ANNOUNCE: balsa-2.3.19 released


Balsa team proudly announces the release of balsa-2.3.19 available at

You can download balsa-2.3.19 directly from
$ sha1sum balsa-2.3.19.tar.bz2
6965b9856d4d05dcccdfe21838ae07d0916eedda  balsa-2.3.19.tar.bz2

It is already available in FedoraExtras development repository.

Major highlights of this balsa release wrt 2.3.17 are:

- reflow improvements.
- Build problems against steaming-hot GNOME fixed (but GnomeDruid code is kept around for those who need it) - *really working this time*!
- Make BINARY and ESEARCH IMAP extensions usage more robust.

I would like to thank all the people who helped to make this release happen.

Happy mailing!

Pawel Salek

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