+        /* Ignore if already have an entry for this */
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        var have_level_entry = false;
+        if (level_model.get_iter_first (out iter))
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                uint level;
+                level_model.get (iter, 1, out level);
+                if (level == entry.level)
+                {
+                    have_level_entry = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            } while (level_model.iter_next (ref iter));
+        }
+        if (!have_level_entry)
+        {
+            var label = action_group.translate_string (Klotski.level[entry.level].name);
+            level_model.append (out iter);
+            level_model.set (iter, 0, label, 1, entry.level, -1);
+            /* Select this entry if don't have any */
+            if (level_combo.get_active () == -1)
+                level_combo.set_active_iter (iter);
+            /* Select this entry if the same category as the selected one */
+            if (selected_entry != null && entry.level == selected_entry.level)
+                level_combo.set_active_iter (iter);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/history.vala b/src/history.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84ce652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/history.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+public class History
+    public string filename;
+    public List<HistoryEntry> entries;
+    public signal void entry_added (HistoryEntry entry);
+    public History (string filename)
+    {
+        this.filename = filename;
+        entries = new List<HistoryEntry> ();
+    }
+    public void add (HistoryEntry entry)
+    {
+        entries.append (entry);
+        entry_added (entry);
+    }
+    public void load ()
+    {
+        entries = new List<HistoryEntry> ();
+        var contents = "";
+        try
+        {
+            FileUtils.get_contents (filename, out contents);
+        }
+        catch (FileError e)
+        {
+            if (!(e is FileError.NOENT))
+                warning ("Failed to load history: %s", e.message);
+            return;
+        }
+        foreach (var line in contents.split ("\n"))
+        {
+            var tokens = line.split (" ");
+            if (tokens.length != 3)
+                continue;
+            var date = parse_date (tokens[0]);
+            if (date == null)
+                continue;
+            var level = int.parse (tokens[1]);
+            var moves = int.parse (tokens[2]);
+            add (new HistoryEntry (date, level, moves));
+        }
+    }
+    public void save ()
+    {
+        var contents = "";
+        foreach (var entry in entries)
+        {
+            var line = "%s %u %u\n".printf (entry.date.to_string (), entry.level, entry.moves);
+            contents += line;
+        }
+        try
+        {
+            DirUtils.create_with_parents (Path.get_dirname (filename), 0775);
+            FileUtils.set_contents (filename, contents);
+        }
+        catch (FileError e)
+        {
+            warning ("Failed to save history: %s", e.message);
+        }
+    }
+    private DateTime? parse_date (string date)
+    {
+        if (date.length < 19 || date[4] != '-' || date[7] != '-' || date[10] != 'T' || date[13] != ':' || date[16] != ':')
+            return null;
+        var year = int.parse (date.substring (0, 4));
+        var month = int.parse (date.substring (5, 2));
+        var day = int.parse (date.substring (8, 2));
+        var hour = int.parse (date.substring (11, 2));
+        var minute = int.parse (date.substring (14, 2));
+        var seconds = int.parse (date.substring (17, 2));
+        var timezone = date.substring (19);
+        return new DateTime (new TimeZone (timezone), year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds);
+    }
+public class HistoryEntry
+    public DateTime date;
+    public uint level;
+    public uint moves;
+    public HistoryEntry (DateTime date, uint level, uint moves)
+    {
+        this.date = date;
+        this.level = level;
+        this.moves = moves;
+    }
diff --git a/src/puzzle-view.vala b/src/puzzle-view.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27edd32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/puzzle-view.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+public class PuzzleView : Gtk.DrawingArea
+    private const int SPACE_OFFSET = 4;
+    private const int SPACE_PADDING = 5;
+    private const int THEME_OVERLAY_SIZE = 8;
+    private const int THEME_TILE_SEGMENTS = 27;
+    private const int THEME_TILE_CENTER = 14;
+    private const int THEME_TILE_SIZE = 34;
+    private int render_size = 0;
