[PolicyKit-gnome] Updated Japanese translation

commit 531f439705876c0818803952d27a8ba97e147360
Author: Hideki Yamane <henrich debian org>
Date:   Mon Nov 14 09:15:55 2011 +0900

    Updated Japanese translation

 po/ja.po |  727 ++------------------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 710 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index eaacaab..04dee3b 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -3,156 +3,25 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the policykit-gnome package.
 # Takeshi AIHANA <takeshi aihana gmail com>, 2008.
 # Takayuki KUSANO <AE5T-KSN asahi-net or jp>, 2009,2011.
+# Hideki Yamane <henrich debian org>, 2011.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: policykit-gnome master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-22 00:16+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-30 00:31+0900\n"
-"Last-Translator: Takayuki KUSANO <AE5T-KSN asahi-net or jp>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-25 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-25 20:34+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Hideki Yamane <henrich debian org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation gnome gr jp>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Language: ja\n"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:458
-msgid "Action Identifier"
-msgstr "ãããããèåå"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:459
-msgid "The action identifier to use for the button"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããèåå"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:475
-msgid "Is Authorized"
-msgstr "æèæ?"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:476
-msgid "Whether the process is authorized"
-msgstr "ãããããæèæãããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:491
-msgid "Is Visible"
-msgstr "åè?"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:492
-msgid "Whether the widget is visible"
-msgstr "ãããããããåèãããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:507
-msgid "Can Obtain"
-msgstr "ååå?"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:508
-msgid "Whether authorization can be obtained"
-msgstr "æèãåããããããããããã?"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:523 ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:625
-msgid "Unlock Text"
-msgstr "ãããèéãããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:524
-msgid "The text to display when prompting the user to unlock."
-msgstr "ãããããããèéãããããæãèçããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:525
-msgid "Click to make changes"
-msgstr "ããããããåæãã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:540 ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:642
-msgid "Unlock Tooltip"
-msgstr "ãããèéãããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:541
-msgid "The tooltip to display when prompting the user to unlock."
-msgstr "ãããããããèéãããããæãèçããããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:542
-msgid "Authentication is needed to make changes."
-msgstr "åæããããèèãåèããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:557
-msgid "Lock Text"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:558
-msgid "The text to display when prompting the user to lock."
-msgstr "ããããããããããããæãèçããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:559
-msgid "Click to prevent changes"
-msgstr "ããããããåæããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:574
-msgid "Lock Tooltip"
-msgstr "ãããããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:575
-msgid "The tooltip to display when prompting the user to lock."
-msgstr "ããããããããããããæãèçããããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:576
-msgid "To prevent further changes, click the lock."
-msgstr "åæãåãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:591
-msgid "Lock Down Text"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:592
-msgid ""
-"The text to display when prompting the user to lock down the action for all "
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããæãããããèçããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:593
-msgid "Click to lock down"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:608
-msgid "Lock Down Tooltip"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:609
-msgid ""
-"The tooltip to display when prompting the user to lock down the action for "
-"all users."
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããæãããããèçããããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:610
-msgid ""
-"To prevent users without administrative privileges from making changes, "
-"click the lock."
-msgstr "ççæéçããããããåæãåããããéãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:626
-msgid ""
-"The text to display when the user cannot obtain authorization through "
-msgstr "ããããèèããããæèãåããããæãèçããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:627
-msgid "Not authorized to make changes"
-msgstr "åæããããæèããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:643
-msgid ""
-"The tooltip to display when the user cannot obtain authorization through "
-msgstr "ããããèèããããæèãåããããæãèçããããããããã"
-#: ../polkitgtk/polkitlockbutton.c:644
-msgid "System policy prevents changes. Contact your system administator."
-msgstr ""
 #: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c:159
 msgid "Select user..."
-msgstr "ããããéæ..."
+msgstr "ãããããéæ..."
