Fwd: http://www.gnome.asia/

Morning all,

Didn't want to keep this for myself (with Emily), so I'm sharing with the list.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: http://www.gnome.asia/
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2010 17:07:51 -0400
From: Richard Stallman <rms gnu org>
Reply-To: rms gnu org
To: Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com>
CC: fred beijinglug org

I looked at the new version of the page.  It is a big improvement.
It calls for one change: add "GNU/" before "Linux"
in "Linux and Unix-based".  Since "Unix" is a complete system,
parallelism calls for "GNU/Linux" there.

The tag line issue remains.

However, in the pages that you share with COSCUP, there may be
somewhat of a problem.  Since COSCUP will put in an "open source"
emphasis, it is important to put in something that will show
GNOME stands for free software.

Some sort of image of the sort I suggested, with a GNOME logo
on a background of many words for "free", would do the job.

Do you have someone who can create that?

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