Cheese troubles

I read about Cheese in an article published at ArsTechnica and decided
to give it a try. I am running Kubuntu 8.04 (sorry! Please don't flame
me! I am not an animal! I am a human being!) so Apt installed the
application nicely on my machine (version 2.22.1 IIRC). I got a
shitty, no name webcam that works fine on my system with every other
piece of software that can use it so I didn't think I'd be in for any

I must say that I really love this program. Lightweight, good looking
and no featuritis! I couldn't be happier....until my display showed
up. It wasn't my webcam but my TV card that showed up. I tried
fiddling with the thing but there isn't much to fiddle with (The first
time I damned the lack of features :). After fiddling some more I
realized that Dr. Phil was green. I swear to you that man is related
to the Hulk! Scary stuff indeed....

Anyhow, I checked to see if I could run it from the command line with
parameters specifying my webcam but it doesn't seem to work.

Is there any way I can get Cheese to work with my webcam despite the
installed TV card? Looks like a cool little app and I would like to
use it!



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