 #: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c:194
 #, c-format
@@ -168,28 +37,27 @@ msgid ""
 "An application is attempting to perform an action that requires privileges. "
 "Authentication as one of the users below is required to perform this action."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c:584
 msgid ""
 "An application is attempting to perform an action that requires privileges. "
 "Authentication is required to perform this action."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c:590
 msgid ""
 "An application is attempting to perform an action that requires privileges. "
 "Authentication as the super user is required to perform this action."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããåèãããã root æéããããèèãåèãããããã"
 #: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c:625
-#: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticator.c:301
+#: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticator.c:300
 msgid "_Password:"
 msgstr "ããããã(_P):"
@@ -209,7 +77,7 @@ msgstr "ããããããããã %s ãçéãããããã"
 #: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c:716
 msgid "<small><b>Vendor:</b></small>"
-msgstr "<small><b>ããã:</b></small>"
+msgstr "<small><b>ãããã:</b></small>"
 #: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c:718
 #, c-format
@@ -220,576 +88,15 @@ msgstr "ããããããããã %s ãéãããããã"
 msgid "Authenticate"
 msgstr "èè"
-#: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticator.c:297
+#: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticator.c:296
 #, c-format
 msgid "_Password for %s:"
 msgstr "%s ãããããã(_P):"
-#: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticator.c:457
+#: ../src/polkitgnomeauthenticator.c:456
 msgid "Authentication Failure"
 msgstr "èèåæ"
 #: ../src/polkitgnomelistener.c:164
-msgid "Authentation dialog was dismissed by the user"
-msgstr "èèãããããããããããããéèçãããããã"
-#~ msgid "Click the icon to drop all elevated privileges"
-#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããäããããããããæéãçæ"
-#~ msgid "PolicyKit Authentication Agent"
-#~ msgstr "PolicyKit èèãããããã"
-#~ msgid "Authorizations"
-#~ msgstr "æéãçç"
-#~ msgid "Configure authorizations"
-#~ msgstr "ãããããæéãèåããã"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A list of PolicyKit action where the \"retain authorization\" checkbox "
-#~ "isn't checked by default; this list is maintained by the authentication "
-#~ "dialog code itself. For example, if a user unchecks the \"retain "
-#~ "authorization\" check box for an action and successfully obtains an "
-#~ "authorization for the action, the action will be added to this list."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "\"èèçæãäçãçãã\" ãããããããããããããããã OFF ãããã"
-#~ "ã PolicyKit ããããããäããããããããããããããèèããããããã"
-#~ "ããããããããççãããããäãããããããäæãããããããåãã "
-#~ "\"èèçæãäçãçãã\" ããããããåããããããããããåèããæé"
-#~ "ãæãåããããããããããããããããããèåããããããããããã"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A list of actions where the \"retain authorization\" checkbox isn't "
-#~ "checked by default"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ãããããã \"èèçæãäçãçãã\" ãããããããããã OFF ãããã"
-#~ "ãããããã"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If set to true, the authentication dialog from PolicyKit-gnome will grab "
-#~ "the keyboard, so that you will not be able to type in other programs "
-#~ "while the dialog is active. Use this if your window manager does not "
-#~ "focus the authentication dialog automatically, and you want to avoid "
-#~ "accidentally typing passwords in other programs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "TRUE ãããããPolicyKit-gnome ãèèãããããããããããååããããã"
-#~ "ããããããããããããããããèçãããããéãäããããããããããã"
-#~ "åçããããããããããããããããæèãäããããäããããããããã"
-#~ "ãããããèèããããããããããããäãããããååãããããããããã"
-#~ "ããããååããæãããããããåãããããäãããããããèããèçãã"
