Re: Student Training

Let's do this. 

Will update the wiki page.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Pockey Lam <pockeylam gnome org> wrote:
Hi Allan,

We are opening student training registration in 4 days. Our student trainers will be Emily Chen, Bharath, Akhil and you :)

We just want to have your confirmation if you can prepare a 2 hours student training of GNOME regarding user experience design. The training will probably be on March 29 and / or March 30 (one or two days depending on the number of registrants.)

The training will most likely be hosted in a computer rooms with GNOME installed, we expect to have a hand on section so students can practise after learning.

Since we will be announcing the details, if you confirm to give this training, please edit the wiki page to put more details about your 2 hours training in the page so we will announce it accordingly.

wiki page:


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