Re: [Add Gitlab features to BuildStream 02/04]: Labels


On 21/05/18 10:26, Agustín Benito Bethencourt wrote:

On Sunday, 13 May 2018 23:50:42 CEST Agustín Benito Bethencourt wrote:

### Labels

Labels allow us to structure, filter and visualise some of the Gitlab
elements in different ways. The create an impact in other elements and they
introduce complexity and effort as they grow in number and usage. So the
general approach is to have the minimum possible.

Check the description of labels on Gitlab:

Proposal: create 4 different group of labels and deprecate some of the
existing ones:

  * Severity: 4 levels
        * No label: unprocessed item, no or low priority.
        * Important: default severity for processed items that should be
        * Urgent: to pay attention in the immediate future when possible.
        * Critical: topics that require attention immediately when possible. This
label already exists.

  * State: 5 states proposed although two of  them are default states on
        * Backlog: default state on Gitlab so no label needed.
        * Todo: processed elements that should be done in the future.
        * Doing: WIP
        * Review: items that are under review.
        * Closed: items that has been processed and canceled, finished or no
apply. Default state on Gitlab so no label needed.

  * Topic/nature: the proposal do not add nor changes the meaning of any
label. They are currently being used.
        * Needs Backport
        * Regression
        * Bug
        * Enhancement
        * Documentation
        * Refactoring
        * Reproducibility
        * Tests
        * Logging
        * Frontend
        * Infrastructure

Once the proposal has been implemented, we have come to the following

When looking at the Bugs - Severity board...


you can see that most bugs does not have any severity label or are labeled as

The new policy provide a different meaning to Critical since now it is focused
on the severity for developers while

In terms of severity, the goal of the label Critical now is that the ticket/
bug is something all developers should be paying attention to, modifying their
current agendas. Before the concept was more focused on the impact on users of
the bug/task.

Thanks for the clarification to the changed nature of the Critical label, this is important to take note of.

The current proposal do not provide any accommodation  to that previous
meaning, which seems relevant to keep, based on the discussions I've had with
Tristan once the proposal has been implemented.

So I propose to create a new scale called Impact. This is a scale that mix
impact and frequency of a bug as starting point. In the future, if there is
need, we can decouple these two concepts.

So, to confirm, there is a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 types of labels to consider when raising a ticket. Firstly:

* Severity
* Status
* Topic

I think that every ticket should have the above 3 labels applied, is this correct?

Then the fourth category of ticket:

* Impact

Which should only apply to bugs, of course.


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