RE: Brasero Documentation

Hi Andrew,

On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 14:42 -0600, Andrew Stabeno wrote:
> Do you think we should leave the screenshot out?  I included it because it
>, said it should be included.  I have
> seen a few other gnome app docs that have screenshots as well.

The GNOME Style Guide has the following to say about this:

"Include a screenshot of the applet or application at the start of the
manual for the applet or application. The screenshot enables users to
verify that the manual describes the same applet or application that
they are viewing online."

Based on the above it seems that the screenshot should be left in, but
as Milo says you'll need to re-take the screenshot using the GNOME
default theme (Clearlooks, I think).



Phil Bull

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