-#~ "ããããåéæãåéãããããããããã"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If set to true, then \"retain authorization\" check box (if present) is "
-#~ "checked by default in the authentication dialog unless the action is "
-#~ "mentioned in the \"/desktop/gnome/policykit/"
-#~ "auth_dialog_retain_authorization_blacklist\" key."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "TRUE ããããã\"/desktop/gnome/policykit/"
-#~ "auth_dialog_retain_authorization_blacklist\" ãããæçããããããããé"
-#~ "ããèèãããããã \"èèçæãäçãçãã\" ããããããããããããã"
-#~ "ããã ON ãããããããã"
-#~ msgid "Whether the authentication dialog should grab the keyboard"
-#~ msgstr "èèãããããããããããååãããããããããããããã"
-#~ msgid "Whether the retain authorization check box is checked by default"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "\"èèçæãäçãçãã\" ãããããããããããããããã ON ããããã"
-#~ "ãã"
-#~ msgid "Copyright  2007 David Zeuthen"
-#~ msgstr "Copyright  2007 David Zeuthen"
-#~ msgid "PolicyKit-gnome Website"
-#~ msgstr "PolicyKit-gnome ããããããã"
-#~ msgid "PolicyKit-gnome demo"
-#~ msgstr "PolicyKit-gnome ããã"
-#~ msgid "PolicyKit for the GNOME desktop"
-#~ msgstr "GNOME ããããããåãã PolicyKit çãããããããã"
-#~ msgid "_File"
-#~ msgstr "ãããã(_F)"
-#~ msgid "_Actions"
-#~ msgstr "ããããã(_A)"
-#~ msgid "_Help"
-#~ msgstr "ããã(_H)"
-#~ msgid "_Quit"
-#~ msgstr "çä(_Q)"
-#~ msgid "Quit"
-#~ msgstr "çä"
-#~ msgid "_About"
-#~ msgstr "æå(_A)"
-#~ msgid "About"
-#~ msgstr "æå"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Making the helper <b>Frobnicate</b> requires the user to authenticate. "
-#~ "The authorization is kept for the life time of the process"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<b>Frobnicate</b> ããããããããäæãããããããèèãåèãããããã"
-#~ "èèãããæéããããããçäããããæåããã"
-#~ msgid "Frobnicate!"
-#~ msgstr "Frobnicate!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Making the helper <b>Jump</b> requires the user to authenticate. This is "
-#~ "a one-shot authorization."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<b>Jump</b> ããããããããäæãããããããèèãåèããããããèèã"
-#~ "ããæéãïåéã (ããããããã) æåããã"
-#~ msgid "Jump!"
-#~ msgstr "Jump!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Making the helper <b>Tweak</b> requires a system administrator to "
-#~ "authenticate. This instance overrides the defaults set in "
-#~ "polkit_gnome_action_new()."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<b>Tweak</b> ããããããããäæããããççèãèèãåèããããããã"
-#~ "ããããã polkit_gnome_action_new() éæãããããããããããåãäæã"
-#~ "ãããã"
-#~ msgid "Tweak!"
-#~ msgstr "Tweak!"
-#~ msgid "Tweak"
-#~ msgstr "Tweak"
-#~ msgid "Tweak (long)"
-#~ msgstr "Tweak (long)"
-#~ msgid "If your admin wasn't annoying, you could do this"
-#~ msgstr "ããççèãããããäãããããããããåçããããããã"
-#~ msgid "Tweak..."
-#~ msgstr "Tweak..."
-#~ msgid "Tweak... (long)"
-#~ msgstr "Tweak... (long)"
-#~ msgid "Only card carrying tweakers can do this!"
-#~ msgstr "Only card carrying tweakers can do this!"
-#~ msgid "Tweak! (long)"
-#~ msgstr "Tweak! (long)"
-#~ msgid "Go ahead, tweak tweak tweak!"
-#~ msgstr "Go ahead, tweak tweak tweak!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Making the helper <b>Twiddle</b> requires a system administrator to "
-#~ "authenticate. Once authenticated, this privilege can be retained "
-#~ "indefinitely."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<b>Twiddle</b> ããããããããäæããããããããççèãèèãåèã"
-#~ "ããäåèèããããããæéãçæéãäçããããã"
-#~ msgid "Twiddle!"
-#~ msgstr "Twiddle!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Making the helper <b>Punch</b> requires the user to authenticate. Once "
-#~ "authenticated, this privilege can be retained for the remainder of the "
-#~ "desktop session."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<b>Punch</b> ããããããããäæãããããããèèãåèãããäåèèã"
-#~ "ãããããæéããããããããããããããçäããããæåããã"
-#~ msgid "Punch!"
