Re: [BuildStream] Execution environments

Hi Jürg,

On Sat, 2018-11-17 at 14:06 +0100, Jürg Billeter wrote:
On Thu, 2018-11-01 at 20:28 +0100, Jürg Billeter wrote:
Cache key: We already include `os` and `arch` in the cache key
calculation, currently using the value from the host. However, as the
existing `arch` is based on `uname -m` instead of the proposed list,
cache keys will still change.

Open issue: The current `arch` project option type is documented and
implemented using `uname -m` as default. However, as described above,
`uname -m` varies across systems and is thus not suitable. Any
suggestions how to handle this with minimal breakage of existing

A possibility to solve this issue is to use the proposed OS-independent 
arch names for `arch` project options only if the project declares the
new format-version.

We don't currently use this approach (change behavior based on project
format-version), however, it might provide a reasonable backward
compatibility story, as long as we don't overuse it. This approach
might also be useful when/if we introduce cache key stability.

I quite dislike this, it is a slippery slope towards being more lenient
about breaking changes.

Personally I would rather just document this breaking change on our
wall of shame and live with it, than open the door to BuildStream
behaving differently depending on minimal version requirements.

I see artifact versioning as something completely separate to format
versioning, while it is true that when introducing artifact key
stability, we will need explicit versioning to be mentioned in
project.conf I think this is an artifact version and not a format
version, even if it is true that some BuildStream features (format
related or otherwise) will not be available in older supported artifact

Related to this, would it also make sense to report an error when a
project uses a feature that wasn't available in the format version
declared in project.conf?

I would very much support this.

 This would force projects to declare the
right format version and provide a better error message for users of
old BuildStream versions. (We should not retroactively do this for past
format versions, but we could do it for future format version bumps).

On the topic of project options and execution environments, I think it
would also make sense to introduce a new project option type `os` that
works similar to the `arch` option type. This would allow multi-
platform projects to default to the host OS instead of requiring their
users to explicitly specify the corresponding project option.



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