Re: Survey @ GNOME.Asia (Draft)

Zhen Tao (Jerry) wrote:
Hi All,

It's really a great honor to contribute myself to GNOME Asia Summit by encouragements from Fiona Duan and Emily Chen.

I'm Zhen Tao (Jerry) from Sun Developer Network China, who is currently responsible for management of SDN China site (

I just prepared two surveys (draft) for each day on GNOME Asia Summit. These survey papers would be collected before lucky draw. Representatives from sponsors would pick out the lucky one from these survey papers and give its presents. I really appreciate your suggestion for these two surveys.

Thanks a lot,
- Zhen Tao (Jerry)
Hi Jerry,

The surveys are very nice!

It's discussed lately to build up a GNOME User Group after the summit. But we're not so sure about the interests from the community. Could we add questions regarding this?

Two possible questions in my mind is like below:

1. 我们准备在峰会后组织GNOME的用户组活动进行相关的技术讨论,你是否有兴趣 参加?是/否 (It's prepared to have GNOME User Group after the summit to have further communication, are you interested in joining this? Yes/No)
2. 你觉得合适的用户组活动频率是:每个月一次/两个月一次/每季度一次/其他
(How do you like the frequency for the GNOME User Group?Monthly/bi-Monthly/Quarterly/Other)


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