-#~ msgstr "Punch!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The <b>Toggle</b> action demonstrates the use of PolicyKit to drive a "
-#~ "GtkToggleButton; it's an intuitive way to ask users to give up "
-#~ "authorizations when they are done with them. E.g. the button is 'pressed "
-#~ "in' exactlywhen the authorization is held. Toggling the button means "
-#~ "obtaining resp. revoking the authorization in question."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<b>Toggle</b> ããããããããã GtkToggleButton ãæäãããã PolicyKit "
-#~ "ãäãæãããããããèèãäæããããããããäéãããããçæçãææ"
-#~ "ãããäãããããããæäãããçæãèèãäæããããããæåããããã"
-#~ "ããããããããåãæãããããèèãæåãçåããèãããã"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<i>Tip: try editing /etc/PolicyKit/Policy.conf and see the proxy widgets "
-#~ "update in real-time.</i>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<i>ãã: /etc/PolicyKit/Policy.conf ããããããããçéããæåãäçãã"
-#~ "ãããããææãããããçèããããäããã</i>"
-#~ msgid "Frobnicate"
-#~ msgstr "Frobnicate"
-#~ msgid "Jump"
-#~ msgstr "Jump"
-#~ msgid "Kick bar"
-#~ msgstr "Kick bar"
-#~ msgid "Kick baz"
-#~ msgstr "Kick baz"
-#~ msgid "Kick foo"
-#~ msgstr "Kick foo"
-#~ msgid "Punch"
-#~ msgstr "Punch"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from "
-#~ "Frobnicating"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from "
-#~ "Frobnicating"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Jumping"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Jumping"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Kicking bar"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Kicking bar"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Kicking baz"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Kicking baz"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Kicking foo"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Kicking foo"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Punching"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Punching"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Toggling"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Toggling"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Tweaking"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Tweaking"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Twiddling"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "System policy prevents the PolicyKit-gnome example helper from Twiddling"
-#~ msgid "Toggle"
-#~ msgstr "Toggle"
-#~ msgid "Twiddle"
-#~ msgstr "Twiddle"
-#~ msgid "Authenticating..."
-#~ msgstr "èèä..."
-#~ msgid "Don't exit after 30 seconds of inactivity"
-#~ msgstr "30çéããããããåãååçäããã"
-#~ msgid "PolicyKit GNOME session daemon"
-#~ msgstr "PolicyKit GNOME ããããããããããã"
-#~ msgid "Starting PolicyKit GNOME session daemon version %s"
-#~ msgstr "PolicyKit ã GNOME ãããããããããã (ããããã %s) ãèåä..."
-#~ msgid "_Remember authorization for this session"
-#~ msgstr "ããããããããåããæéãèæãããã(_R)"
-#~ msgid "_Remember authorization"
-#~ msgstr "æéãèæãããã(_R)"
-#~ msgid "For this _session only"
-#~ msgstr "ãããããããããæåããã(_S)"
-#~ msgid "<small><b>Application:</b></small>"
-#~ msgstr "<small><b>ãããããããã:</b></small>"
-#~ msgid "(unknown"
-#~ msgstr "(äæ"
-#~ msgid "_Password for root:"
-#~ msgstr "root ãããããã(_P):"
-#~ msgid "_Password or swipe finger for %s:"
-#~ msgstr "%s ãããããããããæçèè(_P):"
-#~ msgid "_Password or swipe finger for root:"
