Re: [Anjuta-list] Re: [Anjuta-devel] Search/Replace Misses First Match

>I think that's my fault. I (incorrectly) assumed that most people will
>prefer to search from the top *by default*. Therefore, I have made the
>default to "search from top" rather than "search from cursor". We can
>change the default in next release (not 0.1.9).


Note though that as far as searching goes, I want to be able to match on 
the currently-selected text, which is currently not possible.  All the 
subsequent matches are found properly, but anjuta skips over the 
currently-selected text.  :-(

And as for my other suggestion, it would be sufficient to just have a 
menu option to "Enter Find String" which would take the 
currently-selected text and enter that as the search target.  That should 
be quite simple, no?


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