Re: Cheese unattended mode

On Tue, 2012-07-10 at 04:19 +0600, Swiss Cheese wrote:
Hello list,

Is there a way to run Cheese (e.g.: cheese-3.4.2-3.fc17) in a hardened, fairly unattended fashion, so that it can be used without supervision in a photo booth kind of setting? The users should not be able to close the program or start any other applications on the machine, and they should not be able to delete any pictures already taken.

Any recipes/suggestions appreciated.


cheese-list mailing list
cheese-list gnome org
Now it just so happens that I asked a question like this recently, and I received an answer on "" .

I used my notebook computer with a good webcam and some lighting I set up, at a family celebration - engagement party.  I needed to print the captured photos and the move the printed files to a "printed" folder.  I received a reply from " neonsignal" at Linux questions and here is his script.  I modified my print spool to make it easier for me.

inotifywait -m -e close_write ~/Pictures/webcam --format "%w%f" | \
while read filename; do lpr -P Photosmart-C5200-Series "$filename"; mv "$filename" ~/Pictures/webcam/printed; done

Explanation from neonsignal:

The inotifywait (part of the inotifytools package) waits for writes to the folder. The '-m' flag makes it run indefinitely (instead of running it in a script loop which could mean it might miss an event). The '--format' outputs only the file names that were written.

The output of the inotify is piped to a while loop (alternatively xargs could be used to run a command for each filename input). The while loop reads the filename from standard input, prints it to the printer, and then moves it to the destination directory.

If you are using CUPS for your printing, then there are some image processing options that can be specified if the default is not what you want.

I set up 3 paraflood lights with one on the wall behind the subjects to knock out or minimise any shadows produced by the other two lights.

The night was a huge success with the photobooth being one of the highlights.

If you want some more ideas on the lighting I will send you some photos off list.

But if someone can figure out how to fire a flashgun - that would be truly fantastic.

Andrew Greig
Melbourne Australia

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