-#~ msgstr "root ãããããããããæçèè(_P):"
-#~ msgid "_Password or swipe finger:"
-#~ msgstr "ããããããããæçèè(_P):"
-#~ msgid "No"
-#~ msgstr "ããã"
-#~ msgid "Admin Authentication (one shot)"
-#~ msgstr "ããããççèãèè (ïåãã)"
-#~ msgid "Admin Authentication (keep session)"
-#~ msgstr "ããããççèãèè (ããããããããéãã)"
-#~ msgid "Admin Authentication (keep indefinitely)"
-#~ msgstr "ããããççèãèè (æéãã)"
-#~ msgid "Authentication (one shot)"
-#~ msgstr "èè (ïåãã)"
-#~ msgid "Authentication (keep session)"
-#~ msgstr "èè (ããããããããéãã)"
-#~ msgid "Authentication (keep indefinitely)"
-#~ msgstr "èè (æéãã)"
-#~ msgid "Yes"
-#~ msgstr "ãã"
-#~ msgid ", "
-#~ msgstr ", "
-#~ msgid "Must be on console"
-#~ msgstr "çæããããã"
-#~ msgid "Must be in active session"
-#~ msgstr "åçäããããããããããã"
-#~ msgid "Must be program %s"
-#~ msgstr "%s ããããããããããããã"
-#~ msgid "Must be SELinux Context %s"
-#~ msgstr "%s ããã SELinux ãããããããããããã"
-#~ msgid "A moment ago"
-#~ msgstr "ãããäããã"
-#~ msgid "1 minute ago"
-#~ msgstr " 1åå"
-#~ msgid "%d minutes ago"
-#~ msgstr " %dåå"
-#~ msgid "1 hour ago"
-#~ msgstr " 1æéå"
-#~ msgid "%d hours ago"
-#~ msgstr " %dæéå"
-#~ msgid "1 day ago"
-#~ msgstr " 1æå"
-#~ msgid "%d days ago"
-#~ msgstr " %dæå"
-#~ msgid "Auth as %s (uid %d)"
-#~ msgstr "%s ãããèèãã (UID %d)"
-#~ msgid "Auth as uid %d"
-#~ msgstr "UID %d ãããèèãã"
-#~ msgid "Blocked by %s (uid %d)"
-#~ msgstr "%s ããããããããã (UID %d)"
-#~ msgid "Blocked by uid %d"
-#~ msgstr "UID %d ããããããããã"
-#~ msgid "Granted by %s (uid %d)"
-#~ msgstr "%s ãããèåãã (UID %d)"
-#~ msgid "Granted by uid %d"
-#~ msgstr "UID %d ãèåä"
-#~ msgid "Single shot pid %d (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "PID %d ãïåãã (%s)"
-#~ msgid "pid %d (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "PID %d (%s)"
-#~ msgid "This session"
-#~ msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#~ msgid "Always"
-#~ msgstr "åã"
-#~ msgid "None"
-#~ msgstr "ãã"
-#~ msgid "Grant Negative Authorization"
-#~ msgstr "ããããããæé"
-#~ msgid "Grant Authorization"
-#~ msgstr "èåããæé"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<b><big>Granting a negative authorization for the <i>%s</i> action "
-#~ "requires more information</big></b>"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<b><big><i>%s</i> ãããããããããããããããæéãåèãããããäãæ"
-#~ "å</big></b>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<b><big>Granting an authorization for the <i>%s</i> action requires more "
-#~ "information</big></b>"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<b><big><i>%s</i> ãããããããããèåããæéãåèãããããäãæå</"
-#~ "big></b>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Select the user to block for the action and, optionally, any constraints "
-#~ "on the negative authorization that you are about to grant."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ããããããããåèããããããããéæããäãã (ãããããããèåãã"
-#~ "ããããæéãããããããããããæäãæåãããã)"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Select the beneficiary and, optionally, how to constrain the "
-#~ "authorization that you are about to grant."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ããããããããåèãããããããéæããäãã (ãããããããèåããã"
-#~ "ãããæéãããããããããããæäãæåãããã)"
-#~ msgid "<b>Beneficiary</b>"
-#~ msgstr "<b>åèãããããã</b>"
-#~ msgid "Select the user that will receive the negative authorization."
-#~ msgstr "ããããããããåèãããã (çæ) ããããéæããäãã:"
-#~ msgid "Select the user that will receive the authorization."
