Re: [anjuta-devel] git-shell branch

On Sun, 2010-11-14 at 10:13 +0100, Johannes Schmid wrote: 
Hi James!

I just took a look at the git shell branch and I think it works out
really nice. Don't you think it would be a good point to merge it into
master? I couldn't find anything that's not working though of course
some features are missing but they can be added later on (git am, git
bisect came to my mind).
Thanks for those nice comments Johannes. Such a positive reception is
very encouraging, considering that for a time I didn't really know how
well git shell would be received.

As for merging to master, I'm reluctant to do so at this point because
it's still very much feature-incomplete, and wouldn't meet the needs of
a lot of our users. It goes without saying that git shell development
hasn't progressed the way I would've liked. I'm way behind right now,
for various reasons (life, school, and just plain laziness,) so I don't
really think we're going to be where we need to be on this for 3.0. :(

Do you feel we'd be better served by having git shell in master, even if
it is far from done? I talked to Ignacio on IRC today and he seems to
like the idea of having a "preview" of git shell in master for 3.0,
where we could then work to finish it for future cycles. 

Some small things I found that I consider bugs:
* Log viewer freezes anjuta for some seconds here, I think it should be
Sometimes I see this, sometimes I don't. It's especially a problem for
large projects. The problem is that because we don't run the commands
asynchronously, data processing is done synchronously too, which is a
problem for very large sets of data. 

I do have a plan for tackling this issue though. I'd like to try using a
thread pool in the log command to see if that helps. 
* Same happens when I choose the push or pull task. Seems it fetches
some info from the repository and that really should be done in the
background without freezing the UI.
This one I don't get at all. The Push and Pull panes behave exactly like
the classic git plugin dialogs, so I don't see how they are making
Anjuta block. Are you certain it's coming from the push and pull panes? 

I am not 100% sure if it is useful to show the "Push" and "Pull" tab (or
basically any other) at the same time. I was a bit confusing to me and I
felt it would be easier if the "Push" tab just closed the "Pull" tab an
veci versa.
I never really thought of that until now, but we can experiment and see
what works best... 
Thanks for all the work you put into that branch!
Thanks for testing. :)


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