+    private Gdk.Pixbuf tiles_pixbuf = null;
+    private Gdk.Pixbuf tiles_image = null;
+    private int piece_x = 0;
+    private int piece_y = 0;
+    private char piece_id = '\0';
+    private char last_piece_id = '\0';
+    private double kx = 0;
+    private double ky = 0;
+    private Puzzle? _puzzle = null;
+    public Puzzle? puzzle
+    {
+        get { return _puzzle; }
+        set
+        {
+            if (_puzzle != null)
+                SignalHandler.disconnect_by_func (_puzzle, null, this);
+            _puzzle = value;
+            _puzzle.changed.connect (puzzle_changed_cb);
+            piece_x = 0;
+            piece_y = 0;
+            piece_id = '\0';
+            queue_draw ();
+        }
+    }
+    private int tile_size
+    {
+        get
+        {
+            var s = int.min ((get_allocated_width () - SPACE_PADDING) / puzzle.width, (get_allocated_height () - SPACE_PADDING) / puzzle.height);
+            /* SVG theme renders best when tile size is multiple of 2 */
+            if (s % 2 != 0)
+                s--;
+            return s;
+        }
+    }
+    public PuzzleView ()
+    {
+        set_events (Gdk.EventMask.EXPOSURE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK);
+        load_image ();
+    }
+    private void load_image ()
+    {
+        var path = Path.build_filename (DATA_DIRECTORY, "gnome-klotski.svg", null);
+        try
+        {
+            tiles_image = Rsvg.pixbuf_from_file (path);
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+            /*var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog (window,
+                                                Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL,
+                                                Gtk.MessageType.ERROR,
+                                                Gtk.ButtonsType.OK,
+                                                _("Could not find the image:\n%s\n\nPlease check that Klotski is installed correctly."),
+                                                e.message);
+            dialog.run ();*/
+            stderr.printf ("%s %s\n", "Error in puzzle-view.vala load image:", e.message);
+            stderr.printf ( "%s %s\n", "image path:", path);
+            Posix.exit (Posix.EXIT_FAILURE);
+        }
+    }
+    protected override bool draw (Cairo.Context cr)
+    {
+        if (tile_size != render_size)
+        {
+            render_size = tile_size;
+            tiles_pixbuf = null;
+            if (tiles_image != null)
+                tiles_pixbuf = tiles_image.scale_simple(tile_size * THEME_TILE_SEGMENTS, tile_size * 2, Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR);
+        }
+        var style = get_style_context ();
+        var fg = style.get_color (Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL);
+        var bg = style.get_background_color (Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL);
+        Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, bg);
+        cr.paint ();
+        int width = this.get_allocated_width ();
+        int height = this.get_allocated_height ();
+        Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, fg);
+        cr.set_line_width (1.0);
+        double kwidth = puzzle.width * tile_size + SPACE_PADDING - 2.0;
+        double kheight = puzzle.height * tile_size + SPACE_PADDING - 2.0;
+        kx = (width - kwidth) / 2.0;
+        ky = (height - kheight) / 2.0;
+        cr.rectangle (kx, ky, kwidth, kheight);
+        cr.stroke ();
+        for (var y = 0; y < puzzle.height; y++)
+            for (var x = 0; x < puzzle.width; x++)
+                draw_square (cr, x, y, kx, ky);
+        return false;
+    }
+    private void draw_square (Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, double kx, double ky)
+    {
+        var rect = Gdk.Rectangle ();
+        rect.x = x * tile_size + SPACE_OFFSET + (int)kx - 1;
+        rect.y = y * tile_size + SPACE_OFFSET + (int)ky - 1;
+        rect.width = tile_size;
+        rect.height = tile_size;
+        var style = get_style_context ();
+        var bg = style.get_background_color (Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL);
+        Gdk.cairo_rectangle (cr, rect);
+        Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, bg);
+        cr.fill ();
+        if (puzzle.get_piece_id (puzzle.map, x, y) != ' ')
+        {
+            Gdk.cairo_rectangle (cr, rect);
+            Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, tiles_pixbuf, rect.x - puzzle.get_piece_nr (x, y) * tile_size, rect.y - tile_size / 2);
+            cr.fill ();
+        }
+        if (puzzle.get_piece_id (puzzle.map, x, y) == '*')
+        {
+            var value = 22;
+            if (puzzle.get_piece_id (puzzle.orig_map, x, y) == '.')
