Minutes of GNOME Asia meeting on 20221004

The meeting minutes is available on https://wiki.gnome.org/GnomeAsia/Minutes/20221004

= October 04 2022 Meeting =
 1. Syzawan
 1. Kristi

== Agenda ==

 * GNOME.Asia Summit 2022 Update
 * A.O.B.
 * When will we meet next time?

== Meeting notes ==

 * GNOME.Asia Summit 2022 Update
   * Local team received a quotation from the venue provider.
   * Local team is looking for local sponsors.
   * We are receiving the call for papers and the papers committee is reviewing the proposals, the deadline is October 10th.
   * For travel sponsorship, the local team should send Kristi their names ASAP before she forwards them to the travel committee.
 * A.O.B.
 * When will we meet next time?
   * 11 October 2022, Tuesday (13:00 UTC)

== Action Items ==
 * AI: Syzawan will contact the venue for the last terms.
 * AI: Kristi will talk with Rosanna to decide which option to go with.
 * AI: Syzawan will share with the team the AV quotation.
 * AI: Syzawan will ask the AV team for any of their past works.
 * AI: Kristi will ask Caroline to update our website 
 * AI: Syzawan will send the name and short description of the local media partner to Kristi.

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