pitivi r1170 - in branches/SOC_2008_BLEWIS: . pitivi/ui

Author: blewis
Date: Tue Jul 15 08:56:03 2008
New Revision: 1170
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/pitivi?rev=1170&view=rev

reviewed by: <delete if not using a buddy>
* pitivi/ui/complextimeline.py:
complex source widgets now have visible drag handles, and the name is set
properly. some code to support resizing in the timeline exists, but it is
buggy an slow, and therefore not used in this commit.


Modified: branches/SOC_2008_BLEWIS/pitivi/ui/complextimeline.py
--- branches/SOC_2008_BLEWIS/pitivi/ui/complextimeline.py	(original)
+++ branches/SOC_2008_BLEWIS/pitivi/ui/complextimeline.py	Tue Jul 15 08:56:03 2008
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 from complexinterface import ZoomableWidgetInterface
 import goocanvas
 from util import *
+import os.path
+from urllib import unquote
 from pitivi.timeline.objects import MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO
@@ -63,6 +65,16 @@
+    goocanvas.Rect,
+    {
+        "width" : 5,
+        "fill_color_rgba" : 0x00000033,
+        "line-width" : 0
+    },
+    {}
@@ -78,7 +90,7 @@
         "font" : "Sans 9",
         "text" : "will be replaced",
         "fill_color_rgba" : 0x66AA66FF,
-        "anchor" : gtk.ANCHOR_CENTER
+        "anchor" : gtk.ANCHOR_NW
@@ -92,6 +104,10 @@
+LEFT_SIDE = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.LEFT_SIDE)
+RIGHT_SIDE = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.RIGHT_SIDE)
+ARROW = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.ARROW)
 class ComplexTrack(SmartGroup):
     __gtype_name__ = 'ComplexTrack'
@@ -139,12 +155,16 @@
                 self.object_style = AUDIO_SOURCE
                 self.bg.props.height = AUDIO_TRACK_HEIGHT
     def _objectAdded(self, timeline, element):
-        w = self.make_element_widget(element)
+        w = ComplexTimelineObject(element, self.object_style)
+        make_dragable(self.canvas, w, moved=self._move_source_cb)
+        element.connect("start-duration-changed", self.start_duration_cb, w)
         self.widgets[element] = w
         self.elements[w] = element
+        self.start_duration_cb(element, element.start, element.duration, w)
         self.add_child(w, (0, 0))
+        #make_dragable(self.canvas, w.l_handle, moved=self._trim_source_start_cb)
+        #make_dragable(self.canvas, w.r_handle, moved=self._trim_source_end_cb)
     def _objectRemoved(self, timeline, element):
         w = self.widgets[element]
@@ -164,10 +184,28 @@
         widget.props.width =  self.ns_to_pixel(duration)
         self.set_child_pos(widget, (self.ns_to_pixel(start), 0))
-    def _drag_cb(self, item, pos):
-        x, y = pos
-        element = self.elements[item]
-        element.setStartDurationTime(max(self.pixel_to_ns(x), 0), -1)
+    def _move_source_cb(self, item, pos):
+        element = item.element
+        element.setStartDurationTime(max(self.pixel_to_ns(pos[0]), 0))
+    def _trim_source_start_cb(self, item, pos):
+        element = item.element
+        cur_end = element.start + element.duration
+        new_start = min(cur_end, max(0, self.pixel_to_ns(pos[0])))
+        new_duration = cur_end - new_start
+        new_media_start = element.media_start + (new_start - element.media_start)
+        element.setStartDurationTime(new_start, new_duration)
+        #FIXME: only for sources
+        element.setMediaStartDurationTime(new_media_start, new_duration)
+    def _trim_source_end_cb(self, item, pos):
+        element = item.element
+        cur_start = element.start
+        new_end = max(cur_start, self.pixel_to_ns(pos[0]))
+        new_duration = new_end - element.start
+        element.setStartDurationTime(-1, new_duration)
+        #FIXME: only for sources
+        element.setMediaStartDurationTime(-1, new_duration)
     def _zoom(self):
         """Force resize if zoom ratio changes"""
@@ -177,18 +215,73 @@
             duration = element.duration
             self.start_duration_cb(self, start, duration, child)
-    def make_element_widget(self, element):
-        rect = make_item(self.object_style)
-        rect.props.width = self.ns_to_pixel(element.duration)
+class ComplexTimelineObject(goocanvas.Group):
+    __gtype_name__ = 'ComplexTimelineObject'
+    x = gobject.property(type=float)
+    y = gobject.property(type=float)
+    height = gobject.property(type=float)
+    width = gobject.property(type=float)
+    def __init__(self, element, style):
+        goocanvas.Group.__init__(self)
+        self.element = element
+        self.bg = make_item(style)
+        self.name = make_item(LABEL)
+        self.name.props.text = os.path.basename(unquote(
+            element.factory.name))
+        self.l_handle = self._make_handle(LEFT_SIDE)
+        self.r_handle = self._make_handle(RIGHT_SIDE)
         # for the moment, not labeling sources
-        ret = rect
-        make_selectable(self.canvas, ret)
-        # must be called after make_selectable
-        make_dragable(self.canvas, ret, moved=self._drag_cb)
-        element.connect("start-duration-changed", self.start_duration_cb, ret)
-        ret.props.x = self.ns_to_pixel(element.start)
+        self.children = [self.bg, self.name, self.l_handle, self.r_handle]
+        for thing in self.children:
+            self.add_child(thing)
+        self.connect("notify::x", self.do_set_x)
+        self.connect("notify::y", self.do_set_y)
+        self.connect("notify::width", self.do_set_width)
+        self.connect("notify::height", self.do_set_height)
+        self.width = self.bg.props.width
+        self.height = self.bg.props.height
+    def _set_cursor(self, item, target, event, cursor):
+        window = event.window
+        # wtf ? no get_cursor?
+        #self._oldcursor = window.get_cursor()
+        window.set_cursor(cursor)
+    def _make_handle(self, cursor):
+        ret = make_item(DRAG_HANDLE)
+        ret.element = self.element
+        ret.connect("enter-notify-event", self._set_cursor, cursor)
+        ret.connect("leave-notify-event", self._set_cursor, ARROW)
         return ret
+    def do_set_x(self, *args):
+        x = self.x
+        self.bg.props.x = x
+        self.name.props.x = x + 2
+        self.l_handle.props.x = x
+        self.r_handle.props.x = x + self.width - width(self.r_handle)
+    def do_set_y(self, *args):
+        y = self.y
+        self.bg.props.y = y
+        self.name.props.y = y + 2
+        self.l_handle.props.y = y
+        self.r_handle.props.y = y
+    def do_set_width(self, *args):
+        self.bg.props.width = self.width
+        self.r_handle.props.x = self.x + self.width - width(self.r_handle)
+    def do_set_height(self, *args):
+        height = self.height
+        self.bg.props.height = height
+        self.l_handle.props.height = height
+        self.r_handle.props.height = height
+        self.name.props.height = 2
 class CompositionLayers(goocanvas.Canvas, ZoomableWidgetInterface):
     """ Souped-up VBox that contains the timeline's CompositionLayer """

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