-#~ msgstr "ããããããããåèããã (æéãæã) ããããéæããäãã:"
-#~ msgid "_Show system users"
-#~ msgstr "ãããããããããèçãã(_S)"
-#~ msgid "<b>Constraints</b>"
-#~ msgstr "<b>æä</b>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Constraints limits the authorization such that it only applies under "
-#~ "certain circumstances."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ããæäããçåãçåäãããæéãéçãããããããããæåããã"
-#~ msgid "_None"
-#~ msgstr "ãã(_N)"
-#~ msgid "Must be _in active session"
-#~ msgstr "åçäããããããããããã(_I)"
-#~ msgid "Must be on _local console"
-#~ msgstr "ãããããçæããããã(_L)"
-#~ msgid "Must be in _active session on local console"
-#~ msgstr "åçäãããããããããããããçæããããã(_A)"
-#~ msgid "_Block..."
-#~ msgstr "ãããããã(_B)"
-#~ msgid "_Grant..."
-#~ msgstr "èåãã(_G)"
-#~ msgid "Edit Implicit Authorizations"
-#~ msgstr "æéãæéãçé"
-#~ msgid "<b><big>Choose new implicit authorizations</big></b>"
-#~ msgstr "<b><big>æããæéãæéãéæ</big></b>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Implicit authorizations are authorizations that are granted automatically "
-#~ "to users under certain circumstances. Choose what is required for the "
-#~ "action <i>%s</i>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "æéãæéããããããããçæãããããåããèåçãèåãããæéããã"
-#~ "æãããããããåããåèãçæãéæããäãã: <i>%s</i>."
-#~ msgid "<i>Anyone:</i>"
-#~ msgstr "<i>èã:</i>"
-#~ msgid "<i>Console:</i>"
-#~ msgstr "<i>çæ:</i>"
-#~ msgid "<i>Active Console:</i>"
-#~ msgstr "<i>åèäãçæ:</i>"
-#~ msgid "_Modify..."
-#~ msgstr "åæ(_M)"
-#~ msgid "<b>Action</b>"
-#~ msgstr "<b>ããããã</b>"
-#~ msgid "<i>Description:</i>"
-#~ msgstr "<i>èæ:</i>"
-#~ msgid "<i>Vendor:</i>"
-#~ msgstr "<i>ããã:</i>"
-#~ msgid "<b>Implicit Authorizations</b>"
-#~ msgstr "<b>æéãæéãäè</b>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Implicit authorizations are authorizations automatically given to users "
-#~ "based on certain criteria such as if they are on the local console."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "æéãæéãããããããæäãåãããèåçãèåãããæéããããã (æ"
-#~ "äãããäãããããããçæãäããããããããããåèãããã)ã"
-#~ msgid "_Edit..."
-#~ msgstr "çé(_E)"
-#~ msgid "Revert To _Defaults..."
-#~ msgstr "ããããããæã(_D)"
-#~ msgid "<b>Explicit Authorizations</b>"
-#~ msgstr "<b>æéãæççãæå</b>"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This list displays authorizations that are either obtained through "
-#~ "authentication or specifically given to the entity in question. Blocked "
-#~ "authorizations are marked with a STOP sign."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ããäèããèèãéããååããæéãåèããããããããããåããæçç"
-#~ "ãæåãããæéãèçãããããããçåãæéããåæããããääãããã"
-#~ "ããã"
-#~ msgid "Entity"
-#~ msgstr "ãããããã"
-#~ msgid "Scope"
-#~ msgstr "çå"
-#~ msgid "How"
-#~ msgstr "åçææ"
-#~ msgid "Constraints"
-#~ msgstr "æä"
-#~ msgid "_Revoke"
-#~ msgstr "çåããã(_R)"
-#~ msgid "_Revoke..."
-#~ msgstr "çåããã(_R)"
-#~ msgid "_Show authorizations from all users..."
-#~ msgstr "åããããããæéãèçãã(_S)"
-#~ msgid "_Show authorizations from all users"
-#~ msgstr "åããããããæéãèçãã(_S)"
-#~ msgid "Select an action"
-#~ msgstr "ããããããéæããäãã"
+msgid "Authentication dialog was dismissed by the user"
+msgstr "èèããããããããããããããéèçãããããã"

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