Re: email header wrapping and truncation

On 2017.08.02 06:48, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
Hi Jack:

Sorry for the late reply, I've been on vacation and returned only yesterday…
I hope you enjoyed yourself.  This is certainly not a critical issue.

Am 21.07.17 21:18 schrieb(en) Jack:
It seems that in this last case, Balsa only sees the first line as the value of that header ("first part of header, but tr") which can cause a problem, if, for example, it is the "Reply-to:" header. I now have two examples of this actually happening. One is marketing messages I used to get from consumer cellular. The other is from the mailing list system. If I send a subscribe reqeust, it replies with a message I need to reply to to confirm the request. However, it's Reply-to is of the third form above, and not noticing the truncation, my first reply just got me an error bounce.

How do you load the message from your ISP's server (POP3, IMAP, fetchmail, etc.)? If you use Balsa's built-in POP3 interface to load them, it might be helpful to enable debugging to check if there is an issue with it (Peter discovered a broken POP3 server recently):

- terminate Balsa
- run Balsa by calling
  G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all /path/to/balsa > LOG.out 2> LOG.err
- download the message
- terminate Balsa

You will find the download log by running “grep DEBUG LOG.out”, maybe this will give some more information. If you want to post it here, please remember to anonymise or remove any sensitive information!

I do use POP3, with the added wrinkle of going through POPFILE for spam filtering. I will try this logging, but I also still need to do a "complete" test of sending myself a test with long headers, and capturing the file at each stage: unsent from draft folder, from sent folder, and then as received. (also using different send and receive hosts) The little testing I have done just left me more confused. Unfortunately, since I am now aware of it, as long as I can remember to check the TO: header before actually sending any reply, I can work around it.


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