+                value = 20;
+            var overlay_size = THEME_OVERLAY_SIZE * tile_size / THEME_TILE_SIZE;
+            var overlay_offset = THEME_TILE_CENTER * tile_size / THEME_TILE_SIZE - overlay_size / 2;
+            cr.rectangle (rect.x + overlay_offset, rect.y + overlay_offset,
+                          overlay_size, overlay_size);
+            Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, tiles_pixbuf, rect.x - value * tile_size, rect.y - tile_size / 2);
+            cr.fill ();
+        }
+    }
+    protected override bool button_press_event (Gdk.EventButton event)
+    {
+        if (event.button == 1)
+        {
+            if (puzzle.game_over ())
+                return false;
+            piece_x = (int) (event.x - kx) / tile_size;
+            piece_y = (int) (event.y - ky) / tile_size;
+            piece_id = puzzle.get_piece_id (puzzle.map, piece_x, piece_y);
+            puzzle.move_map = puzzle.map;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    protected override bool button_release_event (Gdk.EventButton event)
+    {
+        if (event.button == 1 && piece_id != '\0')
+        {
+            if (puzzle.movable (piece_id) && puzzle.mapcmp (puzzle.move_map, puzzle.map))
+            {
+                if (last_piece_id == '\0' || last_piece_id != piece_id)
+                {
+                    puzzle.undomove_map = puzzle.lastmove_map;
+                    if (puzzle.moves < 999)
+                        puzzle.moves++;
+                }
+                if (puzzle.moves > 0 && !puzzle.mapcmp (puzzle.undomove_map, puzzle.map))
+                {
+                    puzzle.moves--;
+                    last_piece_id = '\0';
+                }
+                else
+                    last_piece_id = piece_id;
+                puzzle.lastmove_map = puzzle.map;
+                puzzle.moved ();
+            }
+            piece_id = '\0';
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    protected override bool motion_notify_event (Gdk.EventMotion event)
+    {
+        int new_piece_x, new_piece_y;
+        if (piece_id != '\0')
+        {
+            new_piece_x = (int) (event.x - kx) / tile_size;
+            new_piece_y = (int) (event.y - ky) / tile_size;
+            if (new_piece_x >= puzzle.width || event.x < 0 || new_piece_y >= puzzle.height || event.y < 0)
+                return false;
+            if (puzzle.move_piece (piece_id, piece_x, piece_y, new_piece_x, new_piece_y))
+            {
+                piece_x = new_piece_x;
+                piece_y = new_piece_y;
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    private void puzzle_changed_cb ()
+    {
+        queue_draw ();
+    }
diff --git a/src/puzzle.vala b/src/puzzle.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee74303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/puzzle.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+  1   2   4
+  8   *   16
+  32  64  128
+private const int[] image_map =
+  0, 0,
+  64, 1,
+  66, 2,
+  2, 3,
+  16, 4,
+  24, 5,
+  8, 6,
+  208, 7,
+  248, 8,
+  104, 9,
+  214, 10,
+  255, 11,
+  107, 12,
+  22, 13,
+  31, 14,
+  11, 15,
+  18, 16,
+  10, 17,
+  80, 18,
+  72, 19,
+  /* Misc */
+  56, 5,
+  152, 5,
+  70, 2,
+  67, 2,
+  194, 2,
+  98, 2,
+  9, 6,
+  20, 4,
+  144, 4,
+  3, 3,
+  40, 6,
+  25, 5,
+  28, 5,
+  96, 1,
+  19, 16,
+  201, 19,
+  146, 16,
+  198, 2,
+  84, 18,
+  46, 17,
+  112, 18,
+  6, 3,
+  184, 5,
+  192, 1,
+  147, 16,
+  73, 19,
+  42, 17,
+  200, 19,
+  99, 2,
+  116, 18,
+  29, 5,
+  14, 17,
+  26, 25,
+  224, 1,
+  -1, -1
+public class Puzzle
+    public int width;
+    public int height;
+    public char[] map;
+    public char[] move_map;
+    public char[] orig_map;
+    public char[] lastmove_map;
+    public char[] undomove_map;
+    public int moves = 0;
+    public signal void changed ();
+    public signal void moved ();
+    public Puzzle (int width, int height, string? data)
+    {
+        this.width = width;
+        this.height = height;
+        map = new char[(width + 2) * (height + 2)];
+        move_map = map;
+        undomove_map = map;
+        if (data != null)
+        {
+            var i = 0;
+            for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
+            {
+                for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
+                {
+                    set_piece_id (map, x, y, data[i]);
+                    i++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        orig_map = map;
+        lastmove_map = map;
+    }
+    public char get_piece_id (char[] src, int x, int y)
+    {
+        return src[x + 1 + (y + 1) * (width + 2)];
+    }
+    private void set_piece_id (char[] src, int x, int y, char id)
+    {
+        src[x + 1 + (y + 1) * (width + 2)] = id;
+    }
+    public int get_piece_nr (int x, int y)
+    {
+        x++;
+        y++;
+        var c = map[x + y * (width + 2)];
+        if (c == '-')
+            return 23;
+        if (c == ' ')
+            return 21;
+        if (c == '.')
