[kupfer: 1/2] Plugins: Opera Mail

commit 5dd5e79869569d1d05eb2167991ea8814c832c3d
Author: Chris Parsons <cjparsons1 yahoo co uk>
Date:   Fri Jun 4 07:07:32 2010 +0100

    Plugins: Opera Mail
    Contacts as a source and add Compose New Email action

 kupfer/plugin/operamail.py |  123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/POTFILES.in             |    1 +
 2 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kupfer/plugin/operamail.py b/kupfer/plugin/operamail.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a4d119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kupfer/plugin/operamail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+__kupfer_name__ = _("Opera Mail")
+__kupfer_sources__ = ("OperaContactsSource", )
+__kupfer_actions__ = ("NewMailAction", )
+__description__ = _("Opera Mail contacts and actions")
+__version__ = "2010-05-18"
+__author__ = "Chris Parsons <cjparsons1 yahoo co uk>"
+import codecs
+import os
+from kupfer.objects import Leaf, Action, Source
+from kupfer.objects import TextLeaf, UrlLeaf, RunnableLeaf
+from kupfer import utils
+from kupfer.obj.helplib import FilesystemWatchMixin
+from kupfer.obj.grouping import ToplevelGroupingSource
+from kupfer.obj.contacts import ContactLeaf, EmailContact, email_from_leaf
+CONTACTS_FILE = "contacts.adr"
+class ComposeMail(RunnableLeaf):
+	''' Create new mail without recipient '''
+	def __init__(self):
+		RunnableLeaf.__init__(self, name=_("Compose New Email"))
+	def run(self):
+		utils.launch_commandline('opera -remote "openComposer()"')
+	def get_description(self):
+		return _("Compose a new message in Opera Mail")
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "mail-message-new"
+class NewMailAction(Action):
+	''' Create new mail to selected leaf'''
+	def __init__(self):
+		Action.__init__(self, _('Compose Email'))
+	def activate(self, leaf):
+		self.activate_multiple((leaf, ))
+	def activate_multiple(self, objects):
+		recipients = ",".join(email_from_leaf(L) for L in objects)
+		utils.launch_commandline('opera -remote openURL(mailto:%s)' % recipients)
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "mail-message-new"
+	def item_types(self):
+		yield ContactLeaf
+		yield TextLeaf
+		yield UrlLeaf
+	def valid_for_item(self, item):
+		return bool(email_from_leaf(item))
+class OperaContactsSource(ToplevelGroupingSource, FilesystemWatchMixin):
+	def __init__(self, name=_("Opera Mail Contacts")):
+		super(OperaContactsSource, self).__init__(name, "Contacts")
+		self._opera_home = os.path.expanduser("~/.opera/")
+		self._contacts_path = os.path.join(self._opera_home, CONTACTS_FILE)
+	def initialize(self):
+		ToplevelGroupingSource.initialize(self)
+		if not os.path.isdir(self._opera_home):
+			return
+		self.monitor_token = self.monitor_directories(self._opera_home)
+	def monitor_include_file(self, gfile):
+		return gfile and gfile.get_basename() == CONTACTS_FILE
+	def get_items(self):
+		name = None
+		folderList = ['TopLevel']
+		try:
+			with codecs.open(self._contacts_path, "r", "UTF-8") as bfile:
+				for line in bfile:
+					line = line.strip()
+					if line.startswith(u'-'):
+						folderList.pop()
+					elif line.startswith(u'#FOLDER'):
+						entryType = 'Folder'
+					elif line.startswith(u'#CONTACT'):
+						entryType = 'Contact'
+					elif line.startswith(u'TRASH FOLDER=YES'):
+						folderList[-1] = TRASH
+					elif line.startswith(u'NAME='):
+						name = line[5:]
+						if entryType == 'Folder':
+							folderList.append(name)
+					elif line.startswith(u'MAIL=') and name and \
+							entryType == 'Contact' and not TRASH in folderList:
+						yield EmailContact(line[5:], name)
+		except EnvironmentError, exc:
+			self.output_error(exc)
+		except UnicodeError, exc:
+			self.output_error("File %s not in expected encoding (UTF-8)" %
+					self._bookmarks_path)
+			self.output_error(exc)
+		yield ComposeMail()
+	def should_sort_lexically(self):
+		# since it is a grouping source, grouping and non-grouping will be
+		# separate and only grouping leaves will be sorted
+		return True
+	def get_description(self):
+		return _("Contacts from Opera Mail")
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "opera"
+	def provides(self):
+		yield RunnableLeaf
+		yield ContactLeaf
+# vi:nosmarttab:noexpandtab:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index 7c74594..2ac09ad 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ kupfer/plugin/locate.py

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