Re: [Banshee-List] Fleow Plugin

I've done a little digging inside the code and I've found out that PlayerInterface.cs has a ViewContainer private property. this contains the widget in between the header and footer widgets in banshee.
It contains a SourceView and a CompositeTrackSourceContents widget.
The CompositeTrackSourceContents widget contains the appropiate lists, so if the musiclibrary is selected this contains the AlbumListView!

My question: how can I acces the CompositeTrackSourceContents widget or alter it's Views?
I could create a drop-in replacement for the AlbumListView that contains the cover flow (I'd use the AlbumListView class as a base, hide all of it's children, and link it's GdkWindow with the GLArea inside the Fleow plugin, only thing left is connecting all of the events)
But to add this replacement I need to be able to alter the Views of the CompositeTrackSourceContents widget!

your input is greatly appreciated!

> Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 12:44:14 +0200
> From: infernux web de
> To: banshee-list gnome org
> Subject: Re: [Banshee-List] Fleow Plugin
> > - the original Fleow plugins adds it's 'Engine' widget (the cover flow) as
> > next: InterfaceElements.MainContainer.PackEnd(...); What is the structure
> > of the GUI at the moment, and can I replace the album browser? I'be
> > browsed throuught the source code but couldn't find it immediately.
> The browser code should be in Banshee.Collection.Gui IIRC. I don't know if you can
> override the widget right now but even if not, I don't see why this could not
> become an extension point in the future. Gabriel, Aaron, what do you think?
> > - What is the database layout of Banshee?
> Go to ~/.config/banshee-1 and run "sqlite3 banshee.db .dump > banshee.db.sql"
> to get a text dump of you DB which should give you the basic idea.
> > More specifically where are the album covers stored (in the database? real files?)
> > or where can I find the information in the database!
> The cover art files are all stored in ~/.cache/album-art/ as individual files. The
> filenames are artist-album.jpg (with spaces and special characters stripped out).
> Have a look at src/Core/Banshee.Core/Banshee.Base/CoverArtSpec.cs for the
> details.
> Cheers,
> -Michael
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