Re: ANNOUNCE: balsa-2.4.0 released


On 05/25/2009 10:58:29 PM, Pawel Salek wrote:

Afer a long break, Balsa team announces the release of balsa-2.4.0 available at (changed location! We look for a nicer URL). The most important change is probably the changed library requirements - see below for details. Another important fact is that - and balsa as well - moved to using git as the version control system.

You can download balsa-2.4.0 directly from

Some highlights:
- GMime-2.4, GLib-2.16, and Gtk-2.14 required.

Tricky to compile on fedoras before 11 goes out. Had to dl gmime-24. src rpm and
rebuild that first but it's done ->
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/i386/balsa-2.4.0-1.fc10.i386.rpm
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/i386/balsa-debuginfo-2.4.0-1.fc10.i386.rpm

- use libunique as an alternative to BonoboActivation, whenever available.
- compile and run on Mac OSX.
- VCALENDAR and VEVENT handling.


- deprecation cleanup.
- message threading improvements (eg. thread selection) and fixes.

So far no bugs surfaced .. nice release.

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