Re: Running Cheese on lubuntu


that pretty seems like you have some issues with the binaries of your
distribution. you might want to ask the packager about this?


On Di, 2010-04-13 at 19:21 +0200, Neil Benn wrote:
> Hello,
>          I'm trying to run cheese on lubuntu and I have the error
> message that the libcamel ELF file version does not match the current
> one (it is looking for version 1.2).  I'm at a bit of a loss to work
> out what to do.  I've tried to apt-get a version of libcamel but I
> cannot find a package to download for this.  Has anyone managed this
> successfully?  I'd appreciate any tips someone could give to help out
> here?
> Regards,
> Neil
> -- 

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