[anjuta-devel] Trying to contribute to language-support-cpp-java: how to build and install separately?


I am trying to contribute to the language-support-cpp-java Anjuta plugin as I have some nice ideas for additional features and improvements, but I cannot get the source files of this plugin (from the Anjuta 2.32.0 sources) to compile and install separately. I tried creating a "Project from existing sources" and selecting the folder of this plugin from the anjuta sources, but this led to makefile errors, probably because this plugin is tied in with the rest of the anjuta source. I also tried creating a new Anjuta Plugin project and copying all relevant files from the language-support-cpp-java plugin over, replacing the default ones the project had created. This eventually installed, but now every time I start Anjuta I get a message that the plugin failed to load because of an unknown symbol, which are some random characters and digits.

How can I build the plugin separately so I can add features to it? Is there a separate source package for this plugin somewhere?

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