[libgda] Updated GIR/VAPI for Gda.DataAccessWrapper.set_mapping

commit e8dd60bfa15d4d781b594e9c02514e0c6d344bf6
Author: Daniel Espinosa <despinosa src gnome org>
Date:   Mon Feb 20 18:32:21 2012 -0600

    Updated GIR/VAPI for Gda.DataAccessWrapper.set_mapping

 libgda/Gda-5.0.gir     |   36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 libgda/libgda-5.0.vapi |    1 +
 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libgda/Gda-5.0.gir b/libgda/Gda-5.0.gir
index cc128cc..19fde7d 100644
--- a/libgda/Gda-5.0.gir
+++ b/libgda/Gda-5.0.gir
@@ -3989,6 +3989,42 @@ only if @model can only be accessed using cursor based method.</doc>
+      <method name="set_mapping"
+              c:identifier="gda_data_access_wrapper_set_mapping"
+              version="5.2">
+        <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">@wrapper will report as many columns as @mapping_size, and for each value at position 'i' in @mapping,
+ wrapper will report the 'i'th column, mapped to the wrapped data model column at position mapping[i].
+For example if mapping is {3, 4, 0}, then @wrapper will report 3 columns, respectively mapped to the 4th,
+5th and 1st columns of the wrapped data model (as column numbers start at 0).
+If @mapping is %NULL, then no mapping is done and @wrapper's columns will be the same as the wrapped
+data model.
+If a column in @mapping does not exist in the wrapped data model, then it is simply ignored (no error
+Please note that if @wrapper has already been used and if the wrapped data model offers a cursor forward
+access mode, then this method will return %FALSE and no action will be done.
+If the mapping is applied, then any existing iterator will be invalid, and @wrapper is reset as if it
+had just been created.</doc>
+        <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+          <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">%TRUE if the mapping actually changed</doc>
+          <type name="gboolean" c:type="gboolean"/>
+        </return-value>
+        <parameters>
+          <parameter name="mapping" transfer-ownership="none" allow-none="1">
+            <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">an array of #gint which represents the mapping between @wrapper's columns and the columns of the wrapped data model</doc>
+            <array length="1" zero-terminated="0" c:type="gint*">
+              <type name="gint" c:type="gint"/>
+            </array>
+          </parameter>
+          <parameter name="mapping_size" transfer-ownership="none">
+            <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the size of @mapping.</doc>
+            <type name="gint" c:type="gint"/>
+          </parameter>
+        </parameters>
+      </method>
       <property name="model"
diff --git a/libgda/libgda-5.0.vapi b/libgda/libgda-5.0.vapi
index 96e18e5..2dd5a05 100644
--- a/libgda/libgda-5.0.vapi
+++ b/libgda/libgda-5.0.vapi
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ namespace Gda {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		protected DataAccessWrapper ();
 		public static Gda.DataModel @new (Gda.DataModel model);
+		public bool set_mapping ([CCode (array_length_cname = "mapping_size", array_length_pos = 1.1)] int[]? mapping);
 		public Gda.DataModel model { owned get; construct; }

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