+            return 20;
+        var nr = 0;
+        if (map[(x - 1) + (y - 1) * (width + 2)] == c)
+            nr += 1;
+        if (map[(x - 0) + (y - 1) * (width + 2)] == c)
+            nr += 2;
+        if (map[(x + 1) + (y - 1) * (width + 2)] == c)
+            nr += 4;
+        if (map[(x - 1) + (y - 0) * (width + 2)] == c)
+            nr += 8;
+        if (map[(x + 1) + (y - 0) * (width + 2)] == c)
+            nr += 16;
+        if (map[(x - 1) + (y + 1) * (width + 2)] == c)
+            nr += 32;
+        if (map[(x - 0) + (y + 1) * (width + 2)] == c)
+            nr += 64;
+        if (map[(x + 1) + (y + 1) * (width + 2)] == c)
+            nr += 128;
+        var i = 0;
+        while (nr != image_map[i] && image_map[i] != -1)
+            i += 2;
+        return image_map[i + 1];
+    }
+    public bool game_over ()
+    {
+        var over = true;
+        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
+            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
+                if (get_piece_id (map, x, y) == '*' && get_piece_id (orig_map, x, y) != '.')
+                    over = false;
+        return over;
+    }
+    public bool mapcmp (char[] m1, char[] m2)
+    {
+        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
+            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
+                if (get_piece_id (m1, x, y) != get_piece_id (m2, x, y))
+                    return true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    public bool movable (int id)
+    {
+        if (id == '#' || id == '.' || id == ' ' || id == '-')
+            return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    public bool move_piece (char id, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+    {
+        var return_value = false;
+        if (!movable (id))
+            return false;
+        if (get_piece_id (map, x2, y2) == id)
+            return_value = true;
+        if (!((y1 == y2 && (x1 - x2).abs () == 1) || (x1 == x2 && (y1 - y2).abs () == 1)))
+            return false;
+        if ((y1 - y2).abs () == 1)
+        {
+            if (y1 - y2 < 0)
+                if (check_valid_move (id, 0, 1))
+                    return do_move_piece (id, 0, 1);
+            if (y1 - y2 > 0)
+                if (check_valid_move (id, 0, -1))
+                    return do_move_piece (id, 0, -1);
+        }
+        if ((x1 - x2).abs () == 1)
+        {
+            if (x1 - x2 < 0)
+                if (check_valid_move (id, 1, 0))
+                    return do_move_piece (id, 1, 0);
+            if (x1 - x2 > 0)
+                if (check_valid_move (id, -1, 0))
+                    return do_move_piece (id, -1, 0);
+        }
+        return return_value;
+    }
+    private bool check_valid_move (int id, int dx, int dy)
+    {
+        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
+        {
+            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
+            {
+                if (get_piece_id (map, x, y) == id)
+                {
+                    var z = get_piece_id (map, x + dx, y + dy);
+                    if (!(z == ' ' || z == '.' || z == id || (id == '*' && z == '-')))
+                        return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    private bool do_move_piece (char id, int dx, int dy)
+    {
+        var tmpmap = map;
+        /* Move pieces */
+        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
+            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
+                if (get_piece_id (tmpmap, x, y) == id)
+                    set_piece_id (tmpmap, x, y, ' ');
+        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
+            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
+                if (get_piece_id (map, x, y) == id)
+                    set_piece_id (tmpmap, (x + dx), (y + dy), id);
+        /* Preserve some from original map */
+        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
+        {
+            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
+            {
+                if (get_piece_id (tmpmap, x, y) == ' ' && get_piece_id (orig_map, x, y) == '.')
+                    set_piece_id (tmpmap, x, y, '.');
+                if (get_piece_id (tmpmap, x, y) == ' ' && get_piece_id (orig_map, x, y) == '-')
+                    set_piece_id (tmpmap, x, y, '-');
+            }
+        }
+        /* Paint changes */
+        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
+            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
+                if (get_piece_id (map, x, y) != get_piece_id (tmpmap, x, y) || get_piece_id (tmpmap, x, y) == id)
+                    ; // FIXME: Just redraw the required space
+        changed ();
+        map = tmpmap;
+        return